Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Did the SNP Just Cancel the NHS in Scotland; SNP Health Secretary Humza Yousaf is now cancelling face-to-face appointments at Glasgow Yorkhill hospital citing traffic disruption, with a significant covid outbreak predicted to happen because of Cop26, why is Yousaf allowing Scots to needlessly suffer, is Humza Yousaf just plain stupid and immoral?

Dear All 

Having made the wrong decision to allow the cancelling of face to face GP appointments which will endanger lives, SNP Health Sec Humza Yousaf takes his insanity one step further by cancelling outpatient appointments at a Glasgow hospital. The official excuse is curtail travel in the City of Glasgow so that Cop26 delegates can move more easily around the city. Just as the cancelling of face to face GP appointments was bad, this bad judgment takes Humza Yousaf's stupidity to a whole number level. One of the things I touch on yesterday was that the 10,000 extra police drafted into the city should bring their own medical support teams. Given the location of t The outpatient facility, located in the former children’s hospital building in Yorkhill, it could be entirely possible that this facility so near the SECC could be earmarked as a possible site. The official also has us believe that only a "small number" of patients due to attend the West of Scotland Ambulatory Care Hospital on Monday November 1 have had appointments rescheduled or relocated to alternative sites.  I suppose if you believe that the city will be gridlocked on Monday November 1 what about the other two weeks? 

In a statement, NHSGGC said: 

"As a result of the COP26 programme and associated road closures on 1 November, and given the expected disruption, we took the decision not to run any face to face clinical services from the West Ambulatory Care facility at Yorkhill. As a result of early planning, there should be minimal impact on patient appointments, with only a small number rescheduled or located to other sites. Anyone attending any of our facilities, particularly in Glasgow, over the next three weeks, should plan ahead to avoid disruption." 

Does this sound like only a small number of patients being affected or are they clearing out the whole facility? The next question is, how did the Health Board define that the number of people affected was 'small'? So, we have 25,000 delegates, campaigners and media from around the globe plus an estimated 100,000 protestors. Given the shambles of the Health Services in Scotland, and if there are injured people, they will presumably all be funnelled to the Royal Infirmary. If any protestors are injured in the West End, the Clyde Tunnel will be shut off for security reasons because many world leaders will come into the city via Glasgow Airport. I think that leaves the generally overworked and under pressure Royal Infirmary as the obvious choice, because it is doubtful that ambulances will take the long way round through the City of Glasgow, with the Clyde Tunnel closed as well as the Squinty Bridge, traffic on Paisley Road West will be as bad as if there is a major football match on. It once took me 45 minutes from the city centre to the Palace of Arts at Bellahouston. 

Health Secretary Humza Yousaf says there is “absolutely a risk of Covid cases rising” after the event, but there is also a risk shuttling patients around elsewhere will result in death or further serious medical issues for them. Yousaf said something which to me doesn't sound credible, he said, the Scottish Government is “not actively considering” additional restrictions at present. In a major security event where 125 world leaders are attending, there will be a full security plan, so those additional restrictions on people are already part of the plan. The layered security ring for the Cop26 show will be enforced even before the events officially starts. When there is multiple layered security than everything grinds to a snail's pace for the people on the outside of the security barriers. I suppose the question is who deemed it acceptable that outpatients who are ill should suffer. The buck would have to stop at the door of Nicola Sturgeon, who during this pandemic famously said, 'I am in charge', and then straight after that copied the UK government's decision in lock step. On interesting item which caught my attention is that although Covid cases are said to have leveled out at just over 2,500 per day, virus-related intensive care admissions have more than doubled over the past week from an average of 3.7 to 8.3 per day. I would have to ask two questions, is the plateau due to the decline of vaccine take up, and are the virus-related intensive care admissions due to people who have been double jabbed. In previous data, 7/10 people in hospital with covid have been found to have been double jabbed. One piece of information which didn't surprise me except for who said was the U.K. Health Security Agency suggesting that Vaccines may hobble the immune response on infection. 

If what the U.K. Health Security Agency says is true, and we get 135,000 vaxxed people roaming the City, then in theory, we could see an explosion of covid related illness in Glasgow. As I pointed out previously when at uni, at the start of the new term, there would be an explosion of bugs on campus. If so many vaxxed people with compromised immune systems gather in one place, there could be a significant outbreak. I don't believe for a minute the Health board is concerned about people travelling, I think they are concerned about a massive covid spike during the two week event overwhelming their resources. And surely there is a security plan scenario worked out how to address that issue? At present, Humza Yousaf, who isn't really the Health Sec, more a mouthpiece is saying that Scotland was “on track” to deliver booster jags on time to eligible adults. Has he commented on the U.K. Health Security Agency report on whether vaccines may hobble the immune response? Is he able to understand the significance of what the report could mean? If you look at what he is saying, it would seem to be business as usual, the booster rollout according to him is seen as a vital measure to ease pressure on hospitals over winter. However with 7/10 double jabbed people in hopsital with covid, you might be tempted to ask him to explain the logic that a vaccine that doesn't stop you getting covid or spreading it is any good.   

Yousaf said: 

“Appointments for both vaccines are being scheduled based on clinical need and age and it will take until the middle of January for everyone to be offered their vaccines.” 

In my last post, I flagged up a few stories of people who once vaccinated died, it was not done to be a scare tactic, but rather to give people a moment of pause to consider what they are doing. Through-out the pandemic, we are continually informed that side effects are "rare", but one in ten people experience them, I don't call that rare. I also don't understand why the governments, the politicians, the medical profession and the mainstream press have more or less operated a blanket ban on vaccine injury coverage. I came across another story which I randomly stumbled upon. This story doesn't mention that Megan Creevy, 28 was double vaxxed, and at this point, no autopsy has been done. However, I would like to point out her cause of death, Sudden Arrhythmic Death Syndrome is highly unusual. Your heart in its crudest terms is a pump, that pump requires electrical impulses from the brain via the nervous system. If the electrical system is interfered with then Sudden Arrhythmic Death Syndrome can occur, one of the known side effects of vaccine injury is that it attacks the spinal cord. 

The full story is here. 


The death of Megan, a young mum is so tragic, it is almost beyond belief, but I would also say, it should set alarm bells ringing. Looking at newspaper stories, videos and other sources, I am convinced there is enough evidence to instigate a formal review. Something is not right here. I would like to be wrong, but many regular readers of this blog know I have a habit when proven correct to write, 'George Laird right again', in this case, I hope to God I am wrong. One thing I would say, we have long passed the point that we should class these side effects as "rare". I would say that we cannot shutdown medical treatment for people in any facility as the SNP are willing to do, if I was in charge, the Cop26 Climate Conference would have been cancelled, but given the date, this event will be pushed through, and then we will see the aftermath. When bug season happened at university, it was because so many people from so many countries had brought variants of diseases into the campus. The SNP Government are making a mistake. 

One name above anyone else stands out on this pandemic, that is Anthony Fauci. Fauci sat before a Congressional Committee and said under oath, that the US wasn't funding 'gain of function' research in Wuhan, China. 'Gain of Function' research on coronavirus was done and funded by the US in Wuhan, this was to make a virus transmittable to humans from bats. I came across this information on 'the Rubin Report'. Fauci was very vocal repeatedly in the media that the US hadn't funded 'gain of function' research, we know different now. I urge you to watch this whole video, David Rubin's show is very good, if you aren't a subscriber, then take the time to watch his show, if there is such a thing as a 'voice of reason', he classifies as one in these increasingly troubled times. 


Robert West, emeritus professor of health psychology at University College London, compared COP26 to the G7 summit held in Cornwall in June which “clearly prompted a large number of cases”. He believes that more should be done to drive up “stalled” vaccination coverage and improve ventilation in public spaces. he said: 

“A lot of the people who are unvaccinated would get vaccinated if the communication was right, you could persuade them”. 

One thing that 'smart' people like Professor West assume is that lesser educated people are gullible and can be manipulated, he is of course right, people without knowledge can be swayed by others. Some people can be swayed by titles such as emeritus professor of health psychology at University College London. But that doesn't work when people like the professor come across people who have taken the time to research or have become self aware. Does, the professor think that he could persuade the one of the biggest groups of people who haven't got vaccinated, they are PhDs? I know of graduate Drs of medicine who haven't taken the vaccine, what would the professors' chances with them be? When I was a kid, I watched a drama called, 'Danger UXB', it was set in London during WW2 and dealt with German unexploded bombs, sometimes in an episode a bomb would go off killing the officer. You wouldn't get any heads up when that bomb would detonate but the effect was devastating. If you think of vaccine injury as a bomb, some bombs went off immediately after injection, some exploded in the body later, but when it did go off, the result in some cases was, death or serious injury. If  emeritus professor of health psychology at University College London,  Professor West is double jabbed, he may be okay, or he may be like many in serious danger.   

Finally, don't assume that because someone has a degree, works in academic, has read up on health and psychology, and teaches classes that somehow they aren't prone to making bad decisions. You see although Professor West is smart, that doesn't mean he is reading the same material as others, and it is reading the right material at the right time that allows people to make the correct informed decisions. I don't know how he rationalised his decision to presumably get jabbed, maybe he went along with the flow, trusted in others. We live in a time, where you as a citizen should question everything, because if you don't you may find that allowing others to make choices for you can be detrimental to your well being. The Professor believes he can because of his position as an emeritus professor of health psychology at University College London talk people into doing things, that is only part right. He has never met the individual who turns up referenced up to the hilt and put him through the mill. He wants to tell people things, but when people start asking him questions, you will see just how much he doesn't know. Health Services in Scotland need to be immediately returned to normal operations, and a national screen process started without delay, starting with everyone who registered on the yellow card reporting website. 

Yours sincerely 

George Laird                                                                                                                                The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University 

1 comment:

  1. The Beatson have been cancelling appointments as well George Just in case you didn't know.
