Saturday, December 5, 2009

Tory Leader David Cameron promises a few extra quid to troops in Afghanistan, the trick is to stay alive to collect

Dear All

Tory leader David Cameron pops over to Afghanistan to see the Troops.

It is a photo opportunity to try and raise his profile as a statesman.

As if.

The British troops serving in Afghanistan aren’t there to support democracy, find Bin Laden or even stop the Afghans passing laws that legally allow rape of wives.

British Troops are fighting and dying for commerce.

And we are talking big bucks, protecting the heroin crop and the Trans Afghanistan Gas Pipeline project.

On his sham PR visit Cameron told British Troops not to raise false hope that soldiers would return home.

As a piece of electioneering Cameron promised troops that if the Tories got in then he will bonuses paid to serving soldiers in Afghanistan.

The only trick is being alive to spend it.

The Tories and Labour seem to miss the point, Afghanistan is an unwinnable war, the NATO forces aren’t liberators; they are occupiers.

There is this misconception that success is possible in Afghanistan; I presume it is to try and drum up support for the economic war against the Afghan people.

There is much talk about handing over to the Afghan forces next week but the country is riddled with corruption from top to bottom.

Cheapskate Gordon Brown thinks that by sending an extra 500 troops this will solve the problem, the problem is cultural not military.

The only reason we have joined the economic war is because of Tony Blair wanting to be seen as a world statesman on the coat tails of the Americans. The death toll along with that of Iraq is the Blair legacy of Britain’s disastrous foreign policy.

When the American start to pull out in July 2011, then the British under the next Tory Government will turn tail and run but I suspect that the Americans aren’t going anywhere.

Some troops will go home because the surge cannot be permanent and because of tour of duty rotas.

Mission failure, none of the objectives achieved.

The Afghan war is a perpetual war without end, why because the “allies” can’t pack up the Gas pipeline when they go.

Cameron is just as firmly under American control as Brown and Blair were and tossing servicemen a few extra quid if they live is pretty insulting in the extreme, he should be getting them home safe.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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