Saturday, December 12, 2009

Support the campaign to get Precious and Florence Mhango out of detention and home to Glasgow

Dear All

It’s getting near xmas, a time of hopefully goodwill to all.

SNP MSP Anne McLaughlin is campaigning like mad to make one little girl’s xmas wish come true.

Precious Mhango’s wish is to come back to Glasgow and live in the Cranhill community were she and her mother belong.

Florence and Precious Mhango are a part of the community of Cranhill; the people of this area and the SNP are pro active in wanting their return home from detention.

Home is a simple word but the meaning runs deep, it is more than the flat or house you live in, it’s about belonging.

MSP Anne McLaughlin has been out highlighting the plight of Precious and her mother to shoppers in Glasgow along with other campaigners.

The purpose is to raise awareness and encourage people to contact the UK Labour Government and put pressure on them to return them by to Glasgow.

Florence and Precious are originally from Malawi but have been resident in the UK for nearly seven years.

Precious knows only Scotland as her home to send her to Malawi would really be a mean spirited act.

I would urge people regardless of their politics to write or email the Home Secretary Alan Johnson and ask him to show sound judgement and goodwill to the family.

A few minutes to write an email could make all the difference; politicians take note of public feeling when it is a deluge.

Anne McLaughlin said;

"Florence and Precious Mhango have been detained for weeks and I am extremely concerned about their physical and mental wellbeing. It is incredibly distressing that Precious, a ten year old child, could be detained at Yarl's Wood over Christmas rather than being at home with her friends at church and at school”.

So, if you are looking to do a good deed to help someone in difficulty then I suggest that you should put pen to paper and lend your support and take up the cause.

Isn’t nice to do something good, knowing that the only reward is you made someone’s life better?

Here is Alan Johnson email address;

A few minutes are all ten year old Precious Mhango would ask of you.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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