Tuesday, November 26, 2019

SNP Have Lost Moral Authority; SNP leader Nicola Sturgeon left grim-faced as BBC interviewer Andrew Neil ruthlessly rips apart her record as SNP leader and First Minister, Andrew Neil shamed Nicola Sturgeon 10 times in just 43 seconds during car crash interview, her performance was cold, callous and lacking in empathy

Dear All

Andrew Neil is a supberb interviewer who is worthy of being named alongside the greats, like Sir Robin Day, Brian Walden and Jeremy Paxman. If you sit in front of these people, you have to be up to the mark. They are always prepared, well researched and professional.

Last night was the ‘big fight’, Andrew Neil Vs Nicola Sturgeon. 

Although the SNP leader and her govt get an easy ride in Scotland by the cowed press, there comes a time when you run into the best. Nicola Sturgeon was utterly shamed 10 times in just 43 seconds, during her car crash TV interview. Words like annihilation are a good fit for what happened to Sturgeon. Even her expensive media training was useless, as the lack of empathy showed as Andrew Neil reel off a list of failures, and you could see she was stressed by the event.

Yesterday was the day that Nicola Sturgeon lost the moral authority in the Westminster 2019 election.

Andrew Neil listed her failures:

"Only two of your eight waiting time targets are being hit, you’ve been in for a long while.
"You haven’t hit the A&E target since 2017”.

"The two-month cancer target you haven’t hit since 2013”.

"Children are dying in a new Glasgow hospital because the water is contaminated, perhaps by pigeon droppings”.

"A new multi-million pound Edinburgh hospital should of opened in 2012 is still unfit to open. You can’t even get the ventilation system to work."

He continued:

"You’ve got the worse drug addiction problem in Europe. But you cut drug treatment budgets by 15 million”.

During this interview, you can notice that Nicola Sturgeon sat there impassive, the lack of empathy oozing out of her, but the real bullet which hit home personally was the line by Andrew Neil:

"You've called for legislation to protect the NHS from Donald Trump, maybe the NHS needs legislation to protect it from Nicola Sturgeon!"

The artificial shine was stripped away from Nicola Sturgeon by a master interviewer, the fake SNP image of in control and know everything was blown apart, the reality exposed, ‘knows nothing, does nothing and doesn’t care’.

When it came to the issue of currency, break-up of the UK and EU membership, Andrew Neil said:

"In this situation, we are talking about England and the rest of the UK would no longer be in the EU, you would still be using the pound but you wouldn’t have monetary union. You’re seriously saying you would try and join the EU using a currency of a country that is no longer in the EU? Brussels wouldn’t allow that to happen."

What the SNP propose to do which is fairly obvious is attempt to trick people that they will still use the pound in a fabled post indy Scotland, the truth is they would do so until they setup a new currency, that would be the job of a Scottish Central Bank.

Their ‘Our Pound’ strategy is a big lie to deceive people at the ballot box.

You can’t join the EU if you don’t have your own separate currency, that’s the EU rules, and they aren’t open to fudge. So, the SNP always wanted right from the start to ditch the pound. They also wanted a quick indyref 2 in the hope they could simply transfer while the UK still had EU membership. That isn’t allowed within the EU rules either while Scotland is part of the UK. The SNP are lying to the people of Scotland, they aren’t the party of independence; they are a party of interdependence. The SNP see the EU as a big networking opportunity for power, wealth and advancement.

Round it out to simple……… greed!

And they are quite happy to stab Scotland in the back along with the population.

Look closely at Nicola Sturgeon during this interview, all the traits that former consul-general to Edinburgh, Miguel Angel Vecino spotted are all there, “distant and cold”, as well as lacking empathy. You should replay this clip a few times to dial into it, when the drug deaths are mentioned and the fact she cut the treatment money, her facial expression remains absolutely blank.

For years, I talked about ‘unpopular’ Nicola Sturgeon which differed from the fake image that was presented to the world. The construct of the SNP caring superwoman is a mirage, rather like a coat of paint on a condemned building. The child hugging Nicola Sturgeon has been exposed, she will still continue using kids as props, her promotion of certain minority groups, but what she cannot get is the majority of the people of Scotland to back her. The SNP treat the governance of Scotland as a part time concern, a vehicle to get power, money and a platform for their indy cause. And while the SNP continue with this approach and taken no responsibility people suffer.

People like the family of Milly Main.

There is a cost to independence and SNP neglect, but the SNP aren’t paying that price, Scottish kids like Milly Main are, and so are drug addicts who can’t get treatment because of deliberate cuts to funding. 

Lots of people are calling for Jeane Freeman, the health sec to resign, but I am not.


I blame in part SNP MSP Shona Robison, the then Health Sec who was a liability in the job, and allowed to continue in it because she and Nicola Sturgeon are ‘pals’. 

Both Robison and Sturgeon are to blame for the mess of the Scottish NHS. If anyone should resign, look to Sturgeon and Robison as candidates but neither will. Scotland is living in a dark time, and until we rid ourselves of this inept SNP government, we will not move forward as a country.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. Another WELL THOUGHT WRITTEN POST, keep up the good work

  2. Beautifully wrapped up as at the moment Scotland is being beautifully kippered by the SNP in pursuit of their own selfish aims. Hopefully not for much longer if Unionists vote sensibly.

  3. Nicola Sturgeon, the “progressive “ despot. Ruling over a Scotland with the lowest life expectancy, highest drug deaths, highest suicide rate and the lowest live births in recorded history. How has she managed to get away with this!

  4. The faithful blindly follow her, with some calling her a great stateswoman. Bollocks. People should remember when she went for the leadership years ago against Alex Neil and only recovered due to Salmond entering the race. I know personally the problems with the SNHS. It is not the superb staff but the political lightweights in charge.

  5. I saw on the front page of the national that sturgeon won politician of the year. I would hate to see the runners up.

  6. Hi George. Do you think labour will do a deal with the SNP or is this another lie from Nicola?

  7. Most of AN’s (justified) criticisms here result from governments meddling in areas that should not fall within their purview (cue Malcolm Tucker). Overseeing hospital maintenance and construction should be the responsibility of burgh authorities, not regional assemblies (which should not exist) or national parliaments. As Milton Friedman wrote:
    [T]he tragedy is that because government is doing so many things it ought not to be doing, it performs the functions it ought to be performing badly. The basic functions of government are to defend the nation against foreign enemies, to prevent coercion of some individuals by others within the country, to provide a means of deciding on our rules, and to adjudicate disputes.
    (Friedman, Milton. Why Government is the Problem. Hoover Institution Press, 1993. 6.)

    It is insane that public spending as a percentage of GDP has long surpassed what it was at the height of the Napoleonic wars when we were fighting for our national survival; yet not only are we fighting no major war, spending on defence—a core function of government—is a fraction of everything else. Public spending in 1815 was 34.3% of GDP, of which 22.1% was defence; in comparison, 2019 saw public spending at 38.51% of GDP, a mere 2.33% of which was defence while health care was 7.17%.

    When the NHS was created in 1948, it built not a single hospital but simply took over the existing municipal and charitable hospitals—and has closed hundreds since; its creation was unnecessary, the previous system being adequate, and often delivering better and more effective healthcare than the NHS. For a good history of healthcare in the UK prior to 1948, and a refutation of the mythology of the NHS, recommended is James Bartholomew’s The Welfare State We’re In (Methuen, 2004; 2nd ed., Politicos, 2006), one chapter of which is devoted to that topic.

    But recognising that for many the NHS has become a substitute religion, here’s an idea. Restore hospitals to burgh charge (first restoring burgh local government) but retain the ‘free at point of delivery’ concept, converting the NH Service to an NH Fund, leaving hospitals and GPs to send bills for treatment to this NH‘F’; i.e. burgh councils deliver healthcare, Westminster (actually our taxes) pays the bills.
    Burgh authorities will tend to have greater interest in maintaining efficient local healthcare, what with burgh councillors and their families relying on those same local facilities. At the very least, this idea will help to reduce the infamous waiting lists, Westminster’s NH‘F’ not releasing cash for patients languishing on waiting lists but only for treatment delivered.

  8. The Scottish electorate have a right to know the answers to the tough questions that Andrew Neil posed. I thought he was only getting started when the bell sounded. Only by voting for the SNP will you be out of the UK and the EU. Their policies are as sound as a chocolate teapot. Turn the heat up on them and they melt.

  9. Dear Anon

    "Hi George. Do you think labour will do a deal with the SNP or is this another lie from Nicola?"

    She would love a deal but if you look at polling, that seems a distant dream, she won't be kingmaker this election.


  10. The blind faithful on Wings criticise all parts of the media except the National. They also blame everyone else except the SNP. God forbid any of these have influence.

  11. Just like the newer model Terminator, after being comprehensively demolished by Andrew Neil, she has fluidly re-assembled herself and her tissue of lies and is out there trying to kill off the Union once more.
