Monday, September 15, 2014

Scottish independence: Open letter to Hamish the 'real 90 minute Nationalist’ in the independence debate, where is your ‘declaration of triumph’, instead rather looks to me that you have started what I would describe as ‘pre-crying’ before Alex Salmond’s independence defeat, you say you’re a Nationalist, prove it Vote No

Dear Hamish

Time for a quote:

“I note no mention of the latest poll, George”?

Who said that?

I do believe it was Hamish the real ‘90 minute middle class Nationalist’ in the independence debate. In your rather short ‘moment of triumph’ of ‘we are on our way’, presumably a bit of good news had gone to your head rather like a sugar rush when it hits the body.

It didn’t last long too long Hamish did it?

Having come back down to Planet Earth, you have decided to come back with a complaint, as is your right under the Human Rights Act and the European Convention on Human Rights, entitlement to free speech.

Free speech however doesn’t entitle you to get it published or a reply, small point obviously worth mentioning.

But before I address your latest complaint, I would like to tell you about my Saturday, I went along to the 100th event of Labour MP Jim Murphy’s 100 day tour in Glasgow. Ex Labour Minister John Reid was there also to give a speech, standard stuff and no real surprise, rally round the flag. Anyway, it so happens one of the senior BT people who said I should go along to it was there, anyway, we hadn’t officially met, so I wandered over to introduce myself and say hello. I was expecting the quick hello thing, to my surprise he said:

“I would like to thank you for all you have done”.

My reputation precedes me Hamish it seems.

Anyway, isn’t that terribly nice?

He then introduced me to his wife, so after a quick exchange with her, I said cheerio and wandered over to a PhD Law student who I had met previously, we had a good chat and then I listened to Jim Murphy.

Sun shining and a big happy crowd, a Yes voter, well an angry Yes supporter turned up to ‘scream and shout’, he had two kids in tow. You don’t take kids to demos Hamish, appalling error of judgment given the amount of hate and intimidation that this campaign has generated. Two women from the Greens also turned up to wave Yes posters. Later on I was interviewed by Japanese television; they seem to have no problem with the George Laird view which I thought went very well considering I had to do it on the hoof.

My final point on Saturday’s event was that I had to pop into the BT Office to use the bathroom, so I walked over to the office, pressed the buzzer, they asked ‘who is it’! I said, “George Laird”, buzzed in straight away without the nonsense of ‘who and what do you want?’

My reputation precedes me Hamish.

And they read the blog as well as Glasgow SNP I am told.

I suppose I should ask; does your political reputation precede you? 
Now, to address your complaint, I have to say firstly I hate jealously, but you reek of it, do I make you feel inferior?

How does that work, you being a middle class rich guy?

“George, your claim to be the real Glaswegian working class voice is wearing thin”.

Hamish, I am working class, are you seriously suggesting that because you are unhappy with my ‘status’, I should bump myself up to middle class? Is that what would make you happy? How does that work, you appear to be unable to accept someone like me can be working class, Hamish.

I don’t wear a cloth cap, donkey jacket and walk about the place calling people ‘mucker’, ‘comrade, ‘brother’ and ‘sister’, I leave that to others. I guess despite a middle class upbringing, you are upset that someone from ‘the masses’ can actually have a voice and people think it is actually worth hearing!

Is unpopular Nicola Sturgeon your ideal of working class?

Nicola Sturgeon is common but with money, which means she has nothing going for her, along with her rather large chip on shoulder, she has also the unhappy needy attention seeking look which I have observed in passing. Her fake sincerity just doesn’t really work for her, too forced, her ‘headshaking routine’ when she doesn’t like a question reminds me of a child. When she sees me, she presses her lips together into a thin line which in some people tends to suggest they are very angry, I think she wants to have a go at me for calling her ‘unpopular’.

“I have pointed out before that only someone of independent means could credibly guarantee to be a full-time councillor, which you did when you stood for election in Glasgow.”

I find your obsession with money to be rather tacky.

Hamish, talking about money all the time in relation to me is rather cheap. Does money rule your life? Is it your God? Do you think you can’t be happy in life as long as you are doing well and others need to be doing badly?

I made an election pledge, an election promise, a promise by me isn’t some bizarre piece of nonsense, it is a promise and I keep my promises Hamish. Otherwise, what good is my word, why should people trust you when you deceive them, I will not attempt to enter public office by lying to people. You appear to have a real problem with someone telling the truth. Also if I do a job, then I do the job properly, is that also strange to you?

Oh and to return to a point I already made, assumptions by you yet again, didn't I warn you about making a fool of yourself by doing that? How many times do I have to repeated myself, the facts you get, remain the facts, the fact you don’t like them doesn’t change the situation.

“Now in almost every article, you extol business bosses, like the heads of BP, RBS, and Standard Life”.

Is everyone entitled to free speech?

What is wrong about supporting their right to exercise it?

“That is not speaking for the working class”.

As I understand it, politicians are supposed to support everyone's human rights, which incidentally I am doing again, why is that strange to you?

Have you seen Alex Salmond lately?

He is so far up Rupert Murdoch’s arse that if he spits, it is coming out Murdoch’s mouth! Do you see me cosying up to people Hamish? I didn’t do it at Glasgow University when I was teaching and I am not doing it now that I am in politics.

“BTW what are you afraid of by censoring all comments?”

People post abuse to me and make allegations about people in public life which could be viewed as defamation, as you know, I have a world famous blog as read by the BBC and my enemies so I have had to moderate Hamish.

“Most bloggers don't these days”.

Gosh, I never knew you read so many blogs, do you complain to others or is it just me who gets that ‘the treatment’?

Well remember that most bloggers don't have my history with the Scottish National Party, do they Hamish?

Do you remember why I binned the Scottish National Party?

They decided to raise a bogus complaint against me to brand me homophobic by a village idiot called William Henderson, some yokel from the provinces who held the position of National Secretary of the SNP. As well as being involved in the setting up of the hearing, he was also the complainer, which is highly unethical and a breach of my human rights for a fair hearing. He was also speaking to the ‘Judges’ outside the process.

Prior to that the SNP Chief Executive Peter Murrell, husband of unpopular Nicola Sturgeon refused to investigate a smear campaign against me and I informed him, I was withdrawing from being an SNP activist on that basis. The Nationalist smear used against me was that because I had failed SNP candidate selection that was the reason for my unhappiness. I was failed on not being a ‘team player’, which apparently surprised many people in the SNP because I was Glasgow SNP’s top activist.

I have no time for clowns Hamish!

So, what happened after I stopped being an SNP Activist?

At this point, I have to mention, the genuine lack of talent in the Scottish National Party, 2012, the SNP under the extraordinary inept leadership of Allison Hunter failed to take control of Glasgow City Council. Hunter was Sturgeon’s proxy, not the smartest tool in the box by a rather large margin. And a manifesto that looked like it had been thrown together by a chimp’s tea party.

I was there at the SECC in my dual capacity as a ‘roving reporter’ and a ‘humble Glaswegian pottering about the place’ for my blog talking to the politicians. Anas Sarwar told me that the Labour Party was doing really well, Patrick Harvie, Scottish Greens seemed happy enough, but the Glasgow SNP, well they looked rather unhappy, close to tears.

Even unpopular Nicola Sturgeon left the hall looking rather angry and dejected; no Sturgeon powerbase in Glasgow beyond her little nasty vile SNP clique.

A day of days!

What a miserable result for the SNP, personally I thought she got what she deserved myself and for the record, I said six months prior to the slaughter, that the Labour Party were going to hand her, her ass.

George Laird right again!

Unpopular Nicola Sturgeon didn’t stay to the end, what she should have done was stay to the end Hamish, and got everyone who stood as a candidate and thanked them personally, congratulated the winners and console the losers.

You know….. demonstrate leadership shit!!!!!

Maybe she was in a hurry to go home to Baillieston and watch Braveheart or Borgen.

All ready for the big Alex Salmond independence defeat on Thursday?

Have you bought in enough popcorn and booze?

Do you wonder if unpopular Nicola Sturgeon will say to herself on referendum night, George Laird right again?

To recap, I said, Glasgow SNP wouldn’t win the Council in 2012; the SNP would lose the Scottish independence referendum and wouldn’t do well in the Westminster 2015 election.

So, far I have one in the bag, Thursday, I will have two in the bag, and in 2015, the hat trick.

I am the real Glaswegian working class voice in the independence debate..... as seen on the BBC and now Japanese TV.

Finally, why are you trying to sell my country down the river, placing people’s futures in peril by voting Yes?

Where’s your ethics?

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. Well said mate having just read your blog for the first time .

  2. Dear George,
    I admit you are a worthy partner for a flyting match, though you don't need to write open letters to me. Just engage in the comments section.
    Despite all your huffing and puffing, you don't actually answer the points I make.

    1. I don't care two hoots about class. It is you who blazons your class on the blog's masthead.

    2. What would you have lived on if you had been elected as a full-time councillor?

    3. You describe me (a life-long supporter of Scottish independence) as a 90 minute Nationalist. What does that make you, who lasted only a few months in that stance, before leaving in the huff?

    4. Anyone who believes they are always right is either the new Mohammed or a deluded nutter. Perhaps both.

    Anyway, I don't suppose we will correspond again after Thursday.

  3. I love reading your blog George and always agree with your comments.

  4. Dear Hamish

    “I admit you are a worthy partner for a flyting match, though you don't need to write open letters to me. Just engage in the comments section”.

    Thank you Hamish, but I think my readership should have the opportunity to be exposed to your views.

    “Despite all your huffing and puffing, you don't actually answer the points I make”.

    Respond to assumptions, I deal in facts, I expect you to deal in facts, not unreasonable is it?

    “1. I don't care two hoots about class. It is you who blazons your class on the blog's masthead.”

    Because working class people aren’t heard enough Hamish.

    “2. What would you have lived on if you had been elected as a full-time councillor?”

    My salary as a Councillor!

    “3. You describe me (a life-long supporter of Scottish independence) as a 90 minute Nationalist. What does that make you, who lasted only a few months in that stance, before leaving in the huff?”

    I didn’t last only a few months Hamish, you got that wrong and you also got it badly wrong I left in the huff.

    I was told I was the victim of a smear campaign and it was confirmed by a third party independently, the allegations was I was a sexual pervert.

    “4. Anyone who believes they are always right is either the new Mohammed or a deluded nutter. Perhaps both”.

    Have you proved me wrong yet? Incidentally, my name is George Laird, not Mohammed.

    “Anyway, I don't suppose we will correspond again after Thursday”.

    Well, I don’t expect you to come back after you lose Hamish, defeat people like yourself seldom exhibit grace.



    Yours sincerely

    George Laird
    The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

  5. HAHAHA your letter to Hamish is priceless


  7. Mea culpa George, I thought local government councillors weren't paid.
    I find the salary in Glasgow is well below the average wage for a full-time job. I applaud you for taking the drop.

  8. George these are so good you need to up the output as be come closer to s day.the police force good idea except for Kenny robert green is guilty mck.could you not have got him sectioned to leverendale? Yours Crookie.

  9. I read today that the yes campaign are asking children to get their grandparents to become yes voters. Typical desperation from the @rseholes now. Vote NO,,, NEVER.

  10. Dear Hamish

    "Mea culpa George, I thought local government councillors weren't paid".

    You don't think the Sturgeon clique were doing it for the good of their health, surely not!

    "I find the salary in Glasgow is well below the average wage for a full-time job. I applaud you for taking the drop".

    As John Wayne famously said:

    "A man's gotta do what a man's gotta do"!

    Getting really close to you finishing on up this blog Hamish.

    I will be busy over the next few days, campaigning again tomorrow and then polling day.

    Yours sincerely

    George Laird
    The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

  11. is Hamish a jakey?

    You have been very lenient on him given that he has all the intellect of Neanderthal man

  12. Dear Anon

    "is Hamish a jakey?"


    "You have been very lenient on him given that he has all the intellect of Neanderthal man".

    Well, I can be very lenient, he wants to make an impression, so I let him try.

    If he scores a point it is a big deal to him. So, I let him go at it publicly.

    Yours sincerely

    George Laird
    The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

  13. George who is this hamish?

  14. Hello Hamish, are you there?
