Wednesday, February 24, 2016

The Hateful One: Scotland’s unpopular First Minister Nicola Sturgeon wants to push her way into the BBC EU Debates, grievance monkey Sturgeon is a minor B team player trying to play in the cup final, recently she was sold a ‘pig in a poke’ by David Cameron re Fiscal framework, now Scots face higher taxes, what a smuck

Dear All

Oh, the agony, all dressed up and no place to go!

It seems that Scotland’s unpopular First Minister wants a spot in the BBC’s European Union debates; however, it is looking a lot like there is no room at the inn for the nasty wee grievance merchant from dreghorn.

Before I start, a quick word about the ‘deal’ between David Cameron and Nicola Sturgeon, some people say ‘historic’, I say David Cameron played a blinder and sold Sturgeon a ‘pig in a poke’.

I have decided to dub this the ‘black dingus’ deal after the scene in The Hateful Eight.

Nicola Sturgeon has sold out Scots, we are set for higher taxation, but eventually, things will turn really sour and as Samuel L Jackson said in the Movie:

“I pulled my BIG, BLACK, PECKER outta my pants. And I made him crawl in the snow on all fours over to it. Then I grabbed a handful of that black hair at the back of his head... And I stuck my Big Black Johnson right down his goddamn throat! And it was fulla' blood... so it was warm. Oh, you bet your sweet ass it was warm. And Charles Chester Smithers sucked on that warm black dingus for as loong as he could. Hahahaahaha! Startin' to see pictures, ain't ya?”

What David Cameron did to Nicola Sturgeon was the political equivalent.

Nicola Sturgeon…… black dingus….. Startin' to see pictures; ain't ya!

Anyway, trying to portray herself as a force in the EU debate, and tell people that the SNP will ‘save’ Britain’s EU membership is a hoot, no one south of the border is taking any interest what Sturgeon says, people would rather see a match up with David Cameron and Nigel Farage, however, the press seem keen to want a Cameron V Johnson match.

The BBC is planning a special head to head with one senior figure from each side, so that leaves regional campaigner Nicola Sturgeon out in the cold, just as Glasgow City Council answers to Holyrood, Holyrood answers to Westminster.

Also, I think the viewers in the rest of the UK don’t wish to see the spectacle of Nicola Sturgeon trying to work Scottish independence into a debate on EU membership; she lost that debate in 2014.

As per normal Nicola Sturgeon has been deeply critical of the way Mr Cameron has made the case to stay in the EU. Maybe I should remind people why the SNP want to stay in the EU at present, I have blogged on this before, but it is worth mentioning again. The SNP think they can trick the EU into allowing them automatic membership without the normal procedure, they want access to the European Central Bank to act as lender of last resort in the same way the Bank of England operates for Scotland. The campaign to use the pound is an election con trick, the SNP plan to dump it because EU rules say you must have your own central bank and currency. If Scotland went independence, it would be pound to Scots pound to Euro!

Then we would end up like Greece, totally up shit creek without a paddle, all our assets would be sold off, and we would never escape debt.

The BBC has announced two other EU debates, including one in Glasgow, presumably the SNP will make a play to get an unwanted and unwelcomed Nicola Sturgeon into the Glasgow event by badgering them in private.

The head to head should be between David Cameron and Nigel Farage, there is no way that Nicola Sturgeon is the same calibre as Cameron, and after he played a blinder on Fiscal framework taking the rip roaring piss out of Team Sturgeon, why should a B team player play in the cup final?

To make up for being punked, Sturgeon will ram up Scottish taxes and shaft Scots, then blame it all on England, but remember, she is the one who signed Scots up to austerity max!

'SNP women will get things done', well, no complaints here about cornering the market on crass stupidity!

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University



  2. Great quote above George, as big Dave has form on sticking it in the mouth of pigs....allegedly. All the 'dregs from dreghorn' will achieve is pissing the english off even more. Many of the comments i read on their online posts are to encourage the english to vote out to get rid of us. They are absolutely sick of the same old grievence, anti english crap coming from her big gub, not to mention their childish disruption of



  3. I'm surprised and disappointed at George Laird for this distasteful and hateful blog. This ridicule will in no way help our unionists cause. This type of attitude is understandable but not helpful
    I apologise in advance of any criticism , but such is my feelings

  4. Jim Sillars was speaking the truth about the EU, when he pointed out that they did not want us before and do not want us now. When is Sturgeon going to take the hint? If the UK as a whole votes to stay in, she's buggered. She needs to stop going on about triggers for another referendum. People are getting pissed off about this talk. I'd like Sturgeon to be pressed on her views on TTIP. But since the USA is not the favourite of the SNP (ie Trump / Salmond), do not expect any meaningful answers.

    Oh, regarding the fiscal agreement, some cybernat has described Swinney as John "Don" Swinney. Hero worship knows no bounds.

  5. Dear Ian

    "I'm surprised and disappointed at George Laird for this distasteful and hateful blog. This ridicule will in no way help our unionists cause. This type of attitude is understandable but not helpful".

    Writing is as you know a powerful tool, what Nicola Sturgeon done was put the SNP before Scotland thinking she was clever, she wasn't.

    Nicola Sturgeon has fucked all us, and there will be consequences, perhaps the style isn't to your taste, however, I have been told this post you don't like was brilliant, because it creates a mood of what has happened.

    "I apologise in advance of any criticism , but such is my feelings".

    No need to apologise, you don't like the post I have no problem with that sentiment.

    In the main, writing can't harm people, but people's actions can.

    Who is the worse person, me or Sturgeon?

    I speak and write plainly, others should develop the habit to because this country has gone backwards under the SNP.


  6. Thompson is clearly a member of the cult and a crank to boot.

    Keep up the good work Georgieboy

    YOU ARE breath of fresh air

  7. Ian Thompson

    My Photo

    On Blogger since October 2015

    Profile views - 3

    hahaha LOSER

  8. To Ian

    We can see that George's post is stronger than normal, but so are many peoples these days. I dont want to speak for George, but i find i do it thro frustration trying to highlight how i feel about what is happening to our country. If you think Georges words are harsh, you should read some of views of people online in places outwith Scotland on us Scots...people with a grasp of reality who see the SNP for what they are. We've become a laughing stock to many outside Scotland, seen as a bunch of whinging scroungers and I for one am sick and tired of this woman implying constantly that she speaks for all Scotland. She most certainly doesnt speak for me, or anybody i know.

    I do however understand your point, and realise that we do need to control our frustrations sometimes. You must admit though, its very difficult when it comes to oor Nicola!


  9. Dear George, I truly appreciate your candour in your post, Nicola Sturgeon really does deserve being taken down a peg or three, her Dreghorn Leftist narrative does grate on more than my nerves - Big DC should ram her a real big one politically and tell her directly to get the hell out of it (along with the fat ego trip twat Eck) absolutely no way whatsoever should she be involved in any televised debate. The SNP hierarchy have lost the plot and will latch onto any perceived slight or statement from Westminster to create diversion from their total mismanagement of the governance of Scotland...#SNPout

  10. lovely comedic touch George, I have seen the movie and totally get what you are saying re fiscal framework. It maybe escaped Ian's notice that your blog has comedy along with a serious point which makes it a different kettle of fish from the normal dry.I suspect in future what you wrote will be seen in the same light, once things go bad once the taxation rolls out. As to Ian not having any followers, I am surprised, he seems not shy, however I wonder if he actually is a unionist. Incidentally does Ian consider the Conservatives cutting £30 a week off people claiming ESA worse than your article? If I may offer an opinion, this outrage of robbing sick people of £1500 a year harms the Union far more than your piece ever could.

    Found this online,

    Mind help Ian get some perspective.

  11. Anonymous, Yes I'm definitely a unionist and try ever day to influence people to see the damage Scotland is suffering under the SNP. Could you tell me how in any way this abhorrent rhetoric will further the unionists cause ???
    “I pulled my BIG, BLACK, PECKER outta my pants. And I made him crawl in the snow on all fours over to it. Then I grabbed a handful of that black hair at the back of his head... And I stuck my Big Black Johnson right down his goddamn throat! And it was fulla' blood... so it was warm. Oh, you bet your sweet ass it was warm. And Charles Chester Smithers sucked on that warm black dingus for as loong as he could. Hahahaahaha! Startin' to see pictures, ain't ya?”

    What David Cameron did to Nicola Sturgeon was the political equivalent.

    My post post was with constructive criticism in mind, we will not change hearts and minds with ridicule, abhorrent rhetoric and hate.

  12. Ian, I fully understand your point, but you have to accept that the SNP is not the golden child of politics. They are exactly the same as those they have replaced. The difference being, in many cases, they are worse because the new MPs don't have a clue what they are doing, and others are more concerned with their own business interests. Many are individuals who have won their seat because of the SNP, rather than themselves.

    George is not some unionist troll. His views can be strong but he backs up these up, rather than posting pure hate. Try looking at other blogs and read the comments fired at JK Rowling, Sir Ian Wood etc simply because they do not agree with the SNP or upset one of the 56 (or is that 55..... 54?)

    The SNP is content to allow Scotland to suffer in order to attain their goal. Every excuse is used for another crack at the referendum whip. Some figures demand UDI. Others demand independence at any cost.

    As to the SNP being a cult, this may prove his point: the SNP has supplied Alex Salmond with a chauffeur driven car for life. Albeit it is paid for by the SNP, it shows that the party remains in thrall to the man who is responsible for dividing Scotland like no other politician in history.

    The excuse is that as an ex-First Minister, he is not entitled to a ministerial driver like ex-Prime Ministers are. Imagine the outcry if Henry McLeish or Jack McConnell had got such a perk.

    George's views are essential to blow away some of the shit that emanates from elsewhere.


  13. Anonymous, did you read my post or do you just rant your gibberish to any that give criticism.
    Where in any of my posts did I say that I thought the SNP were the golden child of politics.
    I'm well aware of the verbal abusers that follow the SNP , if you posted on the SNP forums on a regular basis you would know or recognise me, I have 3 pages of insults and threats from all the SNP forums I have also been barred over a dozen times from their forums.
    I ask you yet again, if you are capable of answering a straight forward question:- Could you tell me how in any way this abhorrent rhetoric will further the unionists cause ???
    “I pulled my BIG, BLACK, PECKER outta my pants. And I made him crawl in the snow on all fours over to it. Then I grabbed a handful of that black hair at the back of his head... And I stuck my Big Black Johnson right down his goddamn throat! And it was fulla' blood... so it was warm. Oh, you bet your sweet ass it was warm. And Charles Chester Smithers sucked on that warm black dingus for as loong as he could. Hahahaahaha! Startin' to see pictures, ain't ya?”

    What David Cameron did to Nicola Sturgeon was the political equivalent.

    And to the anonymous that has a laughing problem and thinks I'm a loser. Is that your best ???

    I say again I'm a follower of George's but I'm not a cheer-leader and I won't see shite and say it's good

    All the best Ian Thompson

  14. Just seen this George quite funny although the image is not one i would want :)
