Wednesday, November 25, 2020

No sense of Decency, No Sense of Honour, Nicola Sturgeon's government continue to withhold evidence from Alex Salmond inquiry, Sturgeon's SNP is also accused of smear against former First Minister in an SNP Briefing Paper, Sturgeon and the SNP make Scotland's public life feel dirty and unclean, they refuse to respect the will of parliament, Holyrood is held in contempt by them, it is time for a new government in 2021, let's make that happen for all of Scotland

Dear All

No democracy can be healthy if the Government cannot be held to account, in a situation where it cannot act with honour, the job of the opposition becomes even more crucial. In Scotland, we are living under a tin pot dictator called Nicola Sturgeon. She is destroying Scotland from both the top down and the ground up. You could argue that she is destroying the country in the belief that Scots with nothing will give her their votes in the same way as many disadvantaged working class people have done in the past. Her government however is a sham, her cabinet is just window dressing, and we find ourselves in a rather odd place. Sturgeon acts as if she was the President of Scotland. In this era, she and her government are destroying small businesses with their 'voodoo mumbo jumbo' science regarding lockdowns and restrictions. There is also another thing which is being destroyed and that is the tiny wee bit of credibly that the Scottish Parliament has. Sturgeon and her SNP advisors are desperate to stop the truth coming out about their role in the Alex Salmond affair. They don't want people to know anything of note, they don't want witnesses to be interviewed, they want to suppress documents and evidence.

The Scottish Government is tainted, its tainted because there is a sizeable number of Scottish people that believe that the SNP Government attempted to destroy an innocence man using the powers of the State. We know that they acted illegally, that's proven, we know that those who acted illegally are still in their jobs, and we know that in the both 'trials' that Alex Salmond was put through that Nicola Sturgeon was extremely close to some of the women who were Salmond's accusers. How close Nicola Sturgeon was to them is suppressed by the Court of the Criminal Trial who granted these women anonymity. Everything is being done so the public never knows the full extent of what some people openly call a 'conspiracy'. And I think looking at the actions of the senior SNP Government Ministers, it's hard not to simply dismiss their views.

But the truth will eventually come out, like a pebble rolling down a hill, truth as a momentum all of its own. The Alex Salmond inquiry at Holyrood was setup to fail by the SNP, but despite this, their inquiry is toxic for Sturgeon. Sturgeon's advisors are doing everything to limit its effectiveness and shut it down. As the Salmond inquiry plods on, Nicola Sturgeon is facing an unprecedented second Holyrood defeat over her refusal to release Scottish Government legal advice. Already prior to the vote on a Conservative motion, the law firm acting for Salmond has accused the SNP of defaming them and Salmond. This was alleged to have been done in a SNP research briefing circulated among the party's MSPs. This raises many questions such as who is the author or authors of this document? Who do they work directly or indirectly for? Did someone tell them what to write in relation to Salmond and his legal team? Who vetted this document prior to it being sent to the party's MSPs? Did Nicola Sturgeon, her team or any SNP Minister sign it off as ready for publication? These are all questions which just keep on coming in the light of the Salmond inquiry doing its work.

The Scottish Conservatives have put forward a motion to parliament demanding that the legal advice later today, having already voted 63-54 in favour of release on November 4. Nicola Sturgeon's government aren't going to act in good faith, you could tell this when they said that they will release material 'relevant' to the inquiry. They decide what they consider relevant which is so open to abuse, this is why Scottish Conservative leader Douglas Ross has said his party may launch legal action if the Government continues to withhold the material. So, why the delay, of course the SNP and Nicola Sturgeon will use Coronavirus as their shield to hide behind, but the reality covid doesn't stop the Scottish Government working. And never has, although some people say 'conspiracy', I think everyone bar the Sturgeon cabal would recognise 'cover up' as a viable description of what is going on.

This raises the question, who are they covering up for?

The Scottish Labour Party has joined the Scottish Conservatives calls for the release of the withheld documents saying that the three weeks of inaction by the Government since the first vote was "appalling". Despite Sturgeon promising the inquiry they would get access to anything they wanted, this isn't true. Nicola Sturgeon is doing what she is doing best, lying, being deceitful and untrustworthy, but the deeper the SNP dig to conceal evidence, the deep her problems become. Nicola Sturgeon has been called a 'liar' by Scottish MSP Oliver Mundell, but he is only one of many who openly do this, his niche was saying this in Parliament and getting it on the official record. How did Nicola Sturgeon end up in this mess, arrogance and contempt would be high on the list of probable causes, the Nationalists think they are smart, and at the same time they view others as stupid, when this mentality plays out, it's their stupidity which ends up on display. The concept that Alex Salmond would just walk away shows the level of their IQ and thought processes.

The idea that a rigged Holyrood investigation into Salmond would ever be successful defies belief. Using the mechanism of government was the biggest mistake ever because it they had to fight on evidence and within the law. If Sturgeon was smart, she could have simply blocked Salmond as a candidate, instead of evidence and law, Team Sturgeon could have used a panel of stooges to reject him with subjective opinion. But they wanted to destroy Alex Salmond, they wanted him found guilty, and if he had been, a Court would have sent him to prison, but the SNP couldn't rig a jury.

In a fresh motion the Scottish Tories said the Government should “respect the will of the Parliament by providing the legal advice without any further delay”. This is in part comedy, the SNP use the “respect the will of the Parliament” gag all the time, to have it flung back in their face is hilarious. When the SNP talk about “respect the will of the Parliament”, what they are actually talking about is respecting the will of President Sturgeon. Sturgeon is one 'President' who doesn't command respect. When I look at Deputy First Minister John Swinney, I see a man who is effectively involved in something rather dirty that even he seems ashamed to be part of it.

Labour MSP Jackie Baillie said:

“It is appalling that three weeks after the Scottish Parliament instructed the Scottish government to hand over the legal advice, nothing has happened. This is treating the Scottish Parliament and the Committee with complete contempt. The Scottish government has tried every trick in the book to obstruct the work of the Committee, the latest episode of which is to withhold the legal advice they received in their botched handling of the judicial review.

“This cannot continue. The Scottish government must today state its willingness to publish the legal advice. The secrecy must end.”

I think that fighting the SNP on their ground, their court and their rules is a waste of time, I think parties should go the Court route, parliament isn't respected by the SNP and never was, to them, it's a vehicle and platform to promote independence. If you judge the SNP on their parliamentary, what Bills have they brought forth which were a game changer in creating business, or making people's lives better, where are the big ideas? Here is a link to the Scottish Parliament website so you can look at Bills that they have passed, you pick a year a random and ask yourself, is that it? Pick another year, and ask yourself, why is it such low grade pap which is making onto the statute books and why so few Bills at that?  

Finally, just as the SNP has no goodwill towards Westminster, all their actions demonstrate clearly no goodwill towards Holyrood either. The Salmond inquiry is toxic for the SNP and Nicola Sturgeon, she is hated by the diehard Nationalists, and the pro UK aren't going to be throwing her a lifeline anytime soon. What does it say that Sturgeon jumps to the aid of buffoon Ian Blackford over what some people was bullying, accusations of 'bullying' an English photographer. I would say, she is so short of allies that she is forced to cling to fools, years ago, I called the SNP a 'rat ship', can anyone say I wasn't spot on in that assessment? As to Blackford, fresh from his "bullying" row, he is back doing what he does best, making a fool of himself publicly. His latest gaffe is to attack Prime Minister Boris Johnson over the UK's contribution in foreign aid, and to be told by the PM, 'We're second biggest donor in G7!' Yet again, we have an SNP MP facing total humiliation because they are arrogant and stupid, and don't know what they are talking about beyond bite size chunks of information. The SNP are noted to have picked bad people to help them, and also bad candidates because they represent no threat to the leadership, in fact for the most part, they are tied to the Sturgeon regime for a living. Anyone who thinks the SNP will suddenly act honourably in the Salmond inquiry is living a delusion, and when the people in charge will not act with honour, like liquid, it will travel downwards to others.

Roll on Court action methinks!

Yours sincerely

George Laird                                                                                                                        The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. Keep it going fella and expose this stinking cult for the liars and political cheats they are.

  2. Well thought out comments........power and executive must be held to account, irrespective of beliefs!

  3. Your article is spot on.

    Under Alex Salmond, you knew what you were getting. Some did not agree with his policies, but he was respected. Although 2014 did cause division, it is nothing like the toxic mess we are in now.

    The country is divided more so than the US is over Trump. The SNP are the most negative party in history. Everything - and I mean everything - is the fault of someone else, usually Westminster, the Tories or the English. Sometimes all three. Some of their supporters even say that Scotland has been deliberately colonised by English settlers!

    Blackford's latest episode on Twitter was appalling. If he had any concerns, he should have raised these with the police, not start an anti-English tirade by the cybernat brigade. Some of the other supposedly pillars of the independence movement are also prone to outright abuse to those who do not agree with them. It is for that reason I remain anonymous and have only ever posted comments on this site.

    The SNP are now committing the gravest of sins - ignoring the will of Parliament. Their supporters keep going about Boris and his cabinet. That has got bugger all to do with Scotland. They should be setting an example, yet we have a regime that would make North Korean leadership sit up and go "I say, hang on!"

    Keep up the good work George. You and effiedeans are sorely needed.

    1. The sooner Ms Sturgeon and her cabal have justice served then Scotland will be free and we will have our nation and self respect again. Ian Blackford is a total embarrassment and how he is still working is beyond belief

  4. I suspect team Salmond are biding their way with a lot of this situation. Alex is a patient man, and a very clever one with a tactician's mind. He's played the slow game before and is doing the same now. Like many he probably also thinks the 'Daily Nicola Covid Show' is no more than a cheap smokescreen to mask the cesspool boiling over behind the scenes. When that settles he'll not hesitate to fire a blistering cannonade at the current Sturgeon's SNP cabal. "Let slip the dogs of war".
    p.s excellent perceptive article as ever George.

  5. I see that the pompous prick Ian Blackford has covered himself in glory while SNP brown-nosers defend him again. Arseholes.

  6. Excellent read as ever,and absolutely spot on,hopefully one day soon people here will waken up and see this shower of corrupt bastards for what they are.


  7. Ref.

    Quote. "Teachers have hit out over what they say are critical gaps and weaknesses in efforts to contain Covid-19 on school campuses, with some left feeling like “lambs to the slaughter”.

    One secondary teacher in Glasgow told The Herald on Sunday that access to and advice on coronavirus testing for staff had been “pretty non-existent” – even when pupils are instructed to self-isolate after a case of the illness is identified.

    It comes amid claims that educators are feeling pressure to disable the tracing app on phones and not go for tests in case this leads to significant numbers self isolating and makes it impossible to ensure adequate cover at schools.

    There have also been reports of teachers being asked to exceed class size limits because there are not enough staff. Warning that absence rates in some classes were at least 50 per cent, the teacher said guidelines on social distancing between colleagues and pupils were being routinely breached, and that no additional safety measures had been put in place despite Glasgow being subject to level four restrictions"

    Scotland today under the control of SNP/Murrels.


    Stu roasting a few feet.

    Wow. Just wow.

  9. Hi weemonkey

    I read this wings stuff on woke, and think back to how I was treated in the SNP, I see people talking about Sturgeon's vicious clique, but I covered this years ago. I talked about the four main groups who control the SNP, Lgbt, muslim, sein fein lite and the rich. I talked about how the lgbt exercises control, even pre Sturgeon. I wrote about the the gay community isn't just represented in depth as SNP politicians, but also as SNP support staff right across the board. So, why so many if it wasn't to promote a certain agenda. In a few articles, I blogged about how Swinney was their 'front man' as they wanted to sexualise children in schools, effectively robbing them of their childhood. It took me a good bit of this evening to read the posts but also the comments, and there is quite a lot of comments to read. I enjoyed the exchange of a woke who ran his mouth off and appears to have defamed someone, what can you say to that but oh dear.

    An archive version is here,

    Wokes removed from SNP NEC is welcomed by sane people everywhere, and now this alleged defamation, clearly a party without a future or credibility. You say you're known by the friends you keep, well no luck Sturgeon.

