Monday, March 23, 2020

Freedom For Alex Salmond; SNP leader Nicola Sturgeon faces 'profound questions of integrity' after Alex Salmond is dramatically acquitted, Scottish jury doesn’t believe the testimony of 9 female accusers who are allegedly closely linked to Nicola Sturgeon, already there are calls for resignations, Salmond says he is victim of a political plot and information will be made available in due course, “Alex Salmond is back from the dead and he will have his revenge.”

Dear All

I first met Alex Salmond  during the 2008 Glasgow East By-election, that election saw John Mason beat Margaret Curran by 365 votes. I spent 16 days on that campaign and saw a fair bit of how the SNP operated as a campaigning machine. After a session out in Glasgow East, I was told to go grab a sandwich and a drink, so I wandered into the kitchen and sat down. Not along after tucking into a few ham salad sandwiches, in popped Alex Salmond and just sat down beside me. He immediately struck up a conversation where we talked about politics, university and the campaign. 

We chatted for about 10 minutes before someone called Austin Sheridan who later would be an SNP Cllr turned up. Sheridan declared he wanted to be ‘Prime Minister of Scotland’, me and Salmond just looked at each other and settled back. Over the next four years, I would see him at various by-elections where he would say a few words to me, unlike many who rushed over to him, I didn’t but he always acknowledged me in passing.

I make no bones about how I was badly treated in the SNP, after I put in a complaint after being contacted by someone about being smeared as a sexual pervert, the SNP under Nicola Sturgeon’s husband Peter Murrell and Iain McCann did absolutely nothing. It seems that smearing someone as a sexual predator or a sexual pervert is a modus operandi in the party. The year was 2012, but it appears the same tactics are alive and well under the tenure of Nicola Sturgeon. As Alex Salmond has found out, the SNP has fallen very far from grace into a nasty vicious petty organisation steered from the top. 

What I didn’t know was how far the rottenness had set in until it was leashed on me, I guess Alex Salmond now knows what and why I blog the way I do about the SNP senior leadership.

Today sees a jury deliver what many people expected and others didn’t expect, Alex Salmond has been found innocent of all charges that he is a sexual predator, he has described the last two years as a "nightmare" and promised to reveal evidence of a conspiracy against him. Under Nicola Sturgeon some see the SNP as a party which is very much anti heterosexual, pro women (nationalist), pro man hating feminist and pro Lgbt. 

For years I highlighted the four main groups that make up the SNP, Muslim, Lgbt, the rich and Sein Fein lite, although feminism is a ‘thing’ now that is because Nicola Sturgeon controls the party. 3rd wave Feminism now is as Tv commentator Milo Yiannopoulos aptly says as a vicious nasty man hating movement and Sturgeon herself is keen to tell people she is a feminist.

After hearing the verdict, Alex Salmond spoke briefly outside the High Court in Edinburgh after being acquitted of 13 sexual offences charges.

He said:

“Ladies and gentlemen, just over a year ago when we finished the civil action and judicial review, I said I had great faith in the court system of Scotland. That faith has been much reinforced today. So I’d like to start by explaining that faith and thanking the jury for their decision. I’d also like to thank the court service; who have been courteous beyond limit over the last two weeks and to the police officers who’ve manned this trial under these extraordinary circumstances.”

He added:

“Obviously above all I’d like to thank my friends and family for standing by me over the last two years. I would like to thank my brilliant legal team, who are absolutely exceptional. And I’d like to thank all of the people who’ve sent so many messages over the last 18 months or so, but particularly in recent days. As many of you will know, there is certain evidence that I would have liked to have seen led in this trial, but for a variety of reasons we were not able to do so. At some point that information, that facts and that evidence will see the light of day. But it won’t be this day, and it won’t be this day for a very good reason, and that is whatever nightmare I’ve been in over these last two years it is as of nothing compared to the nightmare that everyone that every single one of us is currently living through. People are dying. Many more are going to die. What we’re doing just now, and I know you [the media] have got a job to do, is not safe. I know it’s your job, but it ain’t safe, and my strong, strong advice to you is to go home, those who can and are able to, take care of your families and God help us all.”

The trial maybe over but what isn’t over is Alex Salmond wanting his pound of flesh, during his trial, we heard his legal team had wanted to question witnesses about an alleged political plot to "discredit" him. Judge Lady Dorrian refused to allow it for legal reasons. During his two-week trial, Salmond said some of the allegations against him were "deliberate fabrications for political purposes".

If you check twitter, you can see already that Wings Over Scotland tweeted;

“James Matthews on Sky News reporting what nobody was allowed to say before now: it's the view of Alex Salmond, and others, that Nicola Sturgeon was at the heart of a conspiracy against him”.

Well there you have it folks, two buddies and one allegedly saying “it's the view of Alex Salmond, and others, that Nicola Sturgeon was at the heart of a conspiracy against him”.

For many years, I said that there was something wrong about Nicola Sturgeon, she isn’t likeable, but it is more than that, this is a woman who lives a fake persona of being a ‘caring individual’. We see the mask slip when she resumes her normal personality which is rather ugly.

Here is a quote I found:

“Alex Salmond is back from the dead and he will have his revenge.”

And now having been found innocent, could the SNP refuse him membership or standing as a candidate? 

Nicola Sturgeon and her husband Peter Murrell control the party machine, but the grassroots will not follow them as Salmond makes public matters that he wasn’t allowed to speak of in the trial. Corona virus takes precedent as Salmond says, but the reckoning is coming, postponement matters not a jot. 

The thing about revenge it is like food, quality matters but quantity is as equally important if not more so. Given the accusers are high profile SNP and Scottish Government women, one thing they will know or I suspect that they will come to the conclusion is that ‘Nicola Sturgeon doesn’t have their back’.

People are already calling the nine women who accused Alex Salmond of sexual offences…. Liars! 

Every accusation had come from people who’d been on Alex Salmond’s own team which he must have found disappointing to say the least, these women were either his political colleagues or his own staff it appears. Every single accuser came from a very small circle within the SNP, or civil servants very closely connected to that circle. 

Already, the rumour mill at Wings Over Scotland is churning out that at that circle in its centre sits Nicola Sturgeon and Leslie Evans. He also ‘notes that no evidence directly links the First Minister to the events of the case, just as no German government document from 1939 to 1945 exists which explicitly connects Adolf Hitler to the Holocaust’.

Wings also wrote that ‘Readers may or may not draw their own conclusion from those facts’.

Being the victim of an injustice is bad enough if accidental, but the fact that nine women all allegedly close to Nicola Sturgeon have not been believed by a jury is quite extraordinary. This case is however an extraordinary case, which in the fullest of time post corona virus we will see more information put into the public domain by Alex Salmond. In an STV interviewed, you could clearly see a very unhappy and rattled Nicola Sturgeon.

Please watch the Milo video in full.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. I’ve done jury duty; Juries listen to the evidence only and nothing else. Quite disturbing a jury found the witnesses to be liars. I knew he was being set up all along. Just I found it hard to believe his enemies could stoop so low. Well Done Alex, now get these bastards back.

  2. He’s been living a nightmare. What about the women.

  3. 2020 just keeps giving


  4. I am unsure! Hints and rumours have been following Alex Salmond for years and there's no smoke without fire. He himself said at least 4 of the cases had been consensual. Seems he used his powerful position to make a move on women and makes me wonder now just how many. He was already out of politics and was the only time these women felt safe to bring their allegations forward. My last vote (and never again) was before the 2014 Indy Ref and the fantasy White Paper. I was rethinking Independence and a strong SNP supporter sent me the full white paper. Bad mistake for them. I researched and concluded it was a fabrication of lies. Later those involved with this heinous document when confronted admitted stretch of the imagination. Alec Bell in particular stated he helped Salmond. Alec Salmond lied to the nation. So...... Nicola Sturgeon certainly did not support him against allegations. Could she have had reason to believe the complaints. He had been her mentor from a young age and he handed her the reigns. Do hope the jurors were equally divided on political persuasion. Were they asked "Who did you vote for" Does anyone know why 2 members of jury were dismissed?

  5. I usually like your posts but it seems the snp/sein fein are still close to your heart, these women should be then charged with perjury, which carries a prison sentence, get them charged or every one of them should bring out a sexual predator charge against him, come on George you still support these scum snp/sein fein

  6. Hi Charlie R

    The SNP was in my past, I would never go back, but I feel letting people know of my experience is useful so that they don't make the same mistake I did.

    I freely admit, I fell for their lies, I was totally duped and I found out their true nature when the inner circle hate was turned towards me as a member, but the price was cheap compared to others who suffered at their hands.


  7. There'll soon be blood on the floor of Bute House together with some other unpleasant stains!!!

  8. Perjury is difficult to prosecute. Also, taking legal action against the complainants might backfire, as it could send the wrong message to those who have suffered sexual abuse. I don't think Salmond can come back, as he admitted that his behaviour at times, while not criminal, was inappropriate. But Sturgeon is finished, thats for certain. Wings disciples are pushing for their own party. But given what is posted there in the comments sections, the media will have a field day.

  9. Anonymous, 10:26 PM: there’s little question that Salmond is a sleazebag—but should that be a criminal offence? And do we wish a criminal justice system that convicts people based only on one person’s (per allegation) word, without any other witnesses or physical evidence and years after the alleged events took place? I don’t believe that desirable, especially with the increasing number of false allegations from women against men (some example links in an earlier post; and wrt ‘no smoke without fire’, note link to ‘Mean Girls’ conspiracy).
    To protect the rights of the best, you must defend the rights of the worst.

    I would dearly like to see Salmond prosecuted—so let’s restore the offence of Sedition and prosecute him for that (slam-dunk, that trial); along with the rest of the main SNP’ers. (And Shinners too.)

    …Latter sentiment assuming we will still have a country based on laws enacted by MPs elected by us, which is currently questionable. I recommend reading these two posts from (Pastor) Rob Slane on his site, and following the links he supplies to support his argument; and the comments are quite informative with good links:
    An Analysis of the Covid-19 Response: Weighing up the Threat From the Virus, and the Threat From the Reaction and Notes From a Large Prison.

    It looks increasingly like this Coronavirus panic is mainly media-driven, and history will judge HMG’s—and much of the West’s—(over-)reaction perhaps the most astounding act of government-overseen collective lunacy and economic suicide in European history.

    Note a link provided by a commenter: from HMG itself:
    As of 19 March 2020, COVID-19 is no longer considered to be a high consequence infectious diseases (HCID) in the UK. … more information is available about mortality rates (low overall)
    Note also on that page that it lists SARS under ‘Airborne HCID’, of which we have had no cases ‘since 2004’.
    So HMG deems COVID-19 less dangerous than SARS, which we managed to deal with without driving the economy off a cliff and imposing a tyranny—mass house arrest—hitherto undreamt of, even by Orwell (whose Winston Smith could pop out his flat for a walk whenever and as often he wanted).

    I note on this comment (links and further detail therein) that the Diamond Princess is a useful barometer, and to date, that ‘floating petri dish’ resulted in only 19.19% of those on board testing positive, of which 82.44% have recovered, 16.15% remain active cases and a mere 1.4% (10) died; and the latter figure should be viewed in light of an ‘estimated 200 passenger deaths a year’ on ocean cruises.
    From the first COVID-related death on 5 March, GB has accumulated a daily average of 22; in comparison England & Wales alone daily averaged 200 deaths from ‘Diseases of the respiratory system’ 2013–18, and daily averaged 76 from ‘Influenza and pneumonia’.

    We have been royally, royally, had. May God have mercy on our souls.

  10. We know you are anti SNP, a Labour man, a Leave voter but do you still linger after an Independent Scotland and if not what made you think a united kingdom was best.

  11. We know you are anti SNP, a Labour man, a Leave voter but do you still linger after an Independent Scotland and if not what made you think a united kingdom was best.

  12. Craig Murray has posted on Wings clearing accusing Sturgeon for the criminal case against Salmond. He also states he will produce a detailed article as to why. Ever get a feeling litigation lawyers are going to do well out of this. Other posters have used extremely strong language to describe Sturgeon, which if used in public would constitute a breach of the peace.

  13. Thanks for your reply George, greatly appreciated, keep up your good work again thanks

  14. Scorched, I think the problem with Covid is that it is so infectious, but I take your point about panic. What we are not being told is how many people who have died and tested for the virus, had serious health issues which the virus sadly pushed them over the edge. I think testing needs to be ramped up significantly in order that we can identify who has had it. Day 6 away from work, cabin fever not set in yet....

  15. Craig Murray has posted a detailed account on Wings. He's stopped short of naming the accusers, but the implication is that they will be named in due course. There is going to be one hell of a political fight by the end of the year, and the SNP are going to suffer.
