Tuesday, April 2, 2019

The SNP’s broken Brexit record: SNP Leader Ian Blackford hits out at ‘disrespect’ for Scotland as he and the ‘chimps’ tea party’ of Scotland scream about indyref 2, the SNP show how lacking in skill they are politically, their ‘it’s my ball’ approach reeks of petty self interest and contrived grievance

Dear All

According to what passes for an SNP leader at Westminster, we get a repeat of the broken record, ‘The day is fast approaching when Scotland will vote for independence because it is sick of being ignored at Westminster’. If there is anything to ignore at Westminster, it isn’t Scotland but rather the SNP MPs, the equivalent of a ‘chimp’s tea party’. Whether it is clapping like a seal, dozing on the benches, looking up at the ceiling or pretending to be meaningful MPs with someone to say, the SNP are a wretched bunch.

At the present moment, Westminster is in panic mode, as some MPs in the House struggle with trying to subvert the democratic vote of the EU referendum, like a can, they keep kicking it down the road. At some point, they will run out of road or time, and if we are all lucky, we will get a WTO Brexit.

If we are all lucky!

In grievance mode, SNP leader Ian Blackford said a majority of Scottish MPs had voted for three of four options out of the Brexit impasse put to a second round of indicative votes. So, what, the House of Commons operates on a UK wide level, which Blackford is presumably well aware of. His non starter point is that Scottish MPs, had their views “disrespected”, as MPs overall had rejected all four choices.

When you don’t win a vote or series of votes, it is called democracy.

In the midst of the SNP plan, which is unwinnable, they want a second vote on Brexit, the so called people’s vote, what they don’t want is a general election as they stand to lose more seats. Yes, although Nicola Sturgeon says she would love a general election, you can take that with a pinch of salt. Plenty of the ‘chimp’s tea party’ MPs would be punted down the road.

That too would be democracy in action.

One thing that Blackford said to the Commons is that it would be an “outrage” if Theresa May now sought to bring her thrice-defeated Brexit deal back for a fourth vote. Clearly the PM is not for turning; however, a fourth vote loses likely to lose. If you keep getting told no, chances are people are pretty fixed on defeating her deal.

Brexit Secretary Stephen Barclay has suggested another vote for the same deal was a live possibility, Blackford said:

“It really is about time the Government accepted reality, that the deal the Government put forward has been defeated three times. We need to try and see where we can find consensus and work together. Fundamentally for us that represent seats in Scotland, we voted to remain in the EU. A vast majority of Scottish MPs voted to revoke Article 50, a vast majority of Scottish MPs voted for a People’s Vote, a vast majority of MPs voted to stay in the single market and customs union. It is crystal clear to us from Scotland that our votes in this House are disrespected. It’s becoming increasingly clear to the people of Scotland that if we want to secure future as a European nation that we’re going to have to take our own responsibilities. Sovereignty rests with the people of Scotland, not with this House, and the day is coming when we will determine our future and it will be as an independent country.”

The tired old broken record of everything is better with independence, how many times has the SNP said this, triple digits plus?

Well saying it doesn’t make it so!

Although the SNP are making proposal’s, in reality, they want to revoke Article 50 to avoid a no-deal Brexit. They are still clinging to the nonsense that they can join the EU without going through the proper procedures. They don’t want to accept that legally, the 27 EU members can veto their application; there is no way round that bunny if they choose to do so.

So, why did the SNP again abstained on the option that came closest to passing?

The plan for a permanent customs union proposed by Tory veteran Kenneth Clarke, well it was keep alive their dream of stopping Brexit totally. The SNP isn’t interested in consensus no matter what story Blackford and co float to the media or anyone else. You could say that by abstaining from the Clarke option, which needed just six votes to pass, they have laid the bricks for a no deal Brexit.

Yet again, the SNP show how lacking in skill they are politically, their ‘it’s my ball’ approach reeks of selfishness, but in this case, thank goodness for idiots. Post stupidity Blackford later denied the SNP had made a no-deal more likely by not backing the idea.

In panto, they would say, ‘oh yes you did’!

Scottish Green MSP Patrick Harvie, who is seen by some as an SNP stooge tweeted:

“Dismaying that once again MPs have failed to find a majority – but only just. It is still clear that if those backing a softer Brexit and those demanding a People’s Vote can join forces and agree a motion that proposes both, a clear majority can be found. But the clock’s ticking.”

This is a guy who couldn’t defend the current EU in a debate with me!

Ian Murray, the Labour MP for Edinburgh South and a long-term campaigner for a People’s Vote, said:

“It’s disappointing no options secured a parliamentary majority, and it’s particularly frustrating the legal minimum of a customs union failed to pass after SNP MPs abstained, despite it being their policy for some time. If we end up with a hard Brexit or a no-deal Brexit, voters will see that some have played politics rather than doing what is in the national interest. However, the level of support for a people’s vote is encouraging, and a parliamentary majority to give the public a final say is now within our grasp, as it won tonight with the highest number of votes. Over the coming days, we must redouble efforts to secure this and give control back to the British public.”

Personally, I would like to see Ian Murray join the TIG group, since he is a Blairite stooge who doesn’t even hide that he won’t support the Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn.

One little bit of interesting waffle came from Tory Brexiter Richard Drax, he made an extraordinary personal statement in which he said he “made the wrong call” in backing Mrs May’s deal on Friday.

The Dorset MP said:

“I have not been true to myself…. What I should have done, and did not do, was to trust my instincts and those of the British people.”

He is also calling on the PM to resign immediately if Mrs May did not commit to taking the UK out of the EU on April 12. I think that the PM should take the UK out of the EU on the 12th. Ideally we should already be gone, and we shouldn’t even be thinking of preparations for the May 23 EU elections as a “contingency” step.

Brexiter MP Andrew Bridgen told Channel 4 News that Mrs May had “one chance to save the Conservative party by backing a no-deal next week.

He said:

“She has got over half the parliamentary party, the vast majority of our volunteers and members in the country and our supporters, supporting a managed no-deal Brexit on April 12, which would end the uncertainty for business and get us out of the European Union. I don’t have confidence in Mrs May but she has one chance to save the Conservative Party, to save our democracy and get us out of the EU.”

Finally, you might look on the chaos down the road at Westminster and feel a little het up, but now isn’t the time to get worried by what if or whatever, let things play out and plan form there. No is not the time to lose your nerve, burn energy, freak out or want to go on a demo, it is a time to learn patience.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. I've never known a time when the UK political class is so detestable. What democracy is this, when all we have is this scum to vote for?

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