Saturday, December 5, 2009

The 'Salford Rat' Hazel Blears hopes the public will be stupid enough to vote her back at the General Election.

Dear All

Hazel Blears is under the impression that she has been treated unfairly because of the expenses scandal.

But let’s look at the facts.

Blears told parliamentary authorities that a flat she owned in Kennington, south London was her second home but she told the taxman that the property was her main home.

Hazel Blears is sometimes called the ‘Salford Chipmunk’ but rat is a better description in my opinion.

Blears used the rules to avoid paying capital gains tax on her flat, that’s £13,332.

When caught out she wanted to pay the money to the tax man because she thought it was important what people thought of her.

This was after being exposed in the media, up until then she was happy the public remain ignorant of her financial dealings.

When Gordon Brown found out; he distanced himself from her calling her expenses dealings “unacceptable”.

We now have Blears wanting to continue to be the Labour MP for Salford and saying that the cringingly inept Commons' fees office had forced her to change her principal residence from Salford to London.

Although Blears acted within the rules, the Nolan Principles of Standards in Public are supposed to be there to guide those in public life.

So, Blears wants to continue with her meal ticket as a Labour MP but the question is, should she?

I would say that despite her excuses and ‘I was only obeying orders’ crap, she should be removed from public life but that will only come at the ballot box.

To show the nature of Blears, she timed her resignation in order to do the most damage politically to the Government by going the day before local and European elections.

She stabbed her colleagues in the back and done tremendous damage which lost the Labour Party votes.

In August 2009 while out trying to salvage her career in Salford, the people gave their verdict on her use of expenses. All her car tyres were slashed and windscreen shattered.

No doubt she probably claimed the money back via some means.

Ms Blears told the de-selection meeting to oust her that the system of MPs' expenses had changed from the intended purpose.

She said;

"There was something that went wrong in that it became a culture of entitlement rather than a culture of `I've spent this, can I have it back?'"

And that didn’t stop Hazel Blears from joining in to help her bank account as much as the rest of the morally corrupt.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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