Friday, August 15, 2014

World exclusive: Braveheart Hamish the 90 minute Nationalist turns up at George Laird blog without a complaint, in local news, failed SNP candidate Natalie McGarry has a bad haircut, teeth like Plug out of the Bash Street kids and bulging waistline, time you contacted her Hamish?

Dear Hamish

Is this the first time you have written to me without a complaint?

If so, does that constitute some sort of record?

How is the Scottish National Party’s independence campaign doing, are you actually doing anything yet?  

As a 90 minute Nationalist you should at least try just once to say you took part.

As you may not know, I was regarded by many as Glasgow SNP’s top Activist prior to the smear campaign run within the party against me.

Speaking of complaints, I had one about my contribution to save Scotland.

“You’re working too fast”!

The BBC (Manchester) have also got in contact with me asking me if I wanted to attend one of their radio programmes, as you know, I am the real Glaswegian working class voice in the independence debate read by thousands and the media.

I had to write back and decline the radio show as they were looking for undecided voters and I wasn’t prepared to pass myself as an undecided voter like the Nationalists have done in the past.

They wrote back and said they would be keen to use me some other time as they plan many BBC programmes on independence closer to the big day event.

Also the British Broadcasting Corporation ( in London has popped back again, different mob, seems people want to hear the George Laird view.

Now, to address your points:

“I seem to recall a photograph of a grumpy fat man (former fitness instructor) posing smugly with Nicola Sturgeon”.

Firstly, I am not a former anything, and as you can see by the picture available to view on Daily Record, I look quite presentable, this was unpopular Nicola Sturgeon’s 2011 celebration party which I was invited to. 

To your point of being “fat”, sadly and with deep regret I have to inform you I have a 34 inch waist. 

I am slimmer now than I was when that photograph was taken. I would contrast my contracting waist line with that of failed SNP Candidate Natalie McGarry. Ms McGarry can be viewed online wearing a T shirt which says, “I‘m a Nat!

I wonder if she has another T shirt which boldly declares, ‘I’m a Fat’!

You would think that someone with a bad haircut, bad teeth and looking like a burst couch would remedy matters in a timeous matter! 

Hamish, what’s the deal with her having teeth like Plug out of the Bash Street kids?

“Could we see it again please George”!

Available to view on the Daily Record in the article where the SNP tried to smear me as homophobic which led me to say enough’s enough dealing with the idiots Hamish.

Not doing so well since I left Hamish, did you notice that?

Apparently several in Glasgow SNP did which is why they stop by my blog regularly.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. Thanks for the good-natured rejoinder George.
    I will just reiterate that I am a life-long supporter of Scottish Independence, so hardly a 90 minute Nationalist.
    I have done my share of slogging up tenement stairs to deliver leaflets and persuade die-hard Labour voters to vote SNP.
    Some told us of visits from Labour heavies who suspected they might be defecting.

  2. Dear Hamish

    "I will just reiterate that I am a life-long supporter of Scottish Independence, so hardly a 90 minute Nationalist".


    "I have done my share of slogging up tenement stairs to deliver leaflets and persuade die-hard Labour voters to vote SNP".


    Did you ever campaign for Pollok SNP?

    I was generally the sole rank and file activist to come out in a branch of circa 130 members. You should see the dross turning out for them now, a sad story.

    "Some told us of visits from Labour heavies who suspected they might be defecting".


    Who is Us, Hamish?

    As to Labour heavies, isn't that an urban myth like alligators in the sewers?

    Also defecting to who?

    Salmond? Sturgeon? The SNP?

    I think not!

    In so far as my understanding voting is still secret in this country.

    Yours sincerely

    George Laird
    The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

  3. Dear George,
    I'm afraid you are naïve if you believe voting is secret in this country. When a ballot paper is handed to you, the unique serial number is entered beside your name on the electoral register.
    So the mechanism is there to find out how anyone voted. Experience tells me that if the mechanism is there, it will have been used.

  4. George, don't waste your considerable talents on entering discussions with Hamish and talking about Natalie McGarry. With less than 4 weeks to go its the SNP jugular you should be going for - Salmond Sturgeon et al. PS love the blog.

  5. Dear Hamish

    “I'm afraid you are naïve if you believe voting is secret in this country. When a ballot paper is handed to you, the unique serial number is entered beside your name on the electoral register”.

    Yes, I know this, I meant secret from the general public.

    “So the mechanism is there to find out how anyone voted. Experience tells me that if the mechanism is there, it will have been used”.

    I don’t think it will be used as you possibly think for sinister purposes but rather in the event of electoral fraud.

    Yours sincerely

    George Laird
    The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

  6. Dear PF

    Thank you for taking the time to drop by.

    “George, don't waste your considerable talents on entering discussions with Hamish and talking about Natalie McGarry”.

    Hamish is in need of re-education which I am happy to help out on; this is a guy blind by what is going on around him, as to Ms. McGarry, the loser of the Cowdenbeath by-election, my thoughts on her are well known, publicly unelectable.

    “With less than 4 weeks to go its the SNP jugular you should be going for - Salmond Sturgeon et al. PS love the blog”.

    Thank you for loving the blog, you will be delighted that the SNP also see it as a must read.

    Yours sincerely

    George Laird
    The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University
