Thursday, February 25, 2016

Open Letter to Ian Thompson, the good thing about history is that facts remain facts, the cause of the Union is being destroyed because some people are putting their party first before the interests of the people of Scotland, let me also help you out by saying, ‘no one’ is ‘special’ in politics, especially not that shallow hollow woman, Nicola Sturgeon or any of her Cult

Dear Ian

If you had sat and watched the scene from the comedy The Hateful Eight, you wouldn't have batted an eyelid regarding my last post.

The movie is entertainment, you said "we will not change hearts and minds with ridicule, abhorrent rhetoric and hate."

I would say me quoting someone else is in anyway hateful, you appear to believe that somehow Nicola Sturgeon is 'special', and being 'special' somehow puts her above others because of the position she holds. Her position in my eyes is nothing, unlike many people, I went to Glasgow University when a lot of Holyrood politicians were there as students.

I knew some people in the public eye, when they were just arseholes.

Now, let's address the cause, do you know what David Cameron did?


I will help you, he sold Sturgeon a pig in a poke deliberately thinking this would assist the Scottish Conservatives, that's called politics, Sturgeon being stupid, she signed up to that because she is blind to the needs of Scotland, everything is about indy with her.

In the movie later, Samuel L Jackson doesn't survive, why because his actions earlier laid the groundwork of him receiving karma. I would say that when the details of the deal come out as well as damaging the SNP, it will also damage the Conservatives.

So, using the scene from the movie is a good way of provoking emotion, which is why you are upset.

Now, you are upset, you maybe inclined to start thinking, not what others want you to think about what you should be doing all along, thinking independently and not accepting things at face value.

It would help the Unionist cause if the people running the Union had people like me advising them because so far post indy they have really balls things up.

Oh, to help you out further read this and note the date I wrote it. 

I direct you to this post because, it highlights how out of touch some people are in politics, I watched as a member of the public as the leader of the Labour Party took the wrong direction, fail to grasp the problems and lived in denial.

The worst result for Labour since 1918.

In your opinion was the pressing issue of 'injustice' in Scotland get a beer at a football game or the OBA Act?

I suspect not, so why did th Labour Party start a campaign based on utter tripe?

If you think that you are defending a 'nice person' in Nicola Sturgeon, trust me, I know her and you aren't. She is a horrible person, so much so the SNP had to try and make her likeable by sticking a kid in her arms to make out at a subconscious level that she is a 'mum'.

She isn't.

The SNP is a cult full of nasty vicious small minded people but no one challenges them, no one is prepared to stand up, to them, its a game. Down at the 'Southern General' in Glasgow, a man was left on a trolley and died, he is the real cost of SNP incompetence and the failures of parties to hold a git like Sturgeon to account.

I wonder if it was your relative would you be of the same mindset that no one was there to face down these people, and please don't let the 15 minutes bullshit of FMQs make you think that someone is doing a 'good job'.

They aren't and last time I checked there are 168 hours in a week, Nicola Sturgeon is laughing at people like you and you don't even know it.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. It SO annoys me when I see Nicola Sturgeon being photographed with children,, she looks awkward, artificial, un-easy,
    embarassed,,, , it looks SO made up. Just take a look at fer face, she doesn't want to be there, a bit like when she was asked to visit the residents of Govanhill, which we all know, she refused to do, she snubbed them. Judt carry on DESTROYING Scotland Sturgeon, which is what you and Swinney are doing. Ohhh, I wonder how many council jobs have gone today?

  2. Good post George. The point you made about lack of challenge is what really pisses me off lately. If you remember i said on 22/2/16 on your post 'Blood and Soil Scotland' that our weak opposition & inept journalists need to aggressively challenge them at every turn or they become complicit in the charade. It really is becoming ridiculous now. Everyone needs to remember that in a democracy(???) WE the electorate are the masters, and THEY are OUR servants! Thats SUPPOSED to be how it works.

    I also see today that shes managed to get her grubby little paws on a bit of Biased Broadcasting Corporation action. See links below....this is just the beginning!!

    Your thoughts on the BBC stuff George....Obviously allowed by Westminster, but does it matter? Is there anyone left who believes BBC anymore anyway?


  3. Hi Neil

    On the BBC, this week has been a bad week for the BBC, the Savile Report, the Scottish Six in my opinion will be a poor second to the BBC service we get from London, personally, it isn't the issue where the news is broadcast but the quality and experience of those presenting it.

    I don't want a Scottish Six because it will focus on the tripe from Holyrood.

    The Nicola Sturgeon Show!

    If someone said to me, where would you rather go as a politician, I would say my first pick would be Westminster.


    Because, the keenest political minds are there, next would be European Parliament, and third would be Holyrood.

    With Holyrood, it isn't a matter of it being 'young', it is a matter of it being full of idiots, idiots going along doing tripe.

    Where are the big ideas there?

    Who is saying anything would a damn, who is showing leadership?

    Where is the understanding of Statehood?

    It is a place of tat doing gimmicks!

    Some say the Scottish Six is a trial, and it will be a trial because the viewing figures will drop as people use other media to access the BBC news from London.

    The SNP has poisoned the well of Scottish politics.


  4. I'll NEVER watch that crap that's for sure. The SNP's channel STV is bad enough, i never watch that either. I even sant ofious Fiona Hyslop an e'mail telling her what I thought about Scotland becoming more like North Korea by the day,,,, guess what,, she never replied,, the truth hurts.

  5. Thank goodnes i have a freesat dish george if it comes i will be switching my main news channel at 6pm

  6. George
    Thanks for your reply. I agree, but my concern centres more around the control aspect.
    Worth keeping an eye out for a sneaky wee sign change at Pacific Quay....SNPolitburo !!


  7. Hi George, are you taking some kind of hallucinogenic substance? When and on what post did I ever give you the impression that I believe sturgeon is in some way special and for you to say "you appear to believe that somehow Nicola Sturgeon is 'special', and being 'special' somehow puts her above others because of the position she holds." .??? You go on to make out you are enlightening me how Cameron humped sturgeon, when in fact we have never corresponded on any other subject other than me Asking you :- Could you tell me how in any way this abhorrent rhetoric will further the unionists cause ???
    “I pulled my BIG, BLACK, PECKER outta my pants. And I made him crawl in the snow on all fours over to it. Then I grabbed a handful of that black hair at the back of his head... And I stuck my Big Black Johnson right down his goddamn throat! And it was fulla' blood... so it was warm. Oh, you bet your sweet ass it was warm. And Charles Chester Smithers sucked on that warm black dingus for as loong as he could. Hahahaahaha! Startin' to see pictures, ain't ya?”

    What David Cameron did to Nicola Sturgeon was the political equivalent

    So what is all this drivel about ? Or is it just your way to avoid a simple question

    All the best Ian Thompson.

  8. Sherbie/'ll have no choice once its the SNPolitburo. A curfew between 6&7pm and watching these daily transmissions will be compulsory...its when you will hear and worship the Master...����



  9. Hi George, are you taking some kind of hallucinogenic substance? When and on what post did I ever give you the impression that I believe sturgeon is in some way special and for you to say "you appear to believe that somehow Nicola Sturgeon is 'special', and being 'special' somehow puts her above others because of the position she holds." .??? You go on to make out you are enlightening me how Cameron humped sturgeon, when in fact we have never corresponded on any other subject other than me Asking you :- Could you tell me how in any way this abhorrent rhetoric will further the unionists cause ???
    “I pulled my BIG, BLACK, PECKER outta my pants. And I made him crawl in the snow on all fours over to it. Then I grabbed a handful of that black hair at the back of his head... And I stuck my Big Black Johnson right down his goddamn throat! And it was fulla' blood... so it was warm. Oh, you bet your sweet ass it was warm. And Charles Chester Smithers sucked on that warm black dingus for as loong as he could. Hahahaahaha! Startin' to see pictures, ain't ya?”

    What David Cameron did to Nicola Sturgeon was the political equivalent

    So what is all this drivel about ? Or is it just your way to avoid a simple question

    All the best Ian Thompson.


  10. Hi George, are you taking some kind of hallucinogenic substance? When and on what post did I ever give you the impression that I believe sturgeon is in some way special and for you to say "you appear to believe that somehow Nicola Sturgeon is 'special', and being 'special' somehow puts her above others because of the position she holds." .??? You go on to make out you are enlightening me how Cameron humped sturgeon, when in fact we have never corresponded on any other subject other than me Asking you :- Could you tell me how in any way this abhorrent rhetoric will further the unionists cause ???
    “I pulled my BIG, BLACK, PECKER outta my pants. And I made him crawl in the snow on all fours over to it. Then I grabbed a handful of that black hair at the back of his head... And I stuck my Big Black Johnson right down his goddamn throat! And it was fulla' blood... so it was warm. Oh, you bet your sweet ass it was warm. And Charles Chester Smithers sucked on that warm black dingus for as loong as he could. Hahahaahaha! Startin' to see pictures, ain't ya?”

    What David Cameron did to Nicola Sturgeon was the political equivalent

    So what is all this drivel about ? Or is it just your way to avoid a simple question

    All the best Ian Thompson.

  11. Dear Ian

    Thank for posting the same comment 3 times on the same post.

    No, I am not on some kind of hallucinogenic substance.

    "Could you tell me how in any way this abhorrent rhetoric will further the unionists cause ???"

    Firstly I don't accept your moral code, that this post is abhorrent.

    Secondly, you are entitled to your opinion but I am equally entitled not to publish it or accept it.

    Thirdly, I don't accept that this dents the cause of unionism or indeed helps it, it isn't about Unionism, it is about two political parties both making a mistake, the SNP and the Conservatives.

    The use of analogy is well known in writing to create dramatic effect, and it worked judging by your replies.

    I would also point out to you that the cause of Unionism is being damaged across the board by political parties, and don't think as you are the sole person to complain out of 782 people viewing this post, it has provoked some kind of "scandal".

    Anyone from the SNP complaining?

    Or the Braveheart brigade who get upset over trifles?

    Finally, many people will find my use of 'The Hateful Eight' scene funny, you do not, and that is the mystery of life, you can't please everyone, so I don't, I write for myself and if people like it that's great, if they don't that's the nature of the game.


  12. Hi George, thanks for a more responsive and straight forward reply, it makes a pleasant change. I'm pleased to agree with you that we don't share the same moral code ! I'm also pleased that we both share a total opposition to the snp and you accept I'm not a snp troll
    You are wrong when you say no one else found your post offensive, in case you didn't know a unionist forum that posts all your blogs removed ( the hateful eight ) as the content was unsuitable for their use.
    I accept that you don't need to publish my replies, but what kind of blog forum would you have if you censored every post you disagreed with ? As the Natz do !!!
    I will reiterate I have read most of your blogs and agree with most of them and support your views, I will continue to read your blogs and disagree if appropriate
    All the best Ian.

  13. I think Ian Thompson may find this useful in relation to George Laird.
