Thursday, November 26, 2020

Nicola Sturgeon, The New Leper of Holyrood; Scotland is forced to wait for the demise of SNP leader Nicola Sturgeon, our country will remain dirty and unclean while she clings to power, and her SNP cult is controlling Scotland's government, the SNP are denying Scots access to the truth, they say you're known by the company that you keep, has there ever been a woman who reveled in the company of such filthy as can be found in the Nationalist ranks as oor Nicola, she is a poison within Scottish public life

Dear All

Yesterday, I wrote how the SNP and its Government is dirty and unclean, when you come into contact with them, you feel the need to bathe afterwards.

We have in Scotland, despicable people doing a despicable cover up in relation to the Salmond Inquiry, who are they protecting if it isn't Sturgeon and her clique? I think increasingly MSPs sitting in Holyrood must know in their heart of hearts, this poison must be excised. I remember how quickly the parliament turned on SNP Minister Mark McDonald, he became a 'leper' virtually overnight in the building. In the case of Nicola Sturgeon, it seems to me now that a gradualist approach is being taken to either permanently damage her, or better still, get rid of her altogether. Is Nicola Sturgeon, the new leper of Holyrood, is she the new Mark McDonald to be shunned? Time will answer that question fully as it relates to MSPs opinion of her. We could however be seeing some pointers which may condense your opinion towards 'Sturgeon the Leper'.

Before I forget, yesterday, the official twitter account of the First Minister was trawling for a 'young person under the age of 16', some people have opined in the past of various social media platforms that Nicola Sturgeon has an unhealthy interest in using children. Myself, I have watched over the years as she uses them as 'stage props' particularly at election time. The idea as I have previously mentioned is to make Nicola Sturgeon look like an ordinary 'family woman'. The truth is, she has no family of her own, there are no kids, she is one of Europe's band of childless leaders.

When I saw this Government tweet about wanting access to a child under 16, my first thought was 'this is rather creepy'. It's creepy because of the SNP's history involving children. No one can forget recent history of SNP Minister Derek Mackay chasing after a 16 year old boy who he thought was 'cute' or SNP Cllr Mark John Kerr who has been allegedly charged with five sex offences. Both of these people were said part of the SNP lgbt wing of the party which Sturgeon is very close too. If you click on the one of the links you can see Cllr Kerr being taken away by police, put into a police car with a large police escort, and you can hear local people shout repeatedly 'beast' at him.

When the story broke, well known cybernat, Mr. Malky opined to others on twitter in relation to SNP Cllr Mark John Kerr:

"Their vetting process appears to be all about sexuality".

That would be homosexuality.

My view has always been that SNP leader Nicola Sturgeon is a nasty vicious horrible individual, I suppose I am one of the few who is willing to be that outspoken about her. I have of course been targeted by the cybernats because of it. This ended up as a minor court case and conviction five years ago, cybernat Tommy Ball plead guilty at Glasgow Sheriff Court. He set up a fake twitter account in my name to brand me a paedophile which several of Sturgeon's southside clique joined the account as followers. Also involved in helping Tommy Ball was disgraced SNP MP Natalie McGarry, her contribution to assisting Ball was to tweet the fake account to her followers.

Natalie McGarry ‏@nataliemcgarry20 Jun

I've made it! At last I've been designated non-Jedi by the great sage that is @georgemlaird Want a laugh? Here ya go: …

McGarry obviously enjoyed herself there, but the real entertainment for the public was to come later when she ended up in court. After she plead guilty to fraud of tens of thousands of pounds, she appealed the decision, apparently prison time didn't appeal to her and the reality of what prison actually means post release. She is currently awaiting a re-trial at Glasgow Sheriff Court, that trial is one I take a personal interest in.  

Tommy Ball spent hours tweeting about sexual intercourse in relation to children. He was also close to the Sturgeon clique which surrounds Nicola Sturgeon at that time, he even socialised with them. Sturgeon, herself had met and actively campaigned with Tommy Ball in Govan, I know because I was the one who took the picture of them on a campaign session. Unlike many people, I have spent time in Sturgeon's company, but despite this my sixth sense always told me she wasn't someone I could trust. So this whole SNP approach is to make her likeable to me is rather bizarre, given her previous history. Suddenly putting a mask on to be 'nice' really isn't her, it really isn't at all folks. Well the whole continual SNP makeover thing smacks of a Goebbels-esque marketing ploy to me, but the latest have a kid do a xmas card for Sturgeon to send out, it's only a small PR primer for the Holyrood election 2021. The Scot Govt tweet is one of series on the subject, 'find a kid for Nicola', and can be found by clicking the link.

In light of major SNP scandals, you can understand why the SNP keeps promoting Sturgeon as if everything is normal, but it isn't and it's called 'firefighting'.

There are too many SNP scandals in the works, of which the Salmond affair remains the biggest, and Sturgeon is losing allies by the truckload because of it. Real indy supporters have deserted her and her party over several issues, lack of interest in independence campaigning and work, and the Salmond affair cannot be snuffed out, and increasingly this is looking like it will end up as an open sore. Even her Holyrood 'allies' the Scottish Greens don't seem willing to be too cosy around her of late. The proof of the exodus pudding is that Sturgeon has suffered an unprecedented second Holyrood defeat over her refusal to release Scottish Government legal advice to the Alex Salmond inquiry. There comes a point when someone becomes too toxic, the correct strategy then is to back away from them, Sturgeon is toxic and then some. Holyrood MSPs have backed a Conservative motion demanding the legal advice withheld from the Salmond inquiry be disclosed. The vote was pretty decisive, 65 votes to 55, this falls on from an earlier vote 3 weeks previously in which Holyrood voted 63-54 in favour of release on November 4.

Nothing happened.

Liberal Democrat MSP Alex Cole-Hamilton has warned John Swinney he could now face a personal vote of no confidence if he continues to withhold the material. In reality, I think Swinney would welcome a vote of no confidence. If there was ever someone who looked uneasy about what they were caught up in, John Swinney is that man. In the long run, if he is replaced there will not be a sea-change in how the SNP operates. Everything is being done to delay the Salmond inquiry, Nicola Sturgeon is playing for time. If it can be delayed enough campaigning will take place pushing the Salmond inquiry onto the backburner, then it will come back after the election in 2021. Increasingly, Sturgeon looks like she can get five more years as First Minister because campaigning is stagnant in pro UK parties in Scotland. That said, the loss of Swinney would be a blow to her credibility, because everything in the SNP is micromanaged by Team Sturgeon. So far Scottish Conservative leader Douglas Ross has also said his party may launch legal action if the Government continues to withhold the material, but he hasn't given them a deadline. He has cocked the gun, he must now pull the trigger, and fire it to seem credible as a future FM. If there is no bullet coming out that particular barrel his credibility will take a hit. He has done the talk now he has to walk the walk, he has to put the SNP to a decision.

Finally, the media has played a considerable part in utterly failing to hold Nicola Sturgeon and the SNP to account. As to political parties, my post on 'Stockholm syndrome' rather highlights their problem of being trapped in the list system with such poor candidates who are like hedgehogs protecting their vested interest. There is so much SNP sleaze, so much SNP dirty, so much that is unclean about the SNP leadership, they are ripe for being challenged and ready for their downfall. Andrew Neil, one of the BBC's most famous political interviewers nails in this clip available on youtube. The press aren't doing their job, the politicians aren't doing their jobs properly, and the end result is a country slowly being destroyed and descending into chaos and despair. The SNP is counting on the news being suppress, which is why it is important to speak up loudly, don't be silenced, evil stalks our land. 

Yours sincerely

George Laird                                                                                                                        The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. It is obvious that Sturgeon is scared to tackle Kenny MacAskill who is new to the party again. His outspokenness in his attacks against Sturgeon is frightening. A blog here out today is revealing. 27 mins long.

  2. I think you are right about Swinney. His loss would be a hammer blow to Sturgeon. He is about the only politician in his party with any shred of decency. But he lacks any fire, at least in public.

    However, he has screwed up twice on education - three times if you include Black's appalling behaviour over Flowjob.

    If the Deputy FM has to resign, then why not the FM? But she will happily throw him under the bus to save her skin.

  3. Great blog as ever Georgieboy i have been hearing rumours about a certain snp high up and a weatherman.....its rainining men....but you woumd have to be batty to belive it....Crookie

  4. Hi Crookie

    Speaking of weathermen, one of the STV weatherman joined an SNP car cavalcade in GSW down at the then Southern General during a Westminster election, a good few years back, I thought people in media where not allowed to do this, I thought he was plain batty myself. I am sure his name will come back to me, I always remember faces.


  5. Seems like the #MeToo movement missed a bit.

  6. George good post mate . I hate them all with a passion but i reserve a special hatred for swinney.

    The education minister who allowed "flowjob" to preach transrights to very impressionable 5 year olds .

    The same education minister who approved a sex education program in schools that teaches children about anal sex a rimming.

    An education minister who fought tooth and nail to give an agent of the state legal rights over everyone's children with the named person scheme .

    The same education minister who was severely criticized by child abuse survivors for restricting the scope of the child abuse inquiry then tried his best to micromanage it to the extent that several chairs quit citing him interfering for their decision.

    In my opinion this is a man who should nothing to do with anyone children, and its someone's very bad joke that he's the education minister .

  7. I'm the brother of 2 of his victims mark john kerr has his case in glasgow high just now I don't see how Nicola can be tarnished with the brush because she had a photo with a predator how was she ment to know ?
