Friday, December 4, 2009

Steven 'bin laden' Purcell and the Labour Council of shame face the 'bins of wrath' as 12,000 people complain of Labour incompetence

Dear All

Steven ‘bin laden’ Purcell and the Labour Council of shame have decided to bring in private firms to break the bin men’s work to rule.

To be clear, the bin men’s demand is that they be treated fairly.

Although private firms have been brought in to tackle the rubbish and filth on Glasgow’s streets, Robert Booth, Director of Land and Environmental Services brother’s firm is doing okay and on to a good earner.

The level of Steven ‘bin laden’ Purcell and the Labour Council of shame’s incompetence is staggering 12,000 complaints have been received by Glasgow City Council.

12,000 complaints that show that Purcell and the Labour Party are the problem in the City of Glasgow.

The Winter of Discontent generated by the Labour Party has turned into a war with threats and disciplinary proceedings being the order of the day.

In a letter to Glasgow’s 79 councillors, one senior manager said;

“Unacceptable performance such as this is being addressed with employees facing disciplinary proceedings.”

In other words, the workers are to be targeted individually to try and break the dispute as the Glasgow Labour Party use their management to do their dirty work at arms length.

The Council management have accused staff involved in the “unofficial work-to-rule” of deliberately not reporting missed collections.

For the workers, union leaders described the non-reporting claims as “spurious” and accused the city council of a “systematic campaign of bullying and harassments”.

To try and ratchet the dispute further the Glasgow Labour Party controlling the City Council has Supervisors accompanying the bin men on their rounds as overseers.

The reason given is in order to address low productivity but I suspect the reality is to find out who the Labour Council have to target in a squad.

With three private firms operating in the city to clear the backlog, it is only a matter of time before Steven ‘bin laden’ Purcell and the Labour Council of shame get rid of Land and Environmental Services to an arms length company.

It seems that Steven ‘bin laden’ Purcell can’t get enough of destroying the lives of the people of Glasgow who work in the lowest paid and menial jobs in this city.

The farce that the Labour Party is there to protect the weakest in society is completely exposed; yet again the Labour Party is prepared to put money into the pockets of big business over fairness to its employees.

It’s time the people of Glasgow woke up and put their protest in the place it will do most good, at the ballot box and vote in more SNP Councillors to take over the running of the City of Glasgow.

That way the city can be returned to the people.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. Why do Glasgow put up with this!

  2. Dear Dawdels

    For years because of the FPTP system the people of Glasgow were denied seeing what SNP representation could do for them.

    Glasgow had a solid Labour vote which was in part anti Tory hatred.

    With effectively a monopoly no one else had a look in.

    Now, there are 20 SNP Councillors in the City of Glasgow standing up against everything from school closures to the organised crime families.

    It takes time because the issue is trust.

    The SNP have to do more effective campaigning in Glasgow, much more than they are doing at present.

    They have to be loud and vocal and right so the public see that they can be trusted to form the next administration.

    It won't happen if they stick to the old ways.

    Yours sincerely

    George Laird
    The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University
