Friday, October 24, 2014

Glasgow SNP deputy leader Billy McAllister suspended from party after being charged with alleged homophobic breach of the peace, but the real question is, why does the Scottish National Party value the rights of heterosexuals less, is it because unpopular Nicola Sturgeon is in charge?

Dear All

During the Scottish independence campaign the Scottish National Party refused to suspend SNP Deputy Leader Billy McAllister when he was charged by the Police for threatening a disabled man.

It sent out a message SNP not interested in crime against disabled people.

That was Round One; Councillor McAllister went to Glasgow Sheriff Court and was fined £200.

Here is my video

Now, the deputy leader of the SNP in Glasgow has been suspended by his party over an alleged homophobic incident.

So, why is it he was suspended for an alleged homophobic incident but not suspended for breaking the law by threatening a disabled man by the SNP?

Is that not utter hypocrisy on the part of unpopular Nicola Sturgeon?

Why does the Scottish National Party value heterosexual people less in Glasgow?

Time for a quote:

“The Scottish National Party isn’t a party of fairness, equality and social justice. As I said previously, if you are a white working class and heterosexual you are shit out of luck dealing with the Sturgeon Empire”.

Round Two in the career of ‘battling Billy’ sees Councillor Billy McAllister being reported to prosecutors for an alleged homophobic breach of the peace in Glasgow in August.

I wonder will he run off to Australia again?

How many times can a man hide in Australia before it becomes a farce?

The latest incident is alleged to have happened during an altercation on Maryhill Road in Glasgow on August 26. As well as McAllister, a 47-year-old man was also reported to the procurator fiscal over an alleged assault during the same incident.

I said years ago, that the fault lay squarely on the shoulders of Allison Hunter a former Sturgeon crony who was appointed leader of the SNP Group at the Council. Her tenure was a disaster which saw the SNP failed to win the Glasgow City Council election in 2012. Hunter was a horrible mean spirited individual with a massive chip on her shoulder who had little skills in the way of leadership and was completely unsuitable to be a leader of men.

Hunter certainly wasn’t officer material and I should know, I trained people for Sandhurst (that’s a military academy).

The situation in Glasgow SNP, everything is run for the benefit of unpopular Nicola Sturgeon, but making Allison Hunter a leader was a grave error.

In Govan when you ask people did they know who the SNP Councillor was, you would get many different types of replies, but the main one was …… ‘who’.

Councillor Hunter as well as being useless at leadership, failing to inspire was one of the laziest people I had ever met doing activism in the Pollok Constituency despite being an elected official. In her own ward she hardly ever came out to work with the Pollok SNP branch.

In her dealing with SNP Councillors as we are seeing Allison Hunter was also pathetic beyond belief, she allowed the SNP Group to become little more than a rabble of malcontents. The SNP Group did nothing of note during her reign as leader, in a tv interview in the run up to the Glasgow City Council el;ection in 2012, she was asked what have the SNP done for Glasgow?

She mentioned roads, then she mentioned the new Hospital in Govan, then she ran out of ‘achievements’ and went back to mentioning roads. Hunter is part responsible for McAllister’s behavior which should have been clamped down on years ago.

To show how inept Allison Hunter was, check out this youtube video of her being easily defeated by Gordon ‘free dinners’ Matheson, leader of the Glasgow City Council.

An SNP spokesman going through the motions on McAllister said:

"Councillor McAllister has been suspended from the SNP group and as a member of the SNP until such time as due legal process has been completed."

A Police Scotland spokeswoman said:

"A 47-year-old man was reported to the procurator fiscal for an alleged assault and a 60-year-old man was reported to the procurator fiscal for an alleged homophobic breach of the peace.

She added:

"The alleged incident happened during an altercation on Maryhill Road, Glasgow, on August 26."

Councillor McAllister is currently unavailable for comment; he might be at the Travel Agent booking a flight to Australia.

This incident although mildly interesting it does a raise an interesting question, why does the Scottish National Party value the human rights of heterosexuals less?

Is it because unpopular Nicola Sturgeon is in charge in Glasgow?

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. hi id like to contact you. if this comment has to be moderated please dont post it. that way i know i can send you what i want to say knowing you will not post it on your blog.

  2. Hi Anon

    If you send me something which is sensitive then I will not post it without consent.

    Yours sincerely

    George Laird
    The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University
