Friday, December 18, 2009

Florence and Precious Mhango released from detention return home to Glasgow.

Dear All

I would just like to say well done to all those who campaigned for Florence and Precious Mhango.

You have been successful.

I have been informed that not only have Florence and Precious Mhango been released but that they have brought them home to Glasgow.

Here is what SNP MSP Anne McLaughlin who led the campaign on behalf of Florence and Precious wrote;

“Dear All

I am emailing all friends in my address book because it’s quicker than doing it individually.

Most of you will be aware of the campaign to save Florence and ten year old Precious Mhango from deportation and detention. I am delighted to report that last night they were released pending a judicial review some time next year. It is not yet clear if this came about because the Home Office dropped their objections as we asked them to do or if it was simply a high court decision. We’ll know soon.

However, right now it’s immaterial. The important thing is that they arrived in Glasgow in the early hours of this morning, exhausted but happy. They are no longer locked up and have just been given the best Christmas present imaginable.

I wanted to let you know and to thank all of you who wrote to the home office, sent donations for the judicial review, prayed or just sent your best wishes. It all worked! I’ll be in touch with the full picture when I know where we have to go from here. Meantime, I’m sure they’d want me to pass on their best wishes for a very merry Christmas”.

Merry xmas and a happy new year, Florence and Precious.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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