Thursday, July 7, 2016

There will now be a short break while I feel like crap with a bug, in the meantime, enjoy my latest CGI test, casting a fake shadow, feeling rather run down at present, keep the faith folks, illness happens

Hi Folks,

Feeling under the weather at present, got a bug, body overheating, coughing, sneezing and the works, feeling like crap.

So, as I haven't had a break in ages, the illness has forced a stop so I can get this through my system as quick as possible.

Anyway, here is a shadow test on a 3D object to cast a shadow,, part of learning CGI, and in politics, I am thinking that Andrea Leadsom is worth a look at for PM.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. GET well soon Georgieboy

  2. Same here, so I know how you feel. Get well soon! And get some rest.

  3. Hello George

    Sorry to hear about the bug. I hope it clears soon. I am somewhat uneasy about Ms Leadsom's opponent, whom I like to call Cruela De Ville, because she was a remainer. However I think she is well equipped to scare the shit out of Herr Juncker. It's difficult to call.

    Take care.

    Auld Jock

  4. Get well soon George my friend.
