Friday, December 18, 2009

Tory MP Julie Kirkbride gives Bromsgrove constituents, a xmas present, she is actually going to stand down.

Dear All


At the high of the expenses scandal, a golden couple emerged Andrew Mackay and Julie Kirkbride.

Poster children of how rotten and morally corrupt Westminister has become in the eyes of the public.

It was said that Conservative MP Julie Kirkbride was reconsidering standing again after declaring she would quit.

Now, she has given her Bromsgrove constituents, a xmas present, she is actually going to stand down.

But if you think you have seen the last of the ‘golden couple’ please think again, they will be back somewhere after a Tory victory, quangoland awaits.

Ms Kirkbride said;

"I want to take this opportunity to confirm to you, my constituents, that I will not be representing you all after the next general election. I am sad to be leaving but this is entirely my decision. I would like to wish my association the very best of luck as they find my successor in the new year."

And she was on target to get slotted because ordinary people had started an anti Kirkbride campaign in her area.

The Tories said;

"It's Julie's own decision. She has talked to David Cameron about it, but it's her own decision."

I assume that stating it twice is for the really dense but I go on the theory don’t trust a Tory as far as you can throw them.

Kirkbride doesn’t retire in anything other than disgrace.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. Yeah, the saying it twice gives it away. She wanted to stay, she spoke to Cameron and he put her straight on how welcome she wouldn't be...

    But sadly you are right. Doubtless like many other disreputables from both side, she will be back up there tout de suite after the election with her grubby little trotters in yet another trough of our swill.....

  2. Dear Tris

    It soon will be the turn of the Tories to appoint their pals, lackeys, former MPs and assorted trash to various quango posts.

    Expect Cameron to weed out the Labour placemen and women to make room.

    I don’t think that Jack McConnell MSP will be going to Malawi as High Commissioner.

    Yours sincerely

    George Laird
    The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University
