Monday, October 1, 2018

The Remainer Crying Game; Labour MEP Catherine Stihler: ‘Voters have right to change minds over Brexit’, Stihler’s fear of looming unemployment soars as she throws in two scare stories re Brexit and a ‘fable’ about how the poorest in society will suffer, news flash, EU membership didn’t stop this over 40 years in UK

Dear All

As Brexit continues a pace to the final countdown, it is interesting to see the political elite and wannabe political elite desperately trying to undermine the people’s vote to leave. What makes this especially funny is that UK support for the EU membership is dropping, this begs the question; who are the UK political elite representing if it is not the people?

Labour MEP Catherine Stihler along with all UK MEPs is going to lose her job, she doesn’t want to, this is understandable, self interest is a powerful motivation. Rather than accepting the writing on the wall and trying to see if she can get an MP slot somewhere, she is busy fighting a lost cause.

29 March 2019, the UK leaves the EU, no going back, no reversal of decision, no MPs ploy to stop that happening, we will be out and free. Although we are the first to leave, first out doesn’t mean we will be the last out, the EU project has been seen for what it is, a sham to take over Europe, destroy countries and sovereignty.

Catherine Stihler says it was a grave error for Article 50 to be triggered when it was, well was it is, in politics, politicians can always find an answer why they don’t want to do something, but the reality is, anytime is the right time.

The UK isn’t under pressure, the pressure is on the EU, despite claims and warnings about the complexities of a Brexit deal; no deal is better than a bad deal. Over the course of leaving we have had many scare stories, everything from food and medicine shortages to people raising the issue of East Europeans hookers being able to ply their ‘trade’ unrestricted. Catherine Stihler harks back to EU Council President Donald Tusk comments that the EU would seek to “minimise costs” for citizens, businesses and member states. In which case, the question to be asked is why some in the EU want to seek to punish the UK for leaving?

In fact; Ms Stilher even at this late date even manages to get in two scare stories, common among the ‘remain’ crowd, stockpile medicines and the spectre of the NHS being harmed by what she describes as Brexit process mess. Oh, and she throws in the accusation that the Leave Campaign are liars, presumably a cherry on the cake, but not a Paris Bun!

Nothing about East European hookers though!

As a Labour MEP Catherine Stihler also mentions that Jeremy Corbyn wanted to trigger Article 50 the day after the EU referendum, according to her she said this was a ‘reckless move that thankfully did not come to pass’. Well, you can see why she is so desperate to hang onto her MEP slot, the ‘new order’ of the Labour Party don’t look down too well on comments like that which usually come from the ‘progress’ or ‘blairite’ wing of the party.

In what also must be seen as re-writing history and polling, Cather Stihler makes the claim that support for a “People’s Vote” is growing; this is easily swept aside as nonsense. There haven’t been rallies or protests by ordinary people in any numbers taking place anywhere, not from the day after the result to date. People have accepted the vote, and the UK government has accepted the vote as well.  

Only a third of people in the UK want a second vote.

What Labour MEP Catherine Stihler is doing is picking a point in time when polling favours her position, this is what I call ‘emotional polling’ usually following some ‘bad news’ story about Brexit talks which have rattled some people’s cages.

Catherine Stihler says that she is proud to be involved in the cross-party legal fight, seeking a ruling from Europe’s highest court on whether Article 50 can be revoked if MPs vote to do so. Such a vote won’t take place in my opinion because it is unnecessary, parliament agreed at the start to abide by the result of the referendum, Also the legal action by Stihler and others is meaningless, the EU cannot interfere in UK domestic politics, the truth is that Remain MPs haven’t got the numbers to win a vote to reverse Brexit, and legally once the letter to leave goes in, it cannot be stopped, not even by a backdoor deal.

Finally; Cather Stihler says:

“ If we go ahead with leaving the EU, it will be the poorest in society who will suffer. For the sake of the workers of this country, and generations to come, I am not prepared to sit back and accept that Brexit is inevitable”.

Currently with EU membership, people in this country suffer from benefit sanctions, EU membership did nothing to stop this happening, the poorest in society have suffered from EU membership; it is time to try another way.

What exactly are these mythical protections from the EU that stop the suffering of the poorest in society?

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. Funny that, many of these people never gave a shit about the poor before the referendum, so it would seem.

  2. Hi Al C

    I find this concern so fake to be laughable, while she was alright jack, everything was peachy in the garden.

    If she is keen to stay, then apply for a job at Brussels with another MEP.


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