Friday, May 31, 2019

Un-usual tactic to regain Labour Party membership; former Labour Spin doctor says Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn’s colleagues think he is ‘bonkers’ on Brexit, here is some advice for Jeremy Corbyn, support Brexit, steer clear of a second referendum and win back the trust of the voters, Brexit has polarized the country totally, Campbell’s advice will usher in a new Blairite era

Dear All

Having been expelled from the Labour Party, former party spin doctor Alastair Campbell who previous said that the secrets of colleagues are “safe” with him has said Jeremy Corbyn’s closest colleagues think he is “bonkers” on Brexit. He then reeled off a list of names which include Keir Starmer, John McDonnell, Shami Chakrabarti, Tom Watson and Emily Thornberry.

For a man who wants to overturn being expelled, his timing on attacking Jeremy Corbyn rather stinks. Jeremy Corbyn has given muted support for another referendum but although many people think the Brexit Party is a fad, it could end up running all the way to the Westminster 2022 election. If you listened to Newsnight last night you may have caught the slot where Conservatives and ordinary people spoke at length. The message to me seems crystal clear, deliver Brexit, because there is a lot of angry people who feel betrayed.

I think the best course of action is that on 31 October, we simply let the clock run out and leave the EU, earlier would be better but the Conservatives are in a real pickle. They stand to lose Westminster seats which could end up putting the country into hung parliament territory. What Conservative Simon Clarke said last night about being unable to hold his seat has the ring of truth about it,  in a leave area, the people will vote Brexit Party.

The Labour Party had an awful campaign sitting on the fence, now, it seems the anti Corbyn faction wants to push him to a position where he has backed a people’s vote, which is another wrong decision.

If you cannot support democracy the first time round, why should anyone have any faith you will do it the second time?

If the Leave vote wins again, what happens next, General Election in 2020 after another referendum?

The people’s vote really does solve nothing, but it re-enforces the concept that we, the British people who won the previous referendum have been cheated. The new polling puts the Lib Dems and the Brexit Party ahead in the polls for Westminster. This polling doesn’t address the Scottish dimension but it certainly makes for interesting reading. The Labour Party whether it likes it or not must come down on the side of leaving the EU.

The country is polarized on this issue, totally polarized, it will go on until we leave the EU.

Funnily using Labour’s “for the many not the few” slogan, Campbell said Corbyn needs to listen to why his party had been “virtually annihilated” in last week’s election.

The reason was that the Labour Party didn’t back Brexit, but also some people who were Remainers turn their votes towards the Green Party even in Scotland but thankfully no Scottish Green was elected.

Scotland didn’t elect the shrill that is Maggie Chapman.
As well as offering bad advice to Corbyn, Campbell turned to the issue of his expulsion, he said there was “no justification” and he added:

“The reason there is no justification for this expulsion is because, as Shami Chakrabarti said yesterday, a tactical vote is not a reason for expulsion.  The only evidence provided to me were three cuttings covering what I’d said after the event, after the polls had closed, after the results had come in”.

Basically, if you are in the Labour Party, you cannot campaign for another party, this is pretty much standard across the board, if you feel you must campaign, the honourable thing is to resign your membership. When you resign your membership, you are an ordinary member of the public and free to do what you want and say what you want. Given the current state of the Labour Party particularly in Scotland after this election, they have gone from second to fifth in the polling and no MEPs. The Scottish Labour Party needs as much help as possible to recover from a massive defeat which must make the party wonder how they turn this around.

Campaigning for a second referendum isn’t it.

Finally, if you think back to 2016, I was one of the three key people in Glasgow who started the Brexit stall in the City Centre. It was such a success which didn’t go un-noticed, it help poll 80,000 votes in Glasgow, compared to the Remain vote which had every party against us. They took 168,000 votes.

Scotland produced a million votes; we helped carry the win over the line. When we didn’t leave the EU on 29 March, the only vehicle was the Brexit Party. I was head hunted by a serious member of Leave.EU to do the campaign for the Brexit Party. I didn’t join the Brexit Party as a registered supporter but, I became the face of the Party in Glasgow. Due to the work that the Glasgow group did in travelling around, they played their part in getting the first ever Brexit Party MEP in Scotland, and for the second place polling in Scotland.

The Labour Party must support Brexit.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. Jeremy Corbyn got elected leader, it's up to him if he wants to give Britain a Labour party or surrender to anti-Corbyn, Blairite filth remainers. He either agrees with democracy and excepts that leave won, or not! His choice.

  2. Corbyn, Thornberry, Abbott need I say any more. Oh yes wait what’s that guy called that bounces when he talks. Labour are dead in Scotland. In Westminster they’ve flip flopped that much that no one knows their position, even the front bench are confused. It’s a shame because we need a Labour Party, we need an effective Labour Party. Whilst we have Momentum/Labour and that annoying arsehole Owen Jones spouting his crap I’m afraid I won’t support them.
