Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Activist Judges; President Donald Trump denounces Obama-Appointed Judge for blocking denial of asylum to caravan migrants heading towards the American border, the democrats at every turn seek to undermine the Trump Administration, clearly the democrats don’t care about protecting America from all enemies both foreign and domestic

Dear All

If you ever watched an American war movie, you might have come across a scene where American Officers swear an oath, to protect America from all enemies both foreign and domestic. At the present moment, America is at war, this one is an internal one, between the Democrats and the Republicans. Some of this you can see played out on the news, some of it in documentaries, and in American college campuses.

After Donald Trump became President beating Hillary Rodham Clinton, the ‘war’ has spilled into many spheres of American life, nowhere is safe it seems from the malaise of the Democratic reach. All the anti Trump attacks by democrats including former President Obama show one thing, the democrats are scared. They have been spectacularly found out for what they are.

They are scared because of what Trump represents and what their past has been, successful exposed by people like Dinesh D'Souza.

It seems that the legacy of Obama appointees think nothing of attempting to damage Trump in their quest to return the Democratic Party to power. At present, the democrats are a failed party, a dinosaur in modern America with their politics of division to rule.

President Donald Trump has denounced an Obama-Appointed Judge who has decided to block denial of asylum to the Caravan Migrants heading towards America from the south. These people aren’t asylum seekers, they are economic migrants. They are not fleeing war, they are fleeing poverty. The migrant caravan has been covered in the news as they snake their way north to the American border.

If you think back to the European migrant crisis, I suggested that borders should be guarded by the military because civilian agencies cannot cope with the present situation.

In reacting to the ban, President Trump said:

“This was an Obama judge, and I’ll tell you what, it’s not going to happen like this anymore.”

What the democrats have done is opened up a can of worms by their actions, judges should be above politics, however, what is going on could see the removal of judges in the same way as political power passes between parties. The President is rights to deny asylum to the migrant caravan crossing into the United States illegally at the Southern border.

You might ask what the problem is!

Well, undocumented and uncheck migrants pose a national security risk to the people and the country they illegally attempt to entry under the guise of asylum.

The Swedish example of how stupid the political elite have become is spelled out in every crime inflicted on the Swedish people.

The problem of ‘activist’ judges is a ticking timebomb, it rots the judicial process and dislodges justice as the cornerstone of society. U.S. District Judge Jon Tigar of San Francisco, appointed by former President Barack Obama, issuing of a restraining order of the Trump administration’s effort to deny asylum to migrants trying to cross the southern border illegally is wrong. Especially when you consider that the administration would still allow people crossing through legal points of entry to claim asylum.

The White House also released a strongly worded statement;

“This decision will open the floodgates, inviting countless illegal aliens to pour into our country on the American taxpayer’s dime,” White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders said in a statement calling the ruling “contrary to well-established Federal law.”

The problem of the Hispanic gangs on the border infiltrating America as part of the drug cartels is well known.

Each day, drug mules do back and forth carrying drugs into America.

If you think the migrant caravan coming to America is all doctors, dentists, nuclear scientists then think again.

White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders said in a statement:

“This temporary injunction is yet another example of activist judges imposing their open borders policy preferences, which are rejected by the overwhelming majority of the American people.”

In an ideal world, militarisation of the borders isn’t a step to be taken lightly, the military is a blunt instrument, they are there to stop threats, not enter meaningful conversations.

Finally, President Donald Trump has many critics, but he is pro the American worker, more so that most previous holders of the office of President. Donald Trump’s Migration Policy has boosted farm productivity and, importantly wages for workers. As immigrant farm workers become scarce; this is good news for the people, more jobs, more choice and more money. Globalisation promoted by political parties is a bad thing; it is about destroying countries, importing cheap labour to work for low wages.

President Donald Trump stood on a platform, Make America Great Again, not for himself but for the people, the every same people who the democrats would see fight each other for scraps.

Finally, isn’t it time to think seriously about what you are being told in the mainstream news?

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. from the Telegraph...

    Amber Rudd: If the ERG votes down the deal 'they may lose their Brexit'
    "She threatening to suspend 17.4 million peoples benefits, sorry I mean Brexit

  2. So, what's your take on the Democrats recent successes in the mid-terms, George? Because the Democrats are claiming victory, but the Republicans are claiming victory too, which is confusing.

    The Democrats tried riding on America becoming a 'majority ethnic' country, making it impossible for Republicans to win again, much like the Blairites did. In my mind this is part of an old form of democracy that 2016 killed stone dead. The democracy of the Blairs, the Obamas, the Clintons, the SNP, Theresa May, the idea that you join politics to gain profit and power, and once you have the voters conned into some promise you're never going to keep, you don't have to listen to them. Not anymore. Now because of Nigel Farage and Donald Trump, you have to be populist to win, even Corbyn counts.

    Re illegal immigration, in one documentary, a Democrat interviewee said that Americans don't complain about illegal immigrants from Canada so it's racist. However, that forgets that there are other issues tied up.

    1) Gangs in Mexico. Sure, Trump's comments were for controversy, but those gangs are horrible. Juarez in Mexico was recently the most violent peacetime city in the world.
    2) Damaging worker's wages. This exploits the working class AND immigrants because the former have wages squeezed, the latter are exploited as cheap labour.
    3) Illegal immigrants don't have rights. They're easy to exploit and mistreat.

    Some responses to illegal immigration ARE from racism, but that doesn't discount these concerns. Illegal immigrants are exploited enough already without hatred, and the situation isn't their fault. If there are concerns about asylum seekers, then they should be processed legally and if not in America, sent to an alternative location.

    Also there seems to have been a form of neocolonialism from the white liberals of America that illegal immigration is good because of cheap labour, corporate profit, and political power. In addition, while white liberals also may espouse liberal opinions in media, they still mock the working class.

    They still mock "Millenials" for a culture and situation largely not of their making, unable to earn a decent wage. They still make jokes about the white working class despite their IDpol rhetoric that you should only "punch up" but never "punch down". And we still have arts theatres who employ box office staff on zero-hours contracts.

    This has set them against the white working class, who've been created by being segmented out by identity politics, dismissed as "privileged white male toxic masculinity blah blah blah" for ages (look at the #metoo advocatesexpressing disgusting attitudes to male survivors speaking up).

    Now they exist, and the white liberals need to wake up if they want the slightest chance of winning back votes. They'd have to be blind to not realise one of the big reasons for 2016, rather than shelter in excuses.

    However, a part of me felt that Trump was a lesson that the white liberal classes have to learn if they ever want to be in power again.

    Here's a more self-aware liberal piece on the problem:

    And here's another one:

    Hopefully a sign that they're waking up to the problem?

    Al C

  3. Hi Al C

    The democrats have repeatedly attacked Trump, they see this as their on;y viable strategy after the bad PR they have received. These people are the enemies of the American people, the Clintons and how they operate speaks volumes.

