Saturday, December 12, 2009

Baby P abuser and child rapist, Steven Barker attacked in Wakefield Prison, a true product of broken Britain under the Labour Government

Dear All

Steven Barker was the boyfriend of Tracy Connelly in the infamous Baby P case which shocked the nation.

What shocked people to the core was not just the killing but the violent nature in the way it was committed by him and others.

Seventeen-month-old Peter Connelly was subject to horrific beaten, having more than 50 injuries ranging from fractured ribs to a broken back.

His mother, Tracy Connelly far from shielding him allowed this abuse to take place and continue, resulting in his death.

Barker is a sadist who regularly used little Peter as a punchbag, at 6ft 4ins and18 stone, he was able to generate considerable force when hitting the little boy.

He is a poster boy for ‘broken Britain’, devoid of morals, limited IQ of 60, a true product of the system who went through special school and emerged unable to read or write, and ultimately reason and think. He couldn’t even identify having lacked the basic empathy to relate to others.

Barker is currently serving 12 years in Wakefield Prison for his part in the death of Peter Connelly and is also serving a life sentence, with a minimum term of 10 years, after being convicted of raping a two-year-old girl.

This is a person who deserves to spend the rest of his life locked away from society as he poses a real threat and credible threat to others and particularly children.

It now transpires that Steven Barker has been attacked in Wake field prison, the killing and rape of children is the ultimate taboo in prison and Barker has done both.

I have to say that this is an individual that deserves no sympathy but although a monster, he is entitled to protection by law. As a person who has done incredible wickedness against innocents society reels in horror away from him but has a duty of care.

By helping him, society reinforces its commitment to each other that there are good people in the world who make a difference to make life better for us all.

Steven Barker will live out the rest of his life looking over his shoulder, an evil man who should be locked away because he is unfit to be in society.

The Baby P case is an example not just of the failings of Barker et al but the system as well.

A system that in the aftermath, the first priority was to protect the culture at Labour Haringey Council described as one of cover-up, rank-closing and refusal to accept or deal with problems.

This is broken Britain!

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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