Monday, February 3, 2020

Don’t Trust the SNP with Your Future; SNP ministers accused of secrecy as Scottish economy shrinks and our deficit grows, Nicola Sturgeon has done enough damage to our country, the days are over when ordinary Scots remained silent and let others fight their battles, everyone must challenge the SNP for their failures, we need a better Scotland, but we won't get it with the SNP in charge

Dear All

The facts bear out a harsh truth about the SNP, they are a party of protest, and they are not a party of government. Right across the board, our services such as education and health are failing, alongside our failing council services starved of money that the SNP refuse to pass on from Westminster. There is plenty of money and assets for SNP supporters and their families, but less for the things that really matter. Scotland is a failing country and it will continue to fail unless there is a change of government.

The SNP refuse to solve problems unless they can be done by a quick fix, but when it comes to strategic planning, long term vision and the will to carry that through, there is none of it. Everything is short term with the SNP, so Ministers can focus on breaking up the UK. Scotland’s deficit has grown to almost seven times the relative size of the UK’s, according to new data from the Scottish Government. This is the effect of Nicola Sturgeon running a ‘part time’ government while taking full time pay, perks and pensions. As is the case, SNP ministers were accused of trying to “bury bad news” by failing to publicise the changes because they are all about spin and less about the truth. We have a government in Scotland run by the SNP that we cannot trust, not with your health, not with your wealth and not with your future!

Scotland under the SNP is the highest tax place in the UK, and the rumour is that the SNP plan to hit people with a whopping 5% increase in council tax. You may be tempted to ask where is all this extra money going and who benefits? When you consider the state of Scotland’s infrastructure falling down around our ears in police station, schools, hospitals, it is clear that 12 years of SNP rule has been disastrous. Under the SNP, our country is literally becoming like a neglected ghost town, in parts of the country there is population flight because the further out you get; less services are available.

This problem is still continuing to this day.

The financial problems facing Scotland are acute, the latest GDP quarterly national accounts for Scotland, which showed the difference between and tax income and public spending had risen from 7 per cent to 7.2% of GDP. If you compare that with the UK deficit, you will see that they have only a deficit of 1.1% of GDP. Scotland is not an attractive place to do business in, it is not an attractive place to live, even foreign workers doing menial jobs don’t want to come and work in Scotland. This shows the extent of how the SNP have damaged the country with their high tax policies and less of crucial public and council services.

While the SNP say independence solves everything, this is a lie, if the country was independent, we would face austerity max, massive poverty which would see our public services destroyed. We would see longer waiting times for services which we were entitled to and also longer waiting times. Things are bad in Scotland, but they could get a whole lot worse for you and your family. Pro UK people have been highlighting how Scotland would need to slash services, hike taxes or go on a borrowing binge after a Yes vote. But the real price is the human factor, especially for those who are sick and need treatment; we would see effectively health rationing brought in by stealth. Can you afford to gamble with your family? Independence would mean we would be out of the UK and not allowed in the EU, we would be a country in serious trouble at every level.  Nicola Sturgeon’s plan for an independent Scotland to rejoin the EU, means huge tax rises and cuts because that is the only way that she could balance the books to come down to 3% for Scotland to qualify.

Economist John McLaren of Scottish Trends said:

“The lack of analysis by ministers of the important revisions to Scottish economic data is worrying, if not entirely unexpected. A £5bn downwards revision in Scottish GDP has important implications for judging Scotland’s economic and fiscal standing, especially in terms of independence or full fiscal autonomy.”

Tory MSP Murdo Fraser said:

“The SNP have been caught red-handed trying to sweep their economic failures under the rug. The SNP’s secret Scotland must end now. The Scottish Conservatives are calling on SNP Ministers to explain themselves to the Scottish Parliament this week.”

Scottish Liberal Democrat MSP Alex Cole-Hamilton tweeted:

“Scotland’s national deficit is now 7.2% and rising. Applicant states are required to have a deficit no higher than 3% before they’ll be considered for EU membership. We could be outside both unions for years. Independence not the EU lifeboat SNP say it is.”

Pamela Nash, chief executive of Scotland in Union, said:

“Nicola Sturgeon views Brexit as a political opportunity to talk up the break-up of the UK, while trying to hide the economic reality from people. As part of the UK, we pool and share resources so that this deficit doesn’t lead to deeper public service cuts or steep tax rises. That wouldn’t be the case with a separate Scotland, and Nicola Sturgeon needs to start being honest with voters.”

Having listened to the politicians, it is important that ordinary people get their say; we can no longer sit back and be silent about what is going on. We, the people need to get active, speak out and forget about upsetting these people who seek to destroy our way of life. Scotland is failing in attracting business, it is failing in education for young working class people to use it as a route to escape poverty, and it is failing as a society. All this damage has been cause by Nicola Sturgeon and the SNP who will do anything to win independence, including destroying anything or anyone that gets in their way. It is too late to sit on the sidelines and hope that as usual someone else comes and fights your battles for you, this time you have to stand up and be counted. We are in the fight of our lives, trying to save every service, every community and every one for a better Scotland.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. Great article, George. I'd like to see them justify a 5% hike. Not that I want to pay it!

  2. Agreed, George. Time to make mincemeat of the SNP.

  3. Looking forward, something has to be done NOW because at the end of the day, it's Westminster that'll have to sort the mess out with taxpayers (our) money. Cannot something be done (promotion to a job on the sidelines where she has no control) to get a responsible person in the position of control!!
