Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Ed Balls, Labour MP tries to gag the press!

Dear All

Here is a laugh on just how sensitive New Labour has become and ‘leader in waiting’ Ed Balls in particular.

Ed Balls has got on the blower to Fraser Nelson of the Spectator and let rip with an angry exchange.

Balls isn’t happy and wants to muzzle the freedom of the press; he has a ordered Fraser Nelson to

"take that post down now"!

Sounds like a whingeing bitch to me who has been caught out!

"You should not call me a liar," said Brown’s ‘replacement’.

Nelson retort back to him was excellent;

“he shouldn't tell lies”.

This is New Labour problem; they are so caught up in daily lying that they see this as a normal act of politics.

Balls having failed to win the argument then allegedly went on to threat Nelson.

If the Spectator didn’t take the post down then it would “expose” the sort of publication they are.

That crowd are Tories Balls and always have been.

Finding out that threats were not working; Balls restored to a traditional approach of begging;

"So you will take the post down?"

This was met with laughter by Fraser Nelson who likes to rub it in.

Later still unhappy Ed Balls took to hounding Matthew d’Ancona, Spectator Editor by repeatedly phoning his mobile, four missed calls.

Can’t a guy go to the toilet in peace Ed?

The good thing about the Spectator is that they will have a pop at anyone even although they are out and out tories.

Well done Fraser Nelson like your attitude!

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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