Monday, June 3, 2019

Excused Duty (Braveheart), Civil War in Scotland dramatically called off as actor Angus Macfadyen asks if Scots willing to 'lay our lives down' for indyref2, SNP leaders can't face the reality of Vets calling them out, ‘hey fatty get off the horse, its knees are buckling, ride in the sheep trailer’, SNP leader Nicola Sturgeon excused duty due to hefty bank account

Dear All

It is very rare that actors make the successful transition to politics, but there has been some household names, such as Ronald Reagan, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Jesse Ventura and in the UK, Michael Cashman and Glenda Jackson. As a movie buff, I was a big fan of the 1995 Mel Gibson flick, Braveheart, in fact most of Mel Gibson’s action movies tend to be good.

In the movie Braveheart,  Angus Macfadyen played the part of Robert the Bruce, his most notable scene is at the end when he leads a charge to depict Bannockburn 1314.

But it seems that the Braveheart actor has provoked anger as he asks if Scots willing to 'lay our lives down' for indyref2.

I can tell one person who definitely wouldn’t be laying down her life for indyref2, Nicola Sturgeon, Sturgeon isn’t that type of person, and less we forget, the FM salary, perks and pension. It is a fact of life that there are plenty of daft people roaming about the place looking for a cause. The madness of grievance has been cultivated by the SNP politicians over the years.

Most notably the anti English speeches at SNP Conferences dressed up as anti Westminster.

The reason for Angus Macfadyen outburst which has been called 'irresponsible' is that Conservative leadership candidate Sajid Javid has said he would not “allow” indyref2 if he became Prime Minister. Of course it is worth pointing out that Angus MacFadyen has a new film Robert the Bruce coming out which is a good way of plugging it, you know, bums on seats love!

Angus predicting no indyref 2 means the UK is heading towards civil war is nonsense.

He said:

“The real question as this situation develops (and I do hope they back down because we won’t blink) is how many of us are ready to lay our lives down for what is coming?”

Well, we are into June, and Xmas is in 6 months, presumably there will be a wait as the SNP get busy making bow and arrows.

He added:

“I’m quite sure we will prevail since Scots fought beyond the pale for the Empire; what goes around comes around.”

The best bit was:

“I’m ready. Are you?”
Would that depend on acting commitments?

He added:

“They don’t seem to understand our psyche. Its that we NEED a reason. And when you give us one, you unite us in our torment, which is the unfulfilled dream you think you can deny us; We live in a democracy and we have humbly spoken! Don’t f**k with us pal.”

Could you see the present SNP line up in the front lines with their Dad’s Army approach, overturn a few shopping trolleys and wearing kilts so they can re-enact the ‘rusty tin star’ scene from Braveheart?

Given the majority of Scots don’t want Scottish independence and wish to remain part of the UK, one has to ask where will the troops come from?

What about the Sein Fein lite Brigade of the SNP?

Alex Salmond drafted into being a General?

How about Nicola Sturgeon as Joan of Arc?

Humza Yousaf as a call centre helper?

Where on earth are they going to get enough big horses able to support some of the SNP ‘telly tubbies’ such as Fiona Hyslop, Christina McKelvie or Jeanne Freeman?

You will need Vets there as horses can’t speak, to step in and say, ‘hey fatty get off the horse, its knees are buckling, ride in the sheep trailer’.

In response to the Macfadyen tweet online, Gareth WHite wrote:

“Sometimes when you’re absolutely blootered at 3am, avoiding social media is the best option. Imagine waking up this morning to find that you’d tweeted that absolute whopper out while three sheets?!”

Brian Will added:

“Career on a bit of a slide? Pandering to the loons is possibly not a good solution.”

Pandering to loons seems the most accurate appraisal of what Macfadyen tweeted.

Lib Dem MSP Alex Cole-Hamilton said:

“It seems Mr Macfadyen has taken his Braveheart role a bit too literally. His violent rhetoric is embarrassing and irresponsible”.

A Labour spokeswoman said:

“In the real world, ordinary Scots are more concerned with earning a fair wage and properly investing in our schools and hospitals - not outlandish Braveheart delusions.”

Finally, given the utter state of education and health in Scotland, and the lack of council services due to SNP cuts, we can safely say, ‘the war is off’. So, don’t cancel your holidays, the SNP like the taxpayer money far too much to stop that flowing into their bank accounts. It’s unlikely that the tartan brigade will rise, especially in the mornings, then of course you have to have lunch, so the earliest you can fight is probably 2.30 pm, 3 pm is tea break. 5 pm, the war will have to knock off to get home for dinner, and no night ops because people want to go to the pub. So unless, the whole thing can be wrapped up in 30 minutes, we are all safe. Don’t expect to see SNP leader Nicola Sturgeon on the front line, she will be in the bunker making sure there is another rations.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. In the U.S, pretending to be a war hero is considered a crime. In Britain it's called 'walting' as in 'Walter Mitty' and this is what this fat fool is - and the SNP Anglophobes by extension, truly are.

  2. Wonder if he actually lives in Scotland. If he does, perhaps he should investigate Glasgow NHS. I know of a genuine case, ongoing, where due to fuckups someone might be disabled for life.

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