Thursday, October 28, 2021

The Scottish Inquisition is Paused; the Crown Office call off the 'Scottish Witch hunt' against Marion Millar, although prosecutors discontinue their unwinnable 'hate crime' case against her, they say they are leaving the case on the back burner, speaking the truth in Scotland has consequences, but we can't stop raging against the dying of the light

Dear All 

The Scottish Inquisition is off at the moment, it could be climate change, it could be bad weather, it could be they are expecting a lot of business from Cop26 in Glasgow. Either way, the Crown Office has halted the madness of the Marion Millar 'hate crime' case. If you thought that the Crown Office had suddenly seen sense, I would ask you to pause a moment and consider what the chances were of winning a blatantly obvious unwinnable case? Prosecutors have dropped the case against Marion Millar because, they knew they had no chance on God's green earth of concocting a plausible story to get her banged up with the help of a jury.  Marion Millar a 50-year-old account from Airdrie, had been accused of posting homophobic and transphobic material on social media. The case was seen by many as a 'try out' of censorship using lack of credible evidence. Basically it was a case of someone saying, 'I don't like what you say', then roping in the Police, then them playing safe with the Crown Office to railroad a woman into Court. Marion Millar is a supporter of sex-based rights for women who opposes transgender self-identification. The Millar Case attracted a huge interest in Scotland because of the nature of this case and general erosion of rights. 

So, now we have a quiet withdrawal by the Crown Office which is viewed as a tainted organisation which is not fit for purpose. They confirmed it had discontinued proceedings against Marion Millar ahead of a court hearing scheduled for next Monday. Although in theory, they could still have a crack at Marion Millar down the line. That said, there is no upside for them, continuation only means an inglorious defeat all the way to the bitter end of a jury fore person saying not guilty.  Part of the reason for the Crown folding their tents was that Millar’s defence team, led by SNP MP Joanna Cherry QC, had been preparing to challenge the prosecution on human rights grounds. Human Rights allow people the right to free speech and freedom of expression. There is no human right to be offended by what someone says or does, or writes. If you don't like what someone says, you don't have to read, hear it or accept it, but you don't get to use the State as your proxy censor. 

In many ways, it is a pity that the Crown Office backed down, because we would have had case law post not guilty verdict to end the 'Scottish Witch hunts'. If the Prosecutors are to believe that Millar repeatedly posted content on social media that was of a “homophobic and transphobic nature”, they would have fought to the death. The fact they were about to be wiped out of the face of the earth legally thus preventing other abuses of their power is interesting. One can only conclude, by not testing their nonsense in court at this time, they are saving it up for another day and less attractive victim. Too much light was shone on the Marion Millar case, the Crown Office obviously feels that they need to get some easy prey under their belts so they can cite precedent. 

The original complaint against her alleged she directed threatening or abusive behaviour at three people, including a police officer, via social media between October and June, contrary to Section 38(1) of the Criminal Justice and Licensing (Scotland) Act 2010. The complaint said the conduct was aggravated by prejudice relating to sexual orientation and transgender identity. So basically, looking back on this story, we have on 28th April 2021 Millar receiving a phone call from a police officer who told her she would need to attend her local police station to be interviewed under the Malicious Communications Act (MCA). When Marion told her she had small children to care for she was informed that social services would look after them while she was interviewed. Some people view that scenario as a threat to take Millar's kids away from her, she horrified and intimidated by this news. She was contacted again and told to attend the station on 27th May but later this appointment was cancelled, ostensibly due to the custody suite not being available. One thing is certain, the custody suite is always available. Her interview was eventually rescheduled for 3rd of June, leaving her to spend five weeks under huge amounts of stress.

Marion Millar's case rightly made the news, and attracted international attention very quickly, it soon became an anchor around the necks of the Crown Office and the SNP Government headed by Nicola Sturgeon who are 100% signed up to the woke agenda of the subset lgbt minorities in their ranks. When Court dates finally appeared, her attendance drew hundreds of supporters, many of whom were now chanting the recognisable battle cry, 'Women Won't Wheest" and wearing the purple, white and green of the Suffragettes. 

David McKie of Levy & McRae said: 

“My client is very pleased to have received confirmation that the case against her had been discontinued by the Crown. She had intended to defend the charge against her vigorously had it proceeded to trial and this decision brings a very stressful period to an end. In her view, it is the right decision for a whole number of reasons, not least of which is the cost to the public purse. She has asked me to thank her legal team of Joanna Cherry QC, Paul Harvey and Levy & McRae. Most of all, she would like to thank everyone who has supported her throughout this case including her family and friends, those who turned up at court, those who donated to her crowdfund and the many thousands who wished her well online and in person. That helped her greatly during a very stressful period in her life.” 

As defeat was announced, a spokesperson for the Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service said: 

“Those directly involved have been informed of an update in this case and there is a right to call for a review of this. Until any review has been completed the question of whether or not there will be a prosecution remains open. The Crown reserves the right to proceed and will not comment further.” 

Short, sweet, no apology and a possible lingering threat from an organisation which is seen as damaged goods. Oh to be alive and sitting on that jury! If you haven't done jury duty, you are missing out in life, sometimes in a jury of your peers, you can be the lone voice of reason, but in a case like this, I would expect a unanimous verdict. Let me give you a question to ponder, and see if you can explain it to me in the comments sections. You know that men can self ID as a woman, can you explain the difference between a female penis and a male penis? Are they the same, or does self ID change the female penis into something else? I would also urge you if you would want a better advocate in your corner, then who better than Robert Winston, a peer at Westminster, he was guest on Questiontime, and spoke on the issue of sex, so here is that link. 

Lord Robert Winston says without reservation, 'you can’t change your sex whatever you do', and as a noted scientist, he should know. Looking at his rather extensive wiki bio, I think I am minded along with the bulk of humanity to side with him on this one. 

Finally, Marion Millar in my mind appears to be out of the woods, but the intolerance that placed her in this stressful situation will like a travelling circus move onto someone else. Someone else is the next victim of intolerance in Scotland, we can only hope that the same interest is shown in that person as was shown to Marion Millar. If you can simple change gender by self ID, what is to stop people changing colour, white people self ID as black, people self ID as another race, people self ID as a tractor, or another species or as Martian, where does this lunacy end? It can only end by taking it back to start, and not accepting the principle of Self ID as a concept. 

Yours sincerely 

George Laird                                                                                                                                The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University  

1 comment:

  1. Of interest, the narcissistic actor and complainant in Marion's case has already moved onto his next victim. This time in Northern Ireland and Ceri Black, a Lesbian woman (just to clarify) and child sex abuse survivor has been invited to attend an interview by NI Police.
    Coincidentally Ceri is a co-founder of LGB Alliance NI who are targeted by TRA'S as a hate organisation. It seems to set up an organisation to represent only homosexual people is akin to fascism.
    Next target is the charity 'Save the Whale' for not representing Trans folk either.
    All Ceri's tweets are still up for perusal and like Marion she's mystified at the complaint.
