Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Paddy Tipping, Labour MP has heart attack doing the right thing!

Dear All

We all know the expenses scandal has shattered faith in democracy.

For one Labour MP, Paddy Tipping the act of doing the right thing and paying back money has provoked unexpected consequences in the form of a heart attack.

The former Labour minister, for Sherwood, was taken ill at the weekend to hospital amd is expected to stay at Queen's Medical Centre in Nottingham to rest and recover.

Mr Tipping, 59, has paid back £14,320 - all the mortgage interest payments claimed on his London flat since 2003.

That must have got the old brow fevered and the ticker pumping like mad; the stress must have been huge.

Who the hell can lay their paws on £14k at a stroke?

Tipping said he was sorry and regretted the decision to re-mortgage at the taxpayer's expense, describing it as a "bad judgement".

It is funny how with New Labour it is always “bad judgment” or “error” is it not?

He chose to take the classic line to explain his behaviour as he had acted within the rules.

Jawohl Herr Tipping!

A spokesperson for Mr Tipping said: "We can confirm that Paddy Tipping, Labour MP for Sherwood, has been taken into hospital after suffering a mild heart attack”.

Let us hope that Paddy doesn’t have any more ‘expenses skeletons’ in the closet or more stress and heart attacks may follow.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

1 comment:

  1. Perhaps Paddy Tipping can ensure the accounts are in place and there is no more dirty linen or mistakes as he is near the end of his term of office as the Police and Commissioner for Nottinghamshire with elections around the corner.At least we can now see there are better candidates waiting to truly protect the local residents of Nottinghamshire,rather than come up with a load of political wafflefrom the present encumbant.
