Friday, January 31, 2020

'The Death of a Failed Politician’, SNP Leader Nicola Sturgeon has been accused of betraying the Scottish Independence movement as Leading Yes website brands Nicola Sturgeon 'the betrayer' after Indyref2 is taken off the table by Sturgeon, why did it take so long for the Yes Movement to wake up to the fact that Sturgeon and the SNP tricked them, abused them and conned them, conned them all

Dear All

Freddie Mercury sang a song which rather fits SNP leader Nicola Sturgeon to a tee; she is without a doubt, the Great Pretender.

‘Oh yes, I'm the great pretender
Pretending that I'm doing well
My need is such; I pretend too much
I'm lonely but no one can tell’.

Nicola Sturgeon has been conning you, conning y’all!

She has played a confidence trick on Yes supporters hyping them up for a second independence referendum when all the time she knew, and everyone else knew that it was never going to happen this year. What was her ‘belief’ of indyref 2 based on, absolutely nothing, she was as I keep mentioning, playing for time. The idea was simple, much like many of her ideas, build people’s hopes up, string them along and then divert their hatred into support the SNP at elections. Remarkable crude, but it has worked on a gullible part of the population for so long because they believed they had found a ‘cause’ to end injustice in Scotland.

Having primed people for another fight, having primed people up for a big announcement today to try and overshadow Brexit Day, she has announced and admitted there may not be a second independence referendum this year, as she urged her supporters to remain patient and "stay the course". In case you are wondering where the ‘stay the course line’ came from, can I direct you to the Mel Gibson movie, The Patriot.  Having milked Braveheart to death, it seems the SNP have moved on to another Gibson movie, keep an eye out for them getting to Hacksaw Ridge, and using the line, ‘Please Lord, help me get one more. Help me get one more’, but currently we are at The Patriot.

Sadly, despite the numerous attempts to elevate herself and the SNP Cult to the status of heroine, Nicola Sturgeon cannot get past being a devious nasty little small woman brimming with hate and malice. She is an attention seeker who has been made ‘the star’ in her own little play, if you have read or watched Death of a salesman  by American playwright Arthur Miller, you can see parallels with the main character, Willie Loman.  Willy Loman dreams of being a successful salesman, somebody who has both wealth and freedom. Willy believes that the key to success is being well-liked, and his frequent flashbacks show that he measures happiness in terms of wealth and popularity. One analyst of that play writes: "Society tries to teach that, if people are rich and well-liked, they will be happy. Because of this, Willy thought that money would make him happy. He never bothered to try to be happy with what he had …" Willy also believes that to attain success, one must have a suitable personality. According to another analyst, "He believes that salesmanship is based on 'sterling traits of character' and 'a pleasing personality.' But Willy does not have the requisite sterling traits of character; people simply do not like him as much as he thinks is necessary for success."

This is Nicola Sturgeon.

In the fast moving world of politics, people will only wait so long before they start to vent about what they see as betrayal. Now, one of the most powerful pro-independence websites has launched a furious attack on Nicola Sturgeon and the SNP in an article titled “the betrayer”.

What gets me is why it has taken so long for them to look right through Nicola Sturgeon; I have spent years telling them and everyone else that Nicola Sturgeon isn’t going to deliver independence or anything else. She isn’t a smart politician, she doesn’t care; she doesn’t deliver and is mired in identity politics, the nonsense of the EU flag at Holyrood is a perfect example of a petty small minded woman who is simply lost. I have to say that the awakening of the Yes Movement to what Nicola Sturgeon is amusing, Wings Over Scotland has accused the SNP a “colossal, criminal dereliction of duty”, and following a strategy that had “failed utterly”. The fundamental element of Government is delivery, Nicola Sturgeon hasn’t the talent to deliver a Better Scotland, the double failure is her indy efforts are equally as shambolic.

You see, the main problem is that Nicola Sturgeon isn’t a leader.

Wings over Scotland says he will “shut up shop permanently” on his website if  Sturgeon is still in charge after April, best get cracking as unless scandal hits Sturgeon, she will be sticking around for the money, power and position. In order to lead, you have to be able to give up power when needed, not give platitudes of staying on to do unfinished business! In Sturgeon’s case, that would be further topping up the bank account and pension. In a furious article, Wings says it had been “downhill all the way” under the current leadership. Downhill on indy and downhill on government, there has been a rollback of Scotland as a society and nation under the SNP. What surprises me is why Wings and his cohorts never spoke out about the lack of proper governance in Scotland, after all success follows success but there has been none of it to show, the SNP record in Government is appalling.

In pure movie mode, Sturgeon has brought out all the clichĂ©s, such as saying no “short cuts or clever wheezes” to independence, and urged them not to give in to “impatience and frustration”. The strategy to keep people hyped up and them divert them into SNP campaigning for Holyrood 2021 may not work this time. Do, you remember the line by the Nationalists, ‘SNP women will get things done’? What have they done other than had a catalogue of major failures right across government? Scotland is literally falling apart around our ears.  

In a change of tact, it appears Sturgeon is not ruling out seeking a consultative referendum in defiance of UK Government opposition, but added:

"My judgment at this stage is that we should use our energies differently.”

If you don’t grasp what she is doing, it is an attempt to stem the flow of support drifting away from her, trying to get to the SNP line to keep people onboard for Holyrood 2021. In her mind, Holyrood 2021 is all about secure another 5 years of First Minster salary and perks.

You didn’t think it was about indyref 2?

That is gone, and Sturgeon knows it is gone!

Referring to the SNP, Wings wrote:

“The party has been the custodian of the fight for independence for over 80 years, but through cynical careerism, stupendous incompetence or both, the current leadership has not merely dropped the ball, but punctured it with a garden fork, set it on fire and kicked it onto next door’s roof.”

You can’t do identity politics and expect to seem credible as force to deliver independence, it is not possible. Identity politics are the politics of state discrimination against the majority of the people. Nicola Sturgeon has never united Scotland; she is a polarising force as much as Alex Salmond but without his personality of winning over people. Nicola Sturgeon can’t sell independence and a recent poll held before Brexit Day saying that indy is ahead is whack.

Nicola Sturgeon has surrounded herself with a vicious nasty Southside clique which I have mentioned on and off over the years. Wings belatedly has said it “remains the view of Wings Over Scotland that only a complete change of the aforementioned leadership (and its toxically insular and incestuous modus operandi) offers any hope of success in the foreseeable future”.

Naturally George Laird right again and ahead of the curve.

In the grand scheme of things, Sturgeon is locked into trying the same failed tactics of 2014, but without the ability to be able to carry the arguments forward. It doesn’t matter if Wings plans to take a two-month break. Sturgeon’s mess will still be here, he makes a fair point that a change of management is needed, but the problem is there is virtually no talent in the SNP. The reason for the political leadership vacuum is that the SNP don’t promote people upwards and make them candidates if they are seen as a threat to the leadership of Sturgeon.

Wings added over his retreat from the frontline of indy:

“There may be posts now and then if something particularly significant happens, there’ll still be some social media chat and we’ll probably keep the cartoonist in cat biscuits, but otherwise it’s time to do something else for a bit and see where we are in April. If the answer to that is ‘still being led by Nicola Sturgeon and Peter Murrell [Ms Sturgeon’s husband and the SNP’s chief executive]’, then the reality is that the war is probably lost and it’ll be time to shut up shop permanently. It’d certainly be difficult to see much point in starting a Holyrood list party that could do nothing but stand helplessly by while the SNP squandered yet another mandate.”

Finally, it took Wings over Scotland and his supporters years to wake up to the reality of Nicola Sturgeon and her Cult, and how painful that awakening must have been. Not only did Sturgeon successfully string him along, but he by default helped shore up her failure as First Minister by giving her carte blanche to treat government as a part time nuisance and vehicle of indy spin doctoring. Where was the holding to account on the issues that matter, where was the better Scotland, and where was the integrity? Death of a Saleman ends the realization of Willie Loman that he has no friends left to come to his aid in time of trouble. That play could be successfully turned into ‘The Death of a Failed Politician’ starring Nicola Sturgeon, who in the end will come to realize that she is out of time and out of friends just like Willie Loman.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. This is great news!

  2. A woman who has caused more devition amongst family's in scotland than any other mp in my lifetime how can anyone follow this woman with her record as an snp leader a leader of what independence that's all she cares about being the one who got independence and ruined scotland and where did she go nobody knows but she sure walked away with a good pension when the rest of us were left in the shit .

  3. Working class my arse Tory mouthpiece more like Nicola has done more for the people of Scotland than any of the unionist parties and could do more if she didn't have to keep mitigating the Tory cuts. The SNP do while Labour abstains. I take you lot don't take the things the SNP have legislated for like paying to cross our bridges, paying for Tuition fees , paying for parking in Scottish Hospitals, paying the Bedroom Tax and I take it you sold your parents home to pay for their care. No I thought not!

    1. Oh, but you do need to sell your parents home to pay for their care. Free nursing care doesn't cover the "board and lodgings" element of care home fees. If your parents own their own home and one goes in to care, you're ok, but when the other needs to go in to care, the house has to be sold and your parent becomes "self funding". I know - I was a care home manager AND lost my inheritance that way.

    2. Got news for you. The SNP don't pay for those things, the Scottish taxpayer does, paying more taxes than the rest of the UK since Ms Sturgeon got her hands on tax raising powers. And with the large budget deficit she has ran up, they'll be paying more for it for many years to come. It's all part of the con to keep the deluded SNP voters sweet. Small things like how we're going to pay for it are problems for tomorrow.

  4. Dear Unknown

    Her largess all paid for by the UK Government, she handles the money, she bought the vote.

    Tuition fees = robbing the poor to pay for the higher education of the middle classes


  5. Well said,truth hurts these “pretendy Scots”.

  6. Brilliant Georgieboy.

    On an unrelated matter did you hear that a certain lesbian has left her husband for a French woman in Stirling area...Dunblanish


  7. Dear unknown 10 billion Barnett bail out from UK. Police Education and NHS a mess .11 years of fail . 10 years of underspend Govanhill a third world sewar and placating every loonie minority view. Stfu dick.

  8. Ehhhh....what planet you on! Yes I did have to sell my parents house to provide for their care. And the £1099 per week they had the pleasure of taking from their savings.

  9. Glad to see More and more people are waking up to this vile harridan and her hangers on shes always one for a photo opportunity just as long as it's not in her constituency.

    A party of nepotism who would rather buy votes by giving goverment call centre jobs to Dundee who voted along SNP lines in 2014 rather than the other area that was in the running which has some of the most deprived communities in Scotland which they have done nothing to fix despite Sturgeon Snr being a councillor there and throwing the teddy out the pram when the father couldn't get elected as a councillor!

    The pandora's box which they have opened that makes sectarianism look like a child game is scandalous and they dont seem to care. Supporters calling out to murder and hang Tories from lamp posts,Burn their houses,Deport those and deny them rights as well as boycotting businesses you could almost think you were in 1930s Germany then I remembered the party was founded by a Nazi sympathiser and still they say nothing but you'll get lifted if you sign a dodgy song at a football match.

    Then the dodgy dealings with Ferguson's ship yard that even a blind man can see was a contract for a mate wink wink. Or the iffy Chinese steel used on the recent infrastructure projects wonder what size of carbon foot print that's made despite the bandwagon climbing climate change emergency she called in the summer to garner a few votes despite owing airports and swaning around the globe trying to flog a dead horse 2and referendum.

    Blackfords incessant whines every Weds at PMQ is an national embarrassment rather than getting the questions us Scots need answering sounds like a broken record claiming the nation isn't being heard then tell the other SNP MPs to stay away from the HoP to prepare for a 2nd dead horse pure comedy gold from the blustering idit (who despite his claimed hate for the Government made a pretty packet off the back of the general election)

    Still awaiting the engagement from SNP to those 1million plus who voted to leave the EU nope Nadal not a thing not even mention a referendum on if an independent Scotland should be in the EU either as they know they would lose and badly with a large number of indy and unionists voting against joining.

    Sadly for wee deluded Nicola tour never going to be queen of the Scots or being in the EU commission either as thats what you seem to think your destiny is and Scotland is just a stepping stone to achieve it.

    Oh and the small matter of a trial in March and what you knew and those emails that have allegedly been deleted....job centres that way》

  10. Eh... to 'unknown'.... I had to sell my mum's house to pay for her nursing home... check your facts out!

  11. Unknown - no one pretends that the opposition are currently shit. However the SNP never take responsibility for their failures. Education has been the biggest fuck up. I know that first hand. What is ironic about Wings is that the custodian lives in Bath. We need a change of government in Scotland and the SNP needs a change of leadership.

  12. We do pay for hospital parking in Glasgow and we do have to sell the family home to pay for the elderly care the care in the community is not fit for purpose due to the cuts the SNP have put on councils

  13. Hi Crookie

    "Brilliant Georgieboy".

    Glad you liked it, nearly 13k plus views.

    "On an unrelated matter did you hear that a certain lesbian has left her husband for a French woman in Stirling area...Dunblanish"

    French muff is good!

    Despite leaving the EU, we are all still Europeans and shouldn't give up on building bridges. As to betraying her husband, par for the course for some women, some are multiple betrayers, hopefully we will all learn more if this story makes the press. Is it anyone we know?


  14. Oh a certain maid from Govanhill Georgieboy


  15. She should have accepted the Euro Referendum and used the intermitting years before Brexit to position Scotland to receive as much powers possible back from Europe and London. She’s done the opposite; she really has been an awful leader. Looking at all the other things like the latest statistics, things like schools, life expectancy, drug abuse and poverty. She’s been a total disaster.

  16. The $10 Reverend posting from his mother's basement in sunny Bath is always good for a laugh!

    Great points Mr Laird as ever.

    Awaiting 'Events dear boy, events' , both legal and social with renewed optimism!

  17. One point that might be of interest. Wings publicly stated last year that they were in contact with Salmond. Nothing wrong with that. But given that the SNP have effectively removed him from their history, makes you wonder what might happen later this year.

  18. Been out of the loop - celebrating Indy Day :-)

    Wings Over Bath... disses the Second Fish?!?!?!?!

    Good Grief.... Like BREXIT never thought I would ever see that....

    Mr. Laird calls it right again!!!

    Good health and further recovery to you Mr. Laird :-)
