Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Scottish independence: Fiona Scott tells Alex Salmond to stop invoking her late father’s name in independence debate, the reason, Alex Salmond has been accused by her of creating divisions across Scotland, I guess the Nationalist hate campaign wasn’t such a good idea, but hey, George Laird right again!

Dear All

You may remember as regular readers of this blog that I said the Scottish National Party under the leadership of Alex Salmond and unpopular Nicola Sturgeon is a nasty vicious vile poisonous clique.

Through-out this referendum, the SNP leadership has harassed hatred such as seen in gang warfare and in football rivalry as an instrument of terror to attempt to further their political ambitions regards the referendum.

The Nationalists let mean spirited idiots off the chain and allowed them to run wild like a pack of dogs. t the same time Alex Salmond and Nicola Sturgeon have stood back while their fools wrecked have havoc across Scotland.

Now, to prove yet again, George Laird is right again, the daughter of one of Alex Salmond’s school teachers has asked the First Minister to stop invoking her late father’s good name and memory. She also accused him of creating divisions across Scotland.

Fiona Scott’s father John Ferguson taught Mr Salmond maths at Linlithgow Academy, said he would have been appalled by the intimidation, violence and vandalism caused by the referendum.

Alex Salmond and Nicola Sturgeon could have stopped this at anytime but chose to remain more or less silent, while the animals descend on various people en masse; they attempted to portray themselves as victims.

Ms. Scott said her late father as a fair and compassionate man who hated “bullying”, bullying is something which Alex Salmond and Nicola Sturgeon allow even within their own party.

It is understandable that her family are upset and unhappy how Salmond had used his name over the years, referred to his teaching and beliefs.

In an explosive letter to a newspaper, she added:

“Freedom of speech is under threat. Relationships between neighbours are now threatened if you indicate which way you are voting. For these reasons and many others, on behalf of my family I respectfully request that Mr Salmond never mentions my father in public again as, were he alive, he would be appalled at what is happening across our country.”

Didn’t say for some time that the SNP doesn’t allow Freedom of Speech?

Yes, George Laird certainly did, the SNP is run like a cult, a party within a party, which functions as a one man band where dissent isn’t tolerated by the underlings or people who have a different opinion.

Mrs Scott wrote:

“I have heard on occasion that Mr Salmond still refers to my father's teaching and beliefs regarding education, suggesting he still holds my father in high regard. Dad was an honest and fair man who hated bullying and wanted the best for his pupils and his community. He hated any form of segregation or sectarianism. Mr Salmond has succeeded in creating divisions across Scotland that were not there before and that will still exist after the referendum, no matter which way the vote goes.”

100% credible analysis on the part of Mrs Scott; much like my own thoughts regarding how the SNP works and act against the people of Scotland.

Mr Scott also added something which I have repeatedly touched on regarding the Scottish National Party, the lack of education and fairness; she said they were at the forefront of everything her father did.

George Laird right again.

Sooner or later everyone comes around to the George Laird view.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. Hi Goerge - some ugly scenes continuing and threats of reckonings and a BBC Putsch to come. Where now for Scottish politics, if your expected No Vote comes to pass on Thursday/Friday? Have the SNP secured enough of their core vote to hold onto power in 2016? Will an SNP led by Sturgeon still make seperation at all cost their modus operandi, or can they govern for the good of all of Scotland? Will all the political parties rally round the 'Devo plus' or 'Devo Max' banner of Home Rule? Can Labour and the Lib Dems sieze the initiative, perhaps with some good people coming up from Westminster - Ming Campbell, Jim Murphy, Charles Kennedy,Margaret Curran,even Alistair Darling? A Scottish Parliament with 'teeth' cannot be allowed to be left the preserve of second rate politicians otherwise it is just a power vacuuum that will again be used as a Nationalis seperation vehicle.

  2. Alex Salmondis the biggest con man you'll ever get. Read today of a leaked report which says that NHS Scotland will face a £400 million shortfall. The SNP have deceived the people of Scotland big time over this issue. They are liars all. Believe them at your peril.

  3. Dear J F

    “some ugly scenes continuing and threats of reckonings and a BBC Putsch to come”.

    I would imagine I am on that list, but hey, meeting new people is what life is all about.

    “Where now for Scottish politics, if your expected No Vote comes to pass on Thursday/Friday?”

    A new centre right party is needed for Scotland.

    “Have the SNP secured enough of their core vote to hold onto power in 2016?”

    I expect them to lose majority, whether they get biggest amount of seats is anyone’s guess.

    “Will an SNP led by Sturgeon still make seperation at all cost their modus operandi, or can they govern for the good of all of Scotland?”

    Sturgeon cannot lead Scotland to indy, and they have one track mind, they govern for the good of themselves.

    “Will all the political parties rally round the 'Devo plus' or 'Devo Max' banner of Home Rule?”


    “Can Labour and the Lib Dems sieze the initiative, perhaps with some good people coming up from Westminster - Ming Campbell, Jim Murphy, Charles Kennedy,Margaret Curran,even Alistair Darling? “

    Depends who the Labour leader is, Johann Lamont I expect to step down in 2015 regardless what the result is.

    “A Scottish Parliament with 'teeth' cannot be allowed to be left the preserve of second rate politicians otherwise it is just a power vacuuum that will again be used as a Nationalis seperation vehicle”.

    Well, maybe a political party better offer me an MSP spot.

    Yours sincerely

    George Laird
    The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

  4. George,
    The storming of the BBC at the weekend has obviously had an effect. I was hoping someone would poke Dimbleby with a stick to see if he was still awake during the Salmond interview tonight. What a soft touch, he never asked a hard question, hardly pressed him for answers and let him ramble on dropping in all of hos slogans. He never even tried to ruffle him or take him out of his comfort zone. has the BBC rolled over like the CBI did?

  5. Dear Terry

    Salmond has been given an easy ride, after he loses and the BBC is safe, I think we will see a more direct approach taken towards him.

    Yours sincerely

    George Laird
    The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

  6. In answer to Terry summers, I think Mr Salmond is being given enough rope to hang himself with....

    The noose will be pulled tight soon enough.

    Either way if he loese, it will be the night of the long Claymores...

    If God forbid he wins, then he will never be able to keep the promises he has made.

    Far from being in a winning position, he is a man riding a tiger, and look how well that worked out-:)

  7. Problem we face that they all are liars. No one wants be to told bad news so they dress it up as good news.

    And if the Yes, vote were lost and I'm genuine thinking they may just win. However, if they lose then are all those re-registered voters and new voters split towards yes and no for I cannot believe that many care enough to vote no.

    The next election if the SNP, consider a rebound back to its first year voting levels possible (given the news voters, etc), that election probable SNP, reinvigerate a pledge that a vote for the SNP, vote for independence?

    Sneaky, although the SNP, cannot survive without the struggle, its their glue and without that core pledge the party is finished.
