Friday, August 22, 2014

Ukip’s Deputy leader Paul Nuttall needs to stop fuelling English resentment by using Scotland as a political football over how Scots spend their block grant, Scots don’t get ‘freebies’ we just spend our money differently

Dear All

Ukip needs to grow up from being a party of protest.

The name Ukip means United Kingdom Independence Party, so it is rather poor politics by them to engage in demands for an English parliament when one already exist and is called Westminster.

To fuel the grievance culture, Ukip has highlighted that there is widespread resentment south of the Border over Scottish-only “freebies”.

They are talking about things like prescription charges and tuition.

But lets us be clear, the “free prescriptions” aren’t free and neither is tuition, the cost is met by the taxpayers through taxation.

The policies adopted in Scotland are political choices made from the grant Scotland gets from Westminster.

Ukip wants into power in the UK beyond councilor level; they have had a very good Euro election result, their problem is that their network isn’t very well developed as the mainstream parties on the ground.

As to their notion that there needs to be a shift in the political balance of power after a referendum No vote, to appease English concerns.

That is a total no starter, there is no justification for another tier of government model on the Scottish Parliament in England.

Westminster will not allow it as it would weaken their authority.

Ukip deputy leader Paul Nuttall said:

“People are increasingly fed up with the Scots getting free prescriptions and university tuition fees and their MPs voting on laws that only apply to England.”

Nuttall added:

“The majority want a new English parliament dealing with English matters. It is plainly unfair that both Scottish and Welsh MPs can vote on English-only legislation but English MPs can have no say in Scotland and Wales. There clearly needs to a re-balancing of power – and sooner rather than later.”

It is absolute nonsense to spend the best part of a billion pounds because some people are unhappy that a few Scots have the same voting rights as English MPs.

Would an English Holyrood have the same problems of the Scottish one in terms of quality?
I believe it would, Holyrood is very much seen as a second class institution when compared with Westminster.

To be blunt, Holyrood as more than its fair share of cretins right across the chamber and political divide!

Eddie Bone, from the Campaign for an English Parliament, said

“English resentment” was being openly expressed across the country on issues such as higher public spending in Scotland.

The reason for higher public spending is an acknowledgment of the problems that Scotland faces but those problems also exist in the North East of England and Westminster also address that problem with higher cash allocations.

Eddie Bone added:

“If and when the Scots ‘bottle it’ on 18 September and vote no, they will see a stronger English voice because the people of England have had enough of Scottish self-indulgence.”

For a guy who wants an English Parliament, he expresses himself rather poorly and stupidly.

Canon Kenyon Wright warned last week that the Scottish Parliament could be “undermined” after a No vote and that cuts under the Barnett formula funding system, affecting the NHS and social security, could be undertaken as an act of “revenge”.

After a No Vote, there will be no acts of “revenge”, Westminster has had a wakeup call; they will be keen to let sleeping dogs lie.

And let’s face it only an idiot kicks over the hornets’ nest.

I don’t think David Cameron is that stupid!

Ukip need to stop doing student union politics, abandon grudge and grievance; sorted their party out; yes, identify problems and offer real solutions. Or just as 2014 was a good year, they might find 2015 will be a disaster of epic proportions.

Nigel Farge needs to tell his deputy to shut up and stop using the language of a crank!

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. Hello,I just wanted to know if you have seen the video of Jimmy Murphy mp being verbally abused by yes Scotland supporters in Motherwell.disgracefull behaviour from them,what happened to free speech .So much for the positive campaign.

  2. Dear Anon

    The SNP and their supporters have never run a positive campaign through-out the entire referendum despite saying this.

    It is and will continue as a hate campaign as you can see online. Intimidation is being used to silence free speech and opinion.

    It will get worse, the SNP and their cohorts know they are going to lose rather badly.

    Yours sincerely

    George Laird
    The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

  3. It would be fine if you had some free speech to fill with non scare mongering falsehoods. You are very wrong about the yes campaign losing badly and it is clear where your vote is going. To suggest a hate campaign is a tactic of the yes campaign is to flatter yourself rather pathetically. I have seen no more trolling online from yes campaigners than I have seen from no campaigners as there is clearly no need. You can pretend different but you are only fooling yourself and are lying to feed your own denial. You sir are the one doing the bad-mouthing here. That is the typical. Contradictions and avoidance. No-ones fault but your own campaigns dismal efforts. If you post this I also would be very surprised. Proving my point.
    Good day.

  4. It would be fine if you had some free speech to fill with non scare mongering falsehoods. You are very wrong about the yes campaign losing badly and it is clear where your vote is going. To suggest a hate campaign is a tactic of the yes campaign is to flatter yourself rather pathetically. I have seen no more trolling online from yes campaigners than I have seen from no campaigners as there is clearly no need. You can pretend different but you are only fooling yourself and are lying to feed your own denial. You sir are the one doing the bad-mouthing here. That is the typical. Contradictions and avoidance. No-ones fault but your own campaigns dismal efforts. If you post this I also would be very surprised. Proving my point.
    Good day.

  5. It would be fine if you had some free speech to fill with non scare mongering falsehoods. You are very wrong about the yes campaign losing badly and it is clear where your vote is going. To suggest a hate campaign is a tactic of the yes campaign is to flatter yourself rather pathetically. I have seen no more trolling online from yes campaigners than I have seen from no campaigners as there is clearly no need. You can pretend different but you are only fooling yourself and are lying to feed your own denial. You sir are the one doing the bad-mouthing here. That is the typical. Contradictions and avoidance. No-ones fault but your own campaigns dismal efforts. If you post this I also would be very surprised. Proving my point.
    Good day.

  6. charge61 - Rightyo!

    And the video filmed in Motherwell by Yes supporters, showing Yes supporters publicily heckling / abusing a no supporter, is not a hate tactic?

    Where has been the condemnation from either Yes Scotland or the SNP? Despite having an opposing view to theirs, Jim Murphy is allowed to possess it and, democratically, can articulate it if he so chooses.

    Yes Scotland / YeSNP may not be co-ordinating these lynch mobs, but their lack of voice on such issues sure as hell makes them complicit in the actions.

    If the roles were reversed, the internet would be screaming with apoplectic Yes supporters decrying that their free speech was being denied. Everyone from BT through the MSM to Westminster itself would be implicated in the suppression of Yes!

    We are supposed to be politically different up here - where is the much-vaunted "positive yes" campaign these days? If Yes are destined to win and the positive campaign has pushed it there, why the need for such tactics this late in the campaign?

  7. The NHS is closing the doors.
    Thousands losing their disabilty benefits. Etc, etc. Blah blah.
    Yes Nicola put a bit of fear into voters!
    Positive campaign? Ha ha.

  8. It's a campaign. You would expect to get heckled, that's what politics is about. The nicey, nicey choreographed party conferences that Saatchi and Saatchi started seem to have fooled people into thinking that we all just turn up and not dare to disagree with the leadership. Now we can't tell Tory from Libdem from Labour.

    Much of the Yes campaign is made up from disaffected socialists and free thinkers who lost their parties to those who are further to the right than Thatcher was. Get a grip and get out there and start winning the Labour Party back from the neoliberalists (nothing whatsoever to do with the former Liberal Party) that have hijacked it. You won't do that without causing a fuss.

  9. For those still ignorant of the fact that the SNP do not run the YES campaign, need to realise that ordinary people take offence to the lies, fearmongering and propaganda spouted by the Better Together campaign.

    The referendum has woken people up in Scotland to the politics of Westminster in relation to Scotland and have had enough.

    Representatives from the NO campaign have declined to debate the issues time and time again since the earlier debates showed a strong leaning towards YES and a more informed public recognise when they are being lied to.

    The NO campaign must now hope that their fearmongering and lies will carry the day as they have comprehensively lost the arguments, but with help from the mainstream media, may still win the vote.
