Thursday, October 23, 2014

UKIP continue to lead in Rochester and Strood by-election, new poll places Mark Reckless on 43% of the vote, Conservatives are on 30% and Labour trail badly on 21%, if Ukip wins this second by-election Nigel Farage will certainly be in a strong position come the election and the TV debates

Dear All

Douglas Carswell pulled off an extraordinary feat in the Clacton by-election despite not having to take the chance of standing since he was already elected to Westminster.

But he did and won by a huge amount over his nearest rival.

Carswell defeated to Ukip who are seeing their star on the rise through-out Britain.

Ukip’s next test is to win the Rochester by-election and according to the latest opinion poll, it appears they maybe on track to pull that off.

Carswell win will certainly help in Rochester where ordinary working class people are starting to understand politics much; you don’t have to vote for a mainstream party any more.

This new found wisdom means that things are going to become very difficult for Labour, the Tories and the Lib Dems.

Why vote for a party and when you need help you get told to fuck off or ignored and then realise the party you voted for won’t lift a finger to get the elected member to act.

A ComRes survey has found Ukip well ahead of the Conservatives among voters in Rochester.

Their candidate is the former Conservative MP Mark Reckless who might not be so reckless as his name suggests.

Four in 10 of those who voted for David Cameron’s party in 2010 now plan to switch, so they must have a reason. Cameron has promised a referendum on the EU which they thought must have been enough to hold their voters and stop Ukip in its tracks.

In politics the overall picture matters, so voters have been let down not just on Europe but also on domestic matters such as welfare, you can push people only so far then you lose them forever.

On domestic matters and on social policies the Conservative Government is effectively digging their grave politically. They don’t think or care or realise how they treat people matters, can you imagine the stupidity of punishing people then asking them to vote for you!

It isn’t smart politics.   

The new poll has put Ukip on a healthy 43 percent of the vote which is a mountain for other parties to try and climb. The Conservatives are on 30 percent and the Labour Party trails in third on 21 percent.

It rather looks like a two horse race between Ukip and the Conservatives, having already lost a seat, losing a second certainly will trigger soul searching down at Tory HQ.

And down at the Labour HQ because they equally will see their supporters shift across to Ukip.

Ukip backs tighter immigration controls along with an EU exit, although all parties say they are coming round to tighter immigration controls, it maybe not enough to convince people. In the early days of Ukip, the supporters of the main parties tried to simply dismiss them as ‘racist’, that is ‘normal’ in politics when you can’t or won’t debate the issues of concerns of the voters. In their arrogance political parties who have a ruling elite thought they could simply count on people to just keep voting as they have always done.

Not any more it seems.

Two weeks ago Ukip won its first elected seat in parliament, given the mood of the British people; it looks highly likely this won’t be the last, with the likelihood of another coalition government. Ukip could hold a very interesting position in British politics.

Nigel Farage is looking very much like the man on the move.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. Excellent post Georgie boy.

    Do you think the fat man will get back into Westminster?


  2. George would it be possible for you to organise email notifications of updates to your site. Good blog my wife and I always enjoy reading it. If not I'll use the normal channels .

  3. Hi Freddy

    "George would it be possible for you to organise email notifications of updates to your site. Good blog my wife and I always enjoy reading it. If not I'll use the normal channels.

    I am not sure if there is a function on blogger for that but if you do a fllow using your account it will come up on your blogger time line.

    George Laird
    The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

  4. Dear Crookie

    "Excellent post Georgie boy".

    Thanks a lot, glad people like it, the SNP drop by my blog to scope it out.

    Even unpopular Nicola Sturgeon has heard of it.

    "Do you think the fat man will get back into Westminster?"

    Given he likes money, and given he lost indy, I think he will try for Westminster as a second prize. Also there is more money in it for him as an MP.

    Alex Salmond is a spent force politically, when his cronies get swept out of power, he will have no way back.

    No such thing as loyalty in the SNP or decency.

    Yours sincerely

    George Laird
    The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University
