Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Ever Feel You Have Been Conned Scotland; SNP leader Nicola Sturgeon admits Indyref2 may be after 2021, Sturgeon angles for another term as ‘lame duck’ First Minister running a defective government, no unofficial Catalan-style vote, nothing that could harm Nicola Sturgeon’s money, expenses, perks and junkets, expect the SNP ‘usual suspects’ to whip up an increasingly angry indy mob between now and Holyrood 2021

Dear All

You might remember something which I blogged on awhile ago, if not here is a refresher, Nicola Sturgeon knows she cannot deliver a second independence referendum.

So, what the hell is going on with Nicola Sturgeon?

Well, in my opinion she is milking the position of First Minister for all that she can, money, expenses, perks and junkets, ‘loads a selfies’, and preparing the groundwork to leave. 

But before she goes, she wants to hang on another term after this current Holyrood Parliament ends in 2021. It rather looks at present that there will be a hung parliament after 2021 in Holyrood.

That being the case, the question will be who will be the minority government?

Brexit is still moving forward, however there are problems with ‘the deal’, I still favour hard Brexit, and rejection of the current proposals, and given the unhappiness, various people might also travel that road.

The SNP will probably vote against the deal to try and secure ground for indyref 2.

The Labour Party will probably vote against the deal to attempt to bring down the UK government and get a general election.

The Conservative Brexiteers will vote against the deal because they don’t want it.

Selling the current deal will be hard task for the Prime Minister Theresa May to the House of Commons. It is fair to say that Theresa May is under a lot of pressure, not just on the deal but also her continued leadership of the Conservative Party. A bad deal will haunt her all the way to 2022, so she needs to get it right and sellable, because a lot is riding on this, politically and personally for her and her party.

If there is any humour in the current chaos is that SNP leader Nicola Sturgeon has had to admit there may not be a second independence referendum in the current parliament. She will speak long and loud that she is forced to try to secure one at the next Holyrood election. The gullible in the SNP and the wider indy movement will be asked to swallow this guff, but these people must see what is plain to ordinary people, Sturgeon is ‘selling a pup’ to her supporters.  

So, yet again for SNP supporters, Nicola Sturgeon is securing money, expenses, perks and junkets, ‘loads a selfies’, and preparing the groundwork to leave. No matter how many times I clearly explained this to these people, this concept doesn’t register. In order to soft soap her play for continued support, Nicola Sturgeon said she may not be able to overcome the UK Government’s rigid refusal to grant Holyrood the power to hold another vote before 2021.

This is because she has no power, her phantom triple lock mandate is just an illusion used by her and the indy movement to attempt to bounce another referendum on the Scottish people.

Now, Sturgeon says what we all knew, she doesn’t have legal authority, no authority equals no referendum. And of course she is ruling out an unofficial Catalan-style vote, because this would stop her money gravy train. Sturgeon wants to throw the problem onto the people of Scotland as the best option, and when they don’t give her a mandate in parliament, her hands are clean.

The new strategy is the same as the old strategy, just complaining and grievance. You can expect from on to hear from the ‘usual suspects’ SNP MPs and MSPs hyping up indy now. These will be fake news rallying cries for the punters to stoke them up, all for nothing. Then SNP Government announcements of more ‘tat’ of the baby box and tampon variety.

Oh to be a man in Scotland 2018 and campaign for tampons!

The fly in the ointment for Nicola Sturgeon is of course that polls say that the SNP will lose seats at the next Holyrood election, with Unionist parties in the majority. Imagine the anger the day after the 2021 Holyrood election when that happens, who will the nationalists blame?

Nicola Sturgeon.

2021 Holyrood maybe the SNP’s last dance at Government, the trend is downwards, spiralling decline, all self inflicted, all preventable and all due to the Cult. Sturgeon dropped the bombshell at a weekend meeting of the Women for Independence group. It seems that Nicola Sturgeon is doing more closed events, what you might call; ‘not meet the people’!

The picture is bleak for Sturgeon; a poll also gave a 20-point lead to the pro UK campaign.

Sturgeon’s answer to the mob was:

“I don’t have an easy answer to this”.

Tried looking in a mirror?

She added:

“We may get into a situation where the UK government says ‘No, we’re not going to agree the Section 30 Order [transferring referendum powers to Holyrood]’. And I think if that happens, we need to rise above that, we need to make a case of how unreasonable that is. And ultimately, if the only way through that is to take that to an election, and ask the people of Scotland to use an election to say ‘No, we will have absolutely our right to choose, I think maybe that’s what that will take.”

The SNP as I have always said are a party of protest, not of government which is why they are failing. A new Survation poll Scotland in Union group this week found 60% of Scots would vote to ‘Remain’ in the UK.

The nationalist’s 45 group have lost 5%, are they now the 40 group, 5% died, gave up; went to the bookies, down the pub, away to the seaside?

Finally; and for the third time, Nicola Sturgeon is clearly playing for time, her Brexit rallying cry didn’t work, support is going backwards, government is a failure and an albatross round her neck. Her former mentor Alex Salmond still has an uncomfortable spotlight focused on him, and her allies are getting scarce. Nicola Sturgeon and her motley crew gambled that lack of substance would forever carry them onwards, now she and they are experiencing changed days, different landscape. 

Maybe she will write a book, ‘The Tampon and the Thistle’, how it all went pear shaped from the minute she took the poison chalice of leadership.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. For Brexit, the deal has to be amended to make it work, because it's gone down like a cup of cold sick.

    The Brexit deal would put us in a weaker position, so that's a non-starter.

    Stopping Brexit would turn people against democracy and may fuel rise against extremism, so that's a complete washout too. Besides, the EU would try and punish all UK citizens from top to bottom to make an example of us.

    Then we have hard Brexit, which might happen from a no-deal situation, but what would happen to the economy?

    Hopefully the threat of a no-deal Brexit will make May and the EU change their tone, and a successful Brexit followed by reforms would really give this country a new lease of life and a fresh start. Maybe I'm just being optimistic? I dunno.

    As for Sturgeon and crew, she made her own bed, she should lie in it. It's too late to make another. Time for a fresh start for Scotland, and for the UK as a whole.

  2. Since backstabbing 500.000 Yes voters who happened to vote leave EU, it must be obvious, even to a brain dead moron that there is no way in hell for Sturgeon to win another independence referendum. She has basically turned the SNP into the pro elite\ pro exploiter SEP - Scottish European Party. Instead of demanding another independence referendum, she's now joined the elite and the anti democratic weirdo bandwagon demanding a "people vote"
    Crazy, crazy woman...The say we deserve the politicians we get but today 2018 UK I'm starting to wonder...what exactly is going on! who are these nutters ruling us.
