Saturday, December 12, 2009

Bad News Blair all smiles as the money keeps rolling in and Chilcot can't touch him, the moral authority of the the UK Labour Government has collapsed

Dear All

The Bad News Blair, the former Prime Minister of Britain has stated that it would have been right to remove Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein even without evidence that he had weapons of mass destruction.

In other words, it is acceptable for the west to instigate regime change in another country.

Blair also says something bizarre; it was because Saddam was a threat in the region which tilted him in favour of the invasion of Iraq in 2003.

I would say that most people would consider that a lie.

Blair to the United Kingdom to war because he wanted to cement his relationship with George W Bush and use his coattails to parade himself as a world statesman.

That is why Britain went to war and that is why so many people died because of Blair.

Blair has responded to being asked if there was no WMD would he have gone ahead with plans to join the US invasion by stating;

"I would still have thought it right to remove him. I mean obviously you would have had to use and deploy different arguments, about the nature of the threat."

A clear indication that while his sole argument used was WMD, he would have taken Britain to war anyway.

Blair’s excuse of the massive cost of innocent Iraqi dead is;

"I can't really think we'd be better with him and his two sons still in charge, but it's incredibly difficult. That's why I sympathise with the people who were against [the war] for perfectly good reasons and are against it now, but for me, you know, in the end I had to take the decision."

A decision to hitch his star to George W Bush!

Blair then produces a weak argument of Saddam flouting the UN and the threat to the wider region, the reality was Saddam beaten in the previous Iraqi war wasn’t going to invade his neighbours.

Former Liberal Democrat leader Sir Menzies Campbell said of Blair’s claims that he would not have obtained the support of the cabinet or Parliament for war if he had made these views clear at the time.

The Iraqi conflict portrayed by Blair and his spin doctors was a slick PR campaign based on lies and false intelligence, the 45 minute claim being a prime example. That claim came from a taxi driver who alleged he heard it while driving his cab.

Sir Menzies added;

"But the one place he would have undoubtedly failed would have been in the House of Commons. He would not have obtained the endorsement of the House of Commons on 18 March 2003 if he had been as frank with the House of Commons then as he appears to be willing to be frank with the BBC now."

Carol Turner of the Stop the War Coalition speaking on the dishonesty of Blair said it was "extraordinary" that Blair could admit that he was prepared to tailor his arguments to fit the circumstances.

In other words Blair is cocking his nose at the British people and the relatives of the people who died by stating regardless of what Chilcot comes out with he isn’t getting prosecuted and expects the money to keep on rolling in.

Tony Blair is a pariah and a war criminal, he should brought to trial at The Hague for violating international law, regime change is not sanctioned as an acceptable reason for war on a country.

Finally, we now have the sickening spectacle of Blair touring the world hijacking the Catholic faith and trying to project him as a leading Catholic figure, which he is not.
The Catholic Church should have the courage to speak out; there are hundreds of thousands of Iraqi dead littering the sands of Iraq because of Blair.

The Bad News Blair certainly produces an incredible stink.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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