Friday, March 29, 2019

Thought for the Day, Brexit: What's the f**k is going on, well we know what is going on, certain groups seek to rob the people of the UK of their democratic vote by creating chaos, the current party system is failing the people it is supposed to protect, like football, we need new teams and players on the pitch

Dear All

Today should have been Brexit day, the day we left the European Union after 40 plus years of membership. Yesterday I mentioned the importance of comedy, and how the truth is the most damaging thing to use in politics.

I found this clip on youtube and wanted to share it with you, although this is a comedy sketch, the message of the deranged reporter is biting and classic.

I would like you to take the opportunity to view and think about it on a personal level and how those words ring eerily true regarding your fellow citizens.

For far too long there has been a failure to invest in British people and their future, and Brexit in some way is payback for this situation created by politicians. If there is a message for politicians here is it that identity politics and neglect have brought us to the brink of a failing society.

There are too many have nots and a lack of political will to do anything for them.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University 


  1. We know what’s going on; our political elite are going against the democratic wish of the people. Elitist scum bags and Kranky and the SNP are members of the same club. Couldn’t the SNP have showed disdain about the European referendum but at least abstain in the Brexit votes and acknowledge the majority of British voted leave. Sturgeon is using Brexit to support the elite not for Scotland. By demanding another European referendum “peoples vote” she is putting in jeopardy any future successful Scottish independence referendum. I will never vote LIB\LAB\SNP\GREEN\CON again. If we don’t leave the EU there is no democracy left in the UK.

  2. Hi there, just wanted to tell you, I enjoyed this post.
    It was inspiring. Keep on posting!

  3. Write more, thats all I have to say. Literally, it seems as though you relied on the video to make your point.
    You obviously know what youre talking about, why waste your intelligence on just posting
    videos to your blog when you could be giving us something enlightening to read?

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  5. I feel the word Brexit conceals more than illuminates. We all know it is a contraction of British Exit (from the European Union). But another way of saying it, and for me more accurate is "British Independence".

    When you use the term British Independence in place the term Brexit things seem to become clearer.

    For example "We must have a soft Brexit" when rewritten makes no sense:

    "We must have a soft British Independence" ???????

    Okay lets try and refine that

    The word soft is the opposite of the word strong, now independence does not come in the qualities of soft or strong, or hard or weak. The quality that independence comes in is called complete; by definition incomplete independence is not independence but dependence.

    Armed with this understanding with regard to the qualities of independence let us analyse the original statement:

    "We must have a soft Brexit" after refinement becomes

    "We must have an incomplete British Independence"

    By definition incomplete independence is still dependence:

    "We must have an complete British Dependence"

    Anything but complete British Independence is a betrayal of the voters.

    1. Great analysis. And there lies the exact reason why it was 'called' Brexit & not British Independence, as it implied that we were leaving something instead of gaining something. Additionally, it was to prepare the ground for what we see now. All done by design by our trustworthy leaders & endlessly repeated by the BBC & pals at the ministry of truth.
      By constantly repeating these hard/soft/no deal scenarios, it muddied the waters from a very early stage. The result of this was that many people were brainwashed into believing they had voted to leave with some sort of deal, which they hadnt. What they have never been told is that they actually voted for what was now being called 'no deal'...& all these treasonous scumbags who were calling for that to be taken off the table were blatantly trying to reverse a democratic vote. No Deal IS what was voted for. People have very short memories if they cant remember Cameron/Osbourne plus a few of the EU diddys banging into our heads that 'leave means leave' including the single market & customs union. They made it very very clear.

      But who cares really that a lawful, democratic vote is about to be overturned eh? If the politicians & their mouthpieces in the media keep telling us we're leaving then it must be true....

      It really beggars belief that these are the same people who stand in our parliament with a straight face & tell us all how corrupt other countries leaders are....absolutely fucking staggering!
