Thursday, August 16, 2018

The End of Nicola Sturgeon, SNP Leader faces protest demo at SNP Conference as Yes Movement signal that they have lost faith in the SNP, if Sturgeon delivers a referendum her career is over, if she doesn’t her career is over, post FM the career path for her is downwards, who are the senior SNP who want her gone?

Dear All

The Nicola Sturgeon dilemma, do you know what it is?

The dilemma is how to hang onto the salary of First Minister long enough to be financially set for life. In order to do so, this means that Sturgeon is forced to kick a second independence referendum into the long grass beyond the next Holyrood election. 

As things stand at present, the likelihood is that the next election will result in a hung parliament, with Green Party support, it is doubtful that Sturgeon will have the numbers to push through a second independence bill.

You can’t have failed to notice that the pressure is on Sturgeon, not just on the independence front but with the Glasgow Southside seat with angry residents demanding action in the Govanhill ghetto.

Support for the SNP is constantly falling, but the other main parties haven’t been able to fill the void with a credible narrative, and some also have their own internal woes to deal with which are splattered all over the press.

Prime Minister Theresa May isn’t going to allow a second independence referendum during this term of Westminster, so everyone is looking what will the political landscape be in 2022? The Holyrood election however is the main focus for parties because if the SNP cannot get the majority, they don’t get to pass a bill or claim a mandate.

This is why the Yes Mob are scared; the odds on a referendum look rather bleak looking forward which is why they are panicked. It seems that the shine has fallen off the SNP and Nicola Sturgeon as protestors plan to stage a Yes demo at SNP conference in October to urge action.

To be clear, there is no SNP mandate for a second independence referendum doesn’t exist, it is just something the SNP made up, the people of Scotland aren’t behind Nicola Sturgeon which is why the SNP switched from ‘will of the people’ to ‘will of the parliament’. Yes supporters demanding she hurry up and use her ‘triple lock’ mandate to call a second referendum but she won’t.

Its all about the money, its all about that FM salary, pension, perks and the limelight, once Nicola Sturgeon resigns as FM, she will be like Alex Salmond hustling for ‘chump change’, Salmond is reduced to having a TV show on RT, the Russian Channel where he has to shine the spotlight on himself as no one else is interested in doing it.

One thing the SNP like to pretend to have is unity but recently, I heard that senior SNP are want a ‘post Sturgeon’ era ushered in and that ‘they want her gone’. It seems that people are waiting and biding their time. Always interesting when former ‘colleagues’ turn on you is it not? Here is a clip from Rome, the death of Julius Caesar to get you into the right mood of what is lurking in the SNP.

In Sturgeon’s case the knife is a second independence referendum, no delivery falls on her rubber sword, delivers and loses it (again) falls on rubber sword. This is why Sturgeon may make the noises but is dreading another referendum; she will be the First female SNP leader to lose it in their history.

Sturgeon said last year that if the SNP won a majority of Scottish seats at Westminster it would convert her already “cast-iron” mandate for a referendum into a “triple lock” one, this was a ploy to get votes because Sturgeon has known since 2015, the show is over. 2015 saw the SNP win with 56 MPs at that Westminster election but the 56 in the space of two short years have been reduced dramatically to 35 MPs.

And the prediction is that the 35 aren’t secure as some are hanging on by a trickle of votes which could so easily be turned!

After the 2017, Nicola Sturgeon and the SNP were forced to ‘cancel the party’ for indyref 2, after the SNP lost a third of its MPs in the general election, it was hardcore evidence that progress was going backwards. The boat was further rocked when senior SNP figures such as MP Pete Wishart and MSP Alex Neil urged caution, they know that the support they need to win doesn’t exist hence they are downplaying the prospect of another plebiscite in the near future.

What we are seeing now is the Yes Movement and the SNP going their separate ways, the Yes Movement don’t want and will not allow SNP control of the campaign as previously happened. The protest group at the October SNP Conference is organised by the Scotland Land of the Brave Saor Alba group, which has also helped organise recent marches calling for a second referendum. These marches across Scotland are basically the same people travelling around the country.

Scottish Tory chief whip Maurice Golden said:

“The SNP’s famous discipline is beginning to wilt, and it looks set to do so in spectacular style with a demo outside its own conference. Nicola Sturgeon has marched her independence diehards to the top of the hill and now they’re furious about being left in limbo. She should do what’s in Scotland’s best interests – march them back down and take another referendum off the table altogether.”

Finally, to return to the subject of money, Nicola Sturgeon knows post FM that she the career path for her is downwards, if you look at previous SNP leader Alex Salmond, he has effectively gone the route of ‘self employed’ doing his woeful TV show, no Fortune 500 companies beating a track to his door to make him CEO. 

If you think back to the comments of former Cabinet Minister David Laws, he said of Nicola Sturgeon, ‘a ghastly ‘woman’ and added ‘a cold and unattractive character’.

Now do you know why Nicola Sturgeon doesn’t want a second independence referendum, she doesn’t want to lose the money, doesn’t want to lose the position and doesn’t want to lose the limelight. And…. When you look at her track record, 'tampon campaigning' and 'baby boxes', maybe she has clicked that she isn’t the sharpest tool in the box!

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. In other words, the movement is starting to fragment?

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  3. Interesting and echos what I've been saying for three years or more. Although I don't think it's money which makes Mother Sturgeon in office It's the power. She feels important. Out of office, she's nothing. Maybe an occasional spot on Newsnight before it dies a death. Her and her husband love being in charge and that's why they'll pull out of all the tricks to stay in power

  4. Good article but I don’t think it’s the money that’s keeping her in post. I think she’d get plenty of work because she was Scotland first female FM. It’s her ego and the lack of credible replacements that the problem.

  5. This was bound to happen. And the guys they have sent to Westminster as representative of scotland is just pathetic. And the idiotic idea of a named persons bill is scandalous and failed to get by the uk court

  6. Typically Nouveau Riche. Vulgar and ostentatious beyond belief. Helicopters, assuming powers she doesn’t have, interfering in the sovereign affairs of EU countries when she has no mandate and absolutely no right to do so. The money is hugely important but equally so the power. She’s been an over indulged, ugly, little troll, her whole life. She has only got where she is through being affiliated to the SNP as a saddo with nothing better to do and because of the apathy and ignorance of the Scottish public of voting age.

  7. Well, I’ve voted SNP in the past. I mean, after Thatcher, Lie@bour and that moron Sheridan, what choice did I have. But this Kranky nutter has put me off Scottish nationalism for life. She will go down in Scottish political history as the FM who managed to make life-long Scottish socialist vote Tory. She makes leftards look right-wing. She would destroy us all if she was leader of an independent Scotland. Any one who calls themselves a Scots nationalist and still supports her must either have learning difficulties or an extremely low IQ.

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