Monday, August 20, 2018

Whatever happened to the integrity of the British press, we are being fed a tainted agenda, a fake narrative, a cover up of facts, a failure to report the truth, and support for tyranny by supporting illegal court proceedings in the case of Tommy Robinson, can the mainstream media ever regain the trust of the British people?

Dear All

Press freedom, anyone interested in democracy can and should support this to the hilt, in recent years; there is a new phrase which has entered the public forum, fake news.

It has led in a decline in the status of the mainstream media; that has led to some people outright condemning the press of lies, and also not reporting the news. The rise of alternative media sources allows the opportunity in some cases to correct mistakes. What people believe now is that we aren’t being fed news; we are being fed a tainted agenda.

Just as in some cases the press can be a help, but in other instances they can cause harm, the phone hacking case is one example.

Not their finest hour.

I recently expressed an interest in the Tommy Robinson case, the media in this case played a part in smearing this individual by what looked like a concentrate and organised campaign to support the verdict.

A verdict which was a travesty of justice!

It doesn’t matter whether you like Tommy Robinson or not, everyone should be treated equally and fairly in a court and he wasn’t. Today I am including a video of his, having been released from jail after two months, he confronted a Daily Mail reporter who followed him to where he and his family were holidaying abroad. In a video interview after his release, you could the toll that prison has had on him, locked up over 23 hours a day in solitary confinement.

I would like you to watch the video I have posted with this blog post very carefully, by enlarge reporters aren’t stupid people, their trade is dealing in facts, which is why it is curious that when questioned, the Daily Mail reporter seemed rather short both on facts and in his knowledge of Tommy Robinson.

One point that Tommy Robinson makes is why the press haven’t gone to question the judge who some say acted illegally in how he railroaded Tommy Robinson, from arrest to prison within five hours.

This is usual.

When you hear that Tommy Robinson didn’t plead guilty, the judge didn’t watch the entire video, the fact that information already in the public domain isn’t subject to court reporting restrictions, and also Tommy Robinson wasn’t told what he was charged with specifically, you have to question what is going on.

Today, I would also like to direct you to a few stories.

An Algerian migrant male was shot dead early Monday morning by Spanish police after he attempted to attack officers with a knife.

Police in Britain arrested more than 3,000 foreign nationals each week on average last year, according to new figures which revealed the share of overseas suspects rose to make up one in five people detained.

Belgian Roman Catholic Bishop Jean-Pierre Delville was assaulted earlier this week by “foreign men” during a home invasion, according to the diocese of Liège.

A German doctor was reportedly stabbed to death in his own surgery by an asylum seeker, with his 10-year-old daughter forced to watch.

And finally, this youtube will possibly surprise you, what Nigel Farage is saying is quite simple, the political elite of the left, have endangered not just western values but western society.

In this blog post, I am asking you to do a lot of secondary reading, and viewing, but I think you will find it is worth it to give you a sense of what is really going on around you, and why so many working class people are getting radicalised.

Finally, why is the West shifting towards right wing parties, well there is no mystery, we have been failed, but not just failed, we have been endangered. When I spoke of ‘civil war’ in Europe, I don’t just mean between the illegal migrants and the people, I also mean between the political elite of the left and the people.

Each day is closer to a tipping point, be fearful not just for Europe but also for your children.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. We need freedom of speech, no matter how offensive some folk might take it. We should be allowed to talk and express our views without being criminalised. Why should people be criminalised for talking or writing? Where do we live, Soviet Russia, Nazi Germany or the UK 2018? Scary days indeed.

  2. Another good post about what ive been seeing for a while now. Youre bang on point when you tell people to do a lot of "secondary thinking" but unfortunately George, thats where it all goes to shit. From my experience, most people just do not want to know! They know somethings wrong but will either point blank refuse to accept anything they are told that deviates from the mainstream narrative, or shrug their shoulders & say "but what can WE do" & go back to watching crap on the tele. They have either lost the ability for critical thinking, or are terrified of taking themselves out of their perceived comfy lives & prefer to keep their heads in the sand.
    Whats needed is proper leadership to point out what youre saying above but whats happening is that anyone who does is being labelled a nazi or fascist or conspiracy nut by the lying media in order to discredit them. Just look at how the populist leaders in europe are being portrayed here. What these brainwashed leftists here fail to realise is the reason places like Poland & Romania are voting the way they are is because these countries still have recent experience of communism & people can remember clearly what that ment & refuse to return to it. The people here should take note of this point & listen to what these people are trying to tell us instead of being conned by the lying media & corrupt politicians.
