Friday, December 4, 2009

More humilation for Labour MSP Wendy Alexander as Key Holyrood Committee reject GARL, it's failure, it's Alexander

Dear All

More failure and shame for Labour MSP Wendy Alexander as the Labour Party fails to get the influential Finance Committee to ask Finance Secretary John Swinney to reverse his decision on GARL.

More and more people are now clicking on to the fact that GARL is nothing more than an expensive white elephant.

For Wendy Alexander who is used to be wrong, it is another slap in the face, on the wrong side of the argument again.

After a detailed scrutiny of the Budget other political parties are waking up to the fact that the SNP Government is right not to proceed by either voting with the SNP or abstaining.

Who wants to be part of Labour’s failure!

Tory finance spokesman Derek Brownlee, along with three SNP MSPs voted down Labour’s call.

As Tory Bill Aitken said in Parliament, the case for the rail link had been made unanimously but given the tight budget that has been slashed to the bone by the UK Labour Government they are cautious about demanding it be reinstated.

As the Labour Party do their best to try create further people in an attempt to boost their election chances, they forget that the public has long memories, we know what Labour stand for and whom, they are the party of bought and paid for by big business.

The Labour Party argument doesn’t make economic sense;

the 1,300 jobs on the rail line aren’t going to the people of Glasgow or even Paisley.

Those jobs created will be temporary.

Paisley won’t benefit from the line.

Labour MSP David Whitton said;

“The SNP and the Tories seem determined to leave Scotland’s transport network stuck in the last century”.

And laying a mile of track is going to bring us into this century?

Is he therefore saying the roads and rail network are up to standard?

As CBI Director Iain McMillian said;

“if there is a squeeze on public expenditure then the motorway network has to come first.”

Given that the Labour Government plunged this country into financial recession by allowing uncontrolled banking and debt to get out of hand why Whitton and Alexander should want the Scottish Government to be as incompetent as the UK Government beggar’s belief?

Is it to say that the SNP are just as stupid, short sighted and idiotic as them?

It seems that although Wendy Alexander does very well lining her pockets from the taxpayer, the price for the people is far too high.

It’s time the people of Paisley vote her straight out the door on to the street permanently.

She is a liability.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

1 comment:

  1. Not everyone was pro the GARL in Paisley. One of the key objections (which were eventially overcome) was regarding the destruction to the St James playing fields.
