Friday, December 18, 2009

SNP Minister Mike Russell calls Mark MacLachlan 'a liar' so he is now committed to suing him in a court of law, it's gone too far now

Dear All

Is the SNP Education Minister Mike Russell calling his former employee, Mark MacLachlan a liar?

Mike Russell has put into the public domain that he will sue Mark MacLachlan if he repeats what he says are "unfounded" allegations against him.

The allegations are already out in the public domain, so why isn’t he suing him now?

MSP Mike Russell says he doesn’t respond to threats so why is he issuing them?

I call on Mike Russell to sort out his problem, the SNP didn’t employ Mark MacLachlan; he did, this is his turkey.

We now have the bizarre situation that Mike Russell has reported himself to the Standards Commissioner in an attempt to clear his name over allegations that he was involved with a malicious blog.

I don’t recall Mark MacLachlan stating that Mike Russell was involved in his blog.

So, is Mike Russell asking the Standards Commissioner to rule on conversations between Mike Russell and Mark MacLachlan?

How does the Standards Commissioner rule on an issue where there is no recorded evidence?

How does someone prove a negative?

The Standards Commissioner can’t prove Mike Russell is guilty or innocent.

And since when is a subjective opinion have the same value as evidence?

Will the Standards Commissioner look at Mike Russell calling Mark MacLachlan a liar?

Mike Russell has made the allegation, so I would like to see the evidence that proves that Mark MacLachlan is a liar.

Mike Russell is become the story rather than killing it.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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