Monday, May 11, 2020

The SNP's Scottish ‘Road of Bones’ to Holyrood, SNP Leader Nicola Sturgeon was far too slow to act on an earlier Scottish lockdown that 'could have prevented 2,000 deaths', the SNP are now using coronavirus as their Holyrood election campaigning tool, notice how angry Nationalists become when SKY News Presenter cuts off Nicola Sturgeon for a few seconds, total silence from them over 2,000 preventable Scottish deaths, stunning silence!

Dear All

As the Covid-19 virus continues to plague us, it is essential that reporters should seek the views of the real decision makers. Many people will of course have a role to play outside the PM and his Cabinet at different levels which we see every day. The main players are that the UK public wants to hear, they want up to date news, and they want it now. As the SNP leader Nicola Sturgeon has played petty politics through-out the crisis, even her press ‘allies’ in the media are starting to wear on her grating voice and less than competent handling of the crisis. Today, we learn that Nicola Sturgeon could have acted sooner and thus prevented at least 80% of Scottish deaths.

At least 80% of Scottish deaths could have been saved, let that statistic sink in, in Scotland, the Nationalist exceptional-ism only exists in the minds of the SNP. In the pandemic, many will make mistakes, but to try and turn this into political capital for next year’s Holyrood election seems to be uppermost in the Nationalist mindset. Everyone knows what is  Nicola Sturgeon’s Nationalist real agenda and in the midst of the crisis, trying to engineer an outright victory is being sought, the road to Holyrood for Sturgeon is paved with her very own ‘road of bones’.

We are talking a death toll that has and will run into thousands of lost souls; Sturgeon claims each as ‘a tragedy’, but clearly not tragic enough to act faster. Her many attempts to cement her position and deflect from the incompetence by use of what appears to many to be fake emotion is indeed touching not because she can’t generate fake tears for people that she doesn’t know but because deep down, we know it is all play acting. Her fake emotion is act one, her sister’s support and condemnation is act two, but the unfinished play can’t generate the crucial third act, the ‘clap for Nicola’.

Take away the rose tinted glasses and there would have been less deaths if she has acted faster, planned better and ditch her attention seeking daily TV show.

Nicola Sturgeon hasn’t lead Scotland through this crisis, we the people by following UK Government advice, we have saved ourselves! Scotland has been badly managed and continues to be badly managed. How do we know this? The fact that NHS Scotland controlled by the SNP Government isn’t promoting testing facilities because they are staffed by the British Army is a clear sign of dereliction of duty. The attempt to generate public support by calling for closing the border is a clear sign of dereliction of duty. The fact that services such as dental and other health services are effectively unavailable to the public when that capacity could be re-opened is a clear sign of dereliction of duty.

If there is any silver lining, Nicola’s sheep, SNP MPs are now staying at home; this is done to give credence to Sturgeon’s isolation policy for Scotland. Does the policy apply to non SNP MPs in Scotland?


Will Sturgeon have for example Ian Murray MP arrested if he travels to Westminster,


What we have is Sturgeon trying to get people to agree in principle that the SNP control access to the border on the Scottish side.

They don’t!

What we have here is mission creep!

As SNP MPs sit at home, failing to attend the UK Parliament is to act out Sturgeon’s fantasy that she is running an independent country. This is why her petty politics of grievance is wearing thin, with the public, with the press, with the UK Government and even within the Nationalist movement. As stooges take to twitter who tweet how they wish they could have Nicola Sturgeon as PM, we in Scotland just shake our heads, we know the truth, we know the failures, and we see through the hype.

Remember act three, ‘clap for Nicola’, didn’t materialize in Scotland!

As the goodwill now flows away from Nicola Sturgeon, we get the predictable ‘nationalist anger explodes’, the hook to start them off is that TV News presenter Kay Burley was criticised after cutting off Nicola Sturgeon mid-sentence to shout on Matt Hancock. Her followers see this as an insult, but the episode shows how sensitive the Nationalists are to their attention seeking leader. The manufactured backlash online after cutting off Nicola Sturgeon is nothing new, but is shows how Nicola Sturgeon is viewed in the wider UK.

Nicola Sturgeon is a regional bit player.

Having been asked to curtail her answer for a few seconds, there came the sign of annoyance from Sturgeon, the ‘headshake’, disbelief that someone in the world is more important that her. Outside the Scottish bubble, there is no red carpet, no applause;, no adulation for the SNP leader. Sturgeon fails to grasp that her spotlight only shines because of her authority, once that is gone, she merges back in the background.

After Kay Burley returned to Nicola Sturgeon, we managed to get a sense of how bruised her ego was after being halted from speaking.

Burley said:

"Sorry about that Ms Sturgeon the Health Secretary just arrived and he tells us we will hear more from the Prime Minister later on. I'm sure you will be very keen to hear what he has to say."

Sturgeon replied: 

"Actually, I was keener to continue to give a message to Scotland."

Classic Sturgeon, unpleasant and boorish!
In the aftermath of the incident, criticism online led to some people calling for Ms Burley to be sacked as a result. There will be no sacking of Kay Burley, if you haven’t been cut off in your life, then you need to get out more. It isn’t a hanging offence; it’s called life.

Finally, we are seeing seepage of bad news concerning the antics of the SNP, all self-inflicted, a blip came on the radar, the Independence for Scotland Party, (ISP), this shows how many see the SNP camp as a growing thorn in the indy ranks. The ISP seem to have the same idea as the Wings Party, fight for regional seats, led by a former SNP member, how many more will this new party claim from Sturgeon. The Sturgeon shine is gone, as one tweeter aptly summed up the current SNP:

“Too many selfish egos in the #SNP each with their own agenda. Trans activists, misogynists, anti-Semites, gay activists, bullies, groomers, debauched behaviour, with king and queen Salmond and Sturgeon who just want to be powerful and untouchable. Independence gets in the way”.

Do you recognise the current SNP?

No surprise that Kay Burley wanted to get a word with Matt Hancock over Nicola Sturgeon!

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. Great piece George . Seen quite a few comments on other forums , mainly from continuity remainers ,out of touch media luvvies and various other lefty progressives, of how they wish Sturgeon was in charge of the UK as everything would be just dandy. What a bunch of out of touch plonkers as Del might say. They obviously don`t give a damn or are completely ignorant about the suffering the people of Scotland have to put up with under her authoritarian , incompetent, virtue signalling BS. regime!

    Also seen lots of faux outrage from the usual suspects about Boris keeping our dear leader out of the loop. As someone else suggested : if Churchill had told the SNP, in confidence, the D day plans for June 1944, I think we would have seen every panzer division in Western Europe lined up in Normandy that day.

  2. "In the pandemic, many will make mistakes, but to try and turn this into political capital for next year’s Holyrood election seems to be uppermost in the Nationalist mindset."

    It's so cynical, it's nauseating.

    "As SNP MPs sit at home, failing to attend the UK Parliament is to act out Sturgeon’s fantasy that she is running an independent country. This is why her petty politics of grievance is wearing thin, with the public, with the press, with the UK Government and even within the Nationalist movement."

    Yeah. She can't win an independent country, so she plays let's pretend. It's childish and pathetic, just like the SNP really.

    Oh, and you're dead right to refer to her English London sycophants as stooges.

  3. Excellent article - a true reflection of snp petty politics. Your article should be more available to the media and snp social media sites.

  4. Excellent report - you should make it more available to the Scottish media and snp social media sites.

  5. Never heard such pish. Ill never get back the minutes in my life reading a pile of garbage of a deluded poor soul. Just a pity your experts didnt give the blonde buffoon and rest of his cronies the same advice. We shall see if you change your mind how great he is when deaths start to soar

  6. George Laird gives it to Nicola (the SNP) tight with war and peace. A couple of his 'besties' weigh in, one quoting a D Day betrayal in such bad taste, they should be shot and in amongst all this petty tattle, is there one offer of a counter proposal or alternative? NAH....shut up, let the politicians continue to make an ass of things, they are human afterall... And, oh yes, democratically voted in by us!

  7. What a load of sh!+
    Why not ask how many of those lives were Boris Johnson fault,

  8. Two thousand deaths bl00d on her hands

  9. I'm concerned about what happened with the NIKE conference. Sturgeon responded angrily to accusations of a cover up. Sorry, but if you use anger to respond, then as a politician you have lost your argument, regardless of the facts.

    The bottom line is that the SNP have been in power too long, and while they still do well in the votes and polls, much of this is due to the dire opposition in Scotland.

    None of the politicians around the UK have dealt well with the pandemic. They have all fucked up.

  10. George, I hope this finds you well.

    A couple of points if I may.

    1. A previous poster did strike a nerve.

    The "opposition" parties in Holyrood are doing their damndest to ....well it seems do actually nothing; almost gives the impression of [not] rocking the feather lined boat thank you.

    As such there is no opposition to the SNP in Holyrood.

    2. As we wait for the SNP to implode [hint if it was going to it would have the day after "the trial" pandemic or no pandemic] there is another "implosion" brewing.

    That is a Unionist implosion~~ one driven by the abject failure of the unionist parties to actually represent the MAJORITY of the Scottish people AND counter the policies and direction of the Scot Gov.

    What form this will take I do not know, but the unionist parties need to get off their arses and provide some tangible opposition.

    And NO because "the SNP controls the media" isn't an excuse for failing to get their message across.

  11. "masks might help"

    Here's an idea, how about pushing public testing instead of that " " pish!

    Where has the antibody testing gone????

  12. Hi WeeMonkey

    You are 100% correct the opposition to the SNP is pretty much nonexistent at the moment and has been for sometime. Most parties appear to not even be leading the digital charge against the SNP, and there is an election coming up soon. So, what do they have as a plan, it appears sit back and wait for the SNP infighting to take out Sturgeon.

    As Jim Sillars said, a clear out at the top is needed in the SNP, it could equally apply to the pro Uk parties as well. I think the no opposition policy is because some people have been there too long and have come to the conclusion that they have reached the end of their shift, now sitting waiting for the pension.


  13. For me, the biggest failure of Holyrood is its corruption of our civil-service and legal professions. Remember when John Swinney sacked the legal team representing child abuse victims at the start of the Smith Inquiry and installed his own 'on-message' legal team?

    That Inquiry has gone-on for 4-years without conclusion. The Edinburgh Trams Inquiry has gone-on for 3-years without conclusion. It strikes me that some legal friends of the SNP movement are making themselves very, very rich. Also, free legal aid was abolished in Scotland also, coincidentally, 4-years ago; not by the Tories but by Ms Sturgeon. So, we are all paying for this farrago.

    Also, I believe that Alex Salmond has a book coming-out soon which will lift the lid on goings-on at the Scottish civil-service HQ at Victoria Quay. It is run by the equally mutton dressed as lamb Leslie Evans, the wife of a prominent SNP man.

    I reckon there's a lot more bad news to come-out about the Glasgow Queen Elizabeth University Hospital, the Edinburgh Sick Kids and various Gerry-built schools which have been put-up quickly by the SNP's Scottish Futures Trust in the past few years. Faulty work which the SNP knew about was nevertheless accepted (by a fundamentally stupid civil servant). That means the public need to pay to sort them. So, much worse than PFI......PFI would have been a bargain in comparison.

    By the way, said fundamentally stupid civil servant is still in employment. He's just been transferred to the Secretariat, whatever that is.

    Finally, back to the legal profession, you may find in the weeks to come that a vainglorious old-goat who you knew from your university days has had a role in dutifully shovelling sh*t for John Swinney. Some are saying it may be legal negligence. A sad end indeed.

  14. George, I think you may very well be correct.

  15. George, I think you may very well be correct.
