Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Normal service will be resumed after Corona Virus, in the meantime, I am switching to a once a week post, sadly no internet at home and libraries closed has taken its toll, stay safe, keep warm and see you on the other side

Dear All

Due to the libraries being shut down to stop the spread of coronavirus, I am not able to do a normal blogging service, basically no internet, so I am borrowing my brother's device to write this to you.

The libraries are supposed to re-open at the end of April, so the story goes!

In light of this, I am going to be doing a weekly blog, sorry about this, but I don't have the internet at home and without the library, I am stuffed.

Anyway, stay in, keep warm, and hopefully see you all on the other side.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. I have similar issue with no Internet at home except my phone. Keep safe everyone and look out for others.

  2. Stay safe & as you say "see you on the other side".🚀

  3. I don't want to post this on twitter as I don't trust the bastards. But some posters on Wings are making comments such as "the homeless are being issued with blankets infected with Covid19". Ffs these are the clowns pushing for a Wings party. Holefully the media are monitoring them and will hammer them at a later date.
