Friday, January 8, 2016

Death of a political career: Alex Salmond gets a slot on weekly LBC radio show, says he will ‘shoot from hip’, and be “unburdened from office”, unburdened from reality is probably a more apt description, Salmond needs a spotlight but his mouth will be his undoing, odds on how long it will take to put his foot in his mouth and cause a problem, quite short I would think

Dear All

It seems that Alex Salmond is to host his own radio show on LBC down in London, the format is alleged to be “honest, straight talking... with a bit of fun”.

Having lost the Scottish independence referendum, stepped down as First Minister it appears that Salmond cannot get over himself, his ego demands a platform to hog the limelight.

Salmond isn’t the only one has tread this path, former deputy prime minister Nick Clegg has done it along with, Boris Johnson and Nigel Farage.

It is highly doubtful that Salmond will be a success in his 30 minute slot, so I expect him to go the route of shock jock, a platform to spread division in England.

In effect anything to cause trouble.

In Scotland, people have effectively turned off from what Alex Salmond has to say, his career has nosedived so he has taken to making statements which are ill-judged. The outcome of that is that people just pour scorn on him.

One wonders what this whole new audience will comprise of, will it be people phoning up to rip into him?

I noticed that when he did his mean tweets piece on the radio, he tried to bluster his way through it, water of a duck’s back, however, some of the comments stuck home, and he looked a trifle upset.

Maybe he will find out that 30 minute stint on the radio won’t be such a laugh as people phone in to be unkind, brutal and direct.

Salmond is the SNP’s foreign affairs spokesman at Westminster, his recent trip to Iran was ill-judged, he looked a fool, but he says he is “unburdened from office” and therefore promises to “shoot straight from the hip”.

Unburdened from reality is how I see it.

Lib Dem Tavish Scott said:

“The last thing Nicola Sturgeon will want is for him to be given free rein for his increasingly bizarre pronouncements”.

As I wrote before, there are two Courts now in the SNP, the Court of King Alex and the Court of Nicola Sturgeon, down the line, there will be trouble, and shooting straight from the hip will be a recipe for disaster.

 Scottish Conservative deputy leader Jackson Carlaw said:
“Despite complaining repeatedly about austerity Britain, it seems Mr Salmond now wants to supplement his income from two political salaries and a newspaper column with a talk-show.”

Labour MSP Neil Findlay said:

“If Salmond was chocolate he would eat himself. Here we see Alex Salmond, the man who hates Westminster so much he has gone there for the second time, now hosting a radio show in the centre of the city he disparages so much.”

Salmond has no eye for detail, and as I say to others, smart mouth doesn’t always mean smart brain. As First Minister, he had people to do his thinking for him, now he doesn’t, if we are lucky, this radio slot will effectively kill off the rest of his miserable career.

One thing of interest is that Salmond is being paid and the money isn’t going to charity, given the number of jobs he holds, what kind of service do his constituents get as he goes around the place hovering up cash?

Title for his show could be ‘death by a thousand cuts…. All self inflicted’ or ‘It’s all Westminster’s fault’.

It’s all downhill for Alex Salmond, this radio slot is a way station on the descent downwards, he will try and be populist because he doesn’t know anything else but that will only work for so long, the mob will want substance, all Salmond has to offer is ‘bread and circuses’.

Yours sincerely

George Laird 
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. Still helpless with laughter at the 'if Salmond was chocolate' quote!

    The twitter thing almost made me feel sorry for him until I remembered that his monstrous ego has led him here, and he's only got himself to blame.

  2. Delusional he is used to people sucking up to him, how is he going to feel when the listeners actually start ripping the piss and telling him how they think. Cue online meltdown hopefully .

  3. Hi Freddy

    I expect his followers will line up to tell him how wonderful he is.


  4. "One thing of interest is that Salmond is being paid and the money isn’t going to charity, given the number of jobs he holds, what kind of service do his constituents get as he goes around the place hovering up cash?"

    Rumour has it, that he bet his personal farm on winning independence, (Canadian pollsters putting YES ahead), if true he might have a healthy mortgage to now pay off....

  5. Hi Stuart

    I have a tent he could use if evicted.


  6. Mr Laird,

    I beseech you as a blood brother in the arms of Alexander Elliot Anderson Salmond. Alex and I are wedded in our extraordinary mythological battle for the liberation of Scotland. I’m additionally honoured to behold him as one of my oldest and dearest friends.

    How dare a political pygmy such as you slander the righteousness of our antecedent first minister, who is unquestionably a contemporary legend and revelation to millions of indubitable Scots the whole world over.

    Do you neither possess the elemental comprehension or perspicacity to unpretentiously reiterate the aberrations of your unionist confrere?

    Mr Laird “bread and circuses” is complete balderdash. Everyone who’s anyone knows that William Beveridge argued that there should be "bread and health for all before cake and circuses for anyone".

    Sir, you are nothing but an ignorant charlatan.

    “A'bhiast as mutha ag ithe na beiste as lugha”

    The Don

  7. Salmond is an egotistic git.

    And a little aside, yet another hypocrite who is now an SNP MP.

    It appears that housing portfolios are a favourite for our new crop of MPs.


  9. Dear George.

    Have you ever been invited to host a talk show on LBC?




    I'll write a post answering yours from before Christmas soon.

  10. Dear Conan

    No, I have not, could be down to the fact I am not at Westminster as an MP?


  11. Dear Mr. McLean

    "I beseech you as a blood brother in the arms of Alexander Elliot Anderson Salmond. Alex and I are wedded in our extraordinary mythological battle for the liberation of Scotland. I’m additionally honoured to behold him as one of my oldest and dearest friends".

    How unfortunate for you, maybe you need new friends.

    "How dare a political pygmy such as you slander the righteousness of our antecedent first minister, who is unquestionably a contemporary legend and revelation to millions of indubitable Scots the whole world over".

    Were you writing this nonsense while pissed, he is more likely to be a 'legend' on a toilet wall.

    "Do you neither possess the elemental comprehension or perspicacity to unpretentiously reiterate the aberrations of your unionist confrere?"

    I think for myself with no problem at all, and to clarify, who lost the Scottish independence referendnum by lies and stupidity?

    "Mr Laird “bread and circuses” is complete balderdash. Everyone who’s anyone knows that William Beveridge argued that there should be "bread and health for all before cake and circuses for anyone"."

    He pick that up from the Romans?

    "Sir, you are nothing but an ignorant charlatan".

    Really, you don't say, is this a dig at the working class or just me for exercising independent thought.

    “A'bhiast as mutha ag ithe na beiste as lugha”.

    I don't speak Gaelic. its a dead language.

    Jog on son, you are wasting your time.


  12. oh Christ I see Conmantheponce is still trying to go off

  13. Lol George must be a hard life being a "political pygmy" :)


    Thoughts Georgieboy?

  15. George, is our Don Q an active SNP candidate or councillor? If so, then he should certainly not be posting anonymously.

    As to his blind devotion.... I think he needs a reality check. Salmond ain't God. Perhaps Don should read Waiting for Godot. Either that or move to North Korea, where he can openly express his devotion to the Dear Leader (sorry ex0Leader) without fear of retribution. I can also confidently bet that Don was glued to the STV Hogmany show.


    well worth a look Georgieboy

  17. Dear Anon

    “George, is our Don Q an active SNP candidate or councillor? If so, then he should certainly not be posting anonymously”.

    Firstly, he isn’t interesting enough to check up on, I means who really cares, as to him posting anonymously, he has the right but he appears to want to hide a little, maybe it is a lack of personal courage.

    “As to his blind devotion.... I think he needs a reality check”.

    I see him as a sheep!

    “Salmond ain't God”.

    I suspect he will be meeting him sooner rather than later with his waistline.

    “Perhaps Don should read Waiting for Godot”.

    I read this while at Uni, and Don will have a hell of a wait.

    “Either that or move to North Korea, where he can openly express his devotion to the Dear Leader (sorry ex0Leader) without fear of retribution. I can also confidently bet that Don was glued to the STV Hogmany show”.

    I missed the Swiss Family Sturgeon presentation and as the viewing figures show, so did the majority of Scotland.

    Got a link for that crap?


  18. George keep up the good work and show this Nasty Party up for what it is. It has debased Scotland, split it's formerly happy people into a nation of discontents and moaners. When are the Scottish electorate going to get wise and see this lot for what they are = A bunch of money grabbing cheats who say one thing to the gullible Joe Public and do the opposite when they think no one is looking. I won't say the names as they are still unproven, but knowledgeable people are awaiting the outcomes. I wonder what our Nicola will say about her former pals.

