Thursday, May 14, 2020

The Train Ride- A George Laird Production

Dear All

In these grim dark days, we need to stay as healthy as possible, both physically and mentally. Being stuck inside is hard, very hard, you lose track of time, you lose track of days, and apathy can set in. Somehow to stop yourself going off your rocker, it helps to have a hobby. Some people like to read, others do art; some combine exercise with home improvement.

Others sit on the couch and drink Stella!

Here is a scene I created with 2d and 3d assets along with a sound track of a train I found on youtube. When I started doing After Effects, my early efforts were hampered by the fact I had no experience, no formal training and had no books on the subject, add to that, I didn’t know my way round the interface.

Although there are many efforts I have put up on youtube, I am pretty pleased by this one as it represents an advance in my knowledge.

I hope you enjoy it.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. Well it's keeping you occupied!

    Chin up George.

  2. Bloody good attempt George.

    Hobbies and activities are important. I've been working from home since 24th March and live on my own. I've managed to keep my marbles (some will disagree!) by keeping a routine, especially as we've been warned our work situation could last until the end of the year.

    The only concern is I can't get my usual Number 1 haircut, so I might decide to go full Iron Maiden style. Either that or I'll end up with an 80s mullet.
