Thursday, September 27, 2018

Fun Day Out For Law Students: Tommy Robinson’s trial at Old Bailey sees hundreds turn up to protest, the court hearing has been adjourned, and there will now be a ‘substantive hearing’ held by an independent hearings panel to see if there is evidence for this case to proceed, is this the establishment using their ‘get out of jail’ free card, because this case is a loser!

Dear All

If you have been following the Tommy Robinson case, you might have found something very interesting from a legal standpoint; can a person who committed no offence be jailed? The answer to this question is yes, but there are other questions which then pop up such as was the hearing that jailed Tommy Robinson fair?

The answer to that question is no!

The Robinson case shines a spotlight on British justice, and whether people accused of contempt of court should get a jury trial. If there had been a jury trial in the Leeds case against Robinson, he would have been freed. The reason is that information already in the public domain isn’t subject to reporting restrictions. This means no matter where a person is, what he is using to communicate such information, this is part of his right to freedom of speech and freedom of expression.

The case against Tommy Robinson is bogus, and no matter how the prosecution try to spice it up, it is a loser, to attempt to have a second bite of the cherry is not in the public interest and a sheer waste of police and the court’s time. If it was me at the Prosecution Service, I would opt to bin this case, because going into court with nothing makes you look a fool.

Today was supposed to be D-Day for Tommy Robinson down at the Old Bailey, since this was a show trial, everyone turned up, including a sizeable number of protesters, a small number of counter protesters and the media.

Everyone was all revved up to go!

Except the judge who looking at this shambles, deciding that a spot of long grass was called for and promptly adjourned the trial, why get upset with the weekend coming up? Plus, why damage your own credibility on the bench trying to clean up someone’s else’s mistake The judge adjourned this case to determine whether there will be a substantive hearing at the Old Bailey into the alleged contempt of court. A substantive hearing is apparently conducted by two lay members and one professional member of the independent hearings panel, plus one legal adviser.

So, judging by what is in the public domain about what happened, I would suggest that independent hearings panel might be the ‘out’ that is needed to get this mess done and dusted as an issue, and dropped like a hot brick. In this case, leave out the aftermath, leave out the protesters, the marches and concentrate on the issue.

In that case, the evidence points to Tommy Robinson having not broken the law.

As to the counter protesters turning up at the Old Bailey, this is just a hate mob, becaue of who Tommy Robinson is and what he represents. They clearly aren’t interested in justice, and this case is an important one to watch, however they appear not to be concerned with the evidence. If being jailed while being innocent can happen to Robinson, it can happen to them.

Clearly that thought never crossed their minds!

One thing that the media has done is to continually call Tommy Robinson as a far right activist, his real name is Stephen Christopher Yaxley-Lennon who cofounded the EDL but left when he said that extremists had joined the group. He is now an independent reporter, personality of sorts and a TV pundit, but he is still to many Tommy Robinson. In politics, you get people allegedly who stand for ‘injustice’, but in this fundamental case, the political parties remained silent. The press remained pro jail, both the printed press and TV, even getting a stooge on to say publicly what happened to Tommy Robinson was okay, it wasn’t as we all know.

Speaking to reporters outside court after the adjourned hearing, Robinson said:

"I believe they want me in prison for Christmas”.

He added:

"The law's supposed to be blind, but it's not supposed to be deaf and dumb. I'm being specifically targeted for who I am. I want closure. I believe they are purposely not giving me closure”.

The bigger picture of today’s hearing I would say is this, the fact this has been sent to an independent hearings panel is in itself an acknowledgment that this case is a loser, and everyone knows it is a loser. What the independent hearings panel is, is a ‘get out of jail free’ card for the Establishment, which they should grasp with both hands.

As much as certain people would like to see Tommy Robinson back in prison, you have to have evidence, this case is devoid of it entirely, and makes a mockery of the justice system. Not liking someone isn’t a reason to conduct a witch hunt against them, deny them rights and certainly not cause to deny them due process, and a fair trial.

Finally, this bit caught my eye; Tommy Robinson is alleged to have committed contempt of court by filming people in a criminal trial and broadcasting footage on social media.

This reads like he ‘filmed in the court’, is this just lazy writing by the press or attempting to portray the establishment version of things?

Also anyone has the right to film in public, this is entirely legal and tested many times, youtube is full of videos on this subject. What the court can do is ban anything being reported 'in it' concerning the case, not something already known.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. I've said before that I don't particularly like Tommy Robinson myself. He's an ex-street brawler and ex-BNP, but at the same time that's no reason to make a mockery of the justice system to get rid of him. Otherwise, who knows who else they might decide to get rid of? Besides, how is this going to do anything other than attract people to his cause?

    It's like the embarrassing Nazi pug incident, which was ironic considering the same people who'd want to get rid of Tommy Robinson for hate speech would happily tolerate groups such as Al Mujahiroun despite them being guilty of the same thing in a different get-up.

    I suppose they thought that the latter were 'punching up' in their calls for violence because 'something-something-Iraq-Palestine'. I mean, technically proper far-right groups are a bigger problem to democracy, but there's no excuse for using the law selectively as a blunt weapon whenever you please.

  2. Hi Al C

    You are 100% correct, this case is a mockery, and the fact that it has gone to the Old Bailey is interesting, almost like by being there the venue makes what has gone on justified. If the 'crime' happened in Leeds, then why can't they fix it? Well, I would suggest that it is because they made a huge pig's ear of it.

    Smart move by the Judge at the Old Bailey tho.


  3. Fantastic post however I was wondering if you could write
    a litte more on this topic? I'd be very thankful if you could elaborate a little bit more.


  4. This would be the same guy that attacked a celtic fan whilst wearing a Rangers top in Newcastle George ? As a Rangers fan I was appaled at it as were most normal people, I'm sorry leopards don't change their spots he will always be a thug and the secret barrister did a good piece on why he was arrested. The ability to rouse morons to your cause is not a case for legitimacy.

  5. Hi Freddy

    Thanks for commenting, what interest me is the mechanics of what happened, like in the Cadder Case, justice can only be only if people are held to account who administer it.

    I don't condone Tommy Robinson's past or violence mate.


  6. I know that but it wasn't that long ago google it he's just another right wing bigot trying to reinvent himself.

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  9. The point is he is as much a reporter as you or I he was trying to stretch the boundaries of what was permitted and could have caused the collapse of a trial He's a piece of racist scum George

  10. It's really very complicated in this busy life to listen news on Television, so I only use world wide web for that purpose, and take the
    latest information.

  11. TR isn't a saint but neither is the state and Like the Hollie Greig case .cover up and the McCann case cover up and Dunblane case cover up the state are baws deep...we should be worried

  12. George Mac Retweeted

    Gerard Batten MEP

    Verified account

    Sep 29

    Tommy Robinson latest: shortly Tommy will be putting out a short video that exposes Sky news as liars and fabricators. He secretly filmed their interview with him and it shows how they edited and falsified what he said into something else. He tells me he is going to sue them.

  13. Greedy, can you provide evidence that TR attacked a Celtic fan? As far as I was aware, it was Celtic fans who had travelled away from the Sunderland ground to specifically attack TR and come off second best when Sunderland fans defended Tommy. Happy to be corrected or interested to hear if there's been another incident between TR and Celtic fans.

    And The Secret Barrister's account of Tommy's arrest has been shown up for the hateful, biased bile it was, with the SB even having to admit to having not been able to look past who the "perpetrator" was.

  14. Hi Freddy

    I am concerned about the nuts and bolts of how the case against Robinson was run, as it was a disgrace, what happened to him could happen to anyone, which is why I think people should speak out regardless of who and their past.

    What happened to him wasn't right.

    If you google me and the Cadder Case, you can get my thoughts on Cadder the young man and the principle which he forced the Scottish government to accept.

