Monday, August 25, 2014

Scottish independence, the ‘Clowns of Wrath’, Elaine C Smith says women aren’t getting heard enough, unpopular Nicola Sturgeon and odious Natalie McGarry have talked enough, the hate evident in Scotland is proof enough of that self evident truth

Dear All

Yesterday, I was out and about and ended up talking to a female voter, I wasn’t on the campaign trail but despite that, it seems that politics seems to find me, even on a Sunday.

The woman was No Voter, you could say, she was a very strong No Voter and also a strong hater of Scotland’s ‘jolly fat man’ Alex Salmond.

It seems in Pollok that Alex Salmond isn’t a ‘cute wee honey’.

This woman, I am finding is typical of the resentment that Alex Salmond has generated against him through-out the disgraceful independence campaign that he has run in conjunction with unpopular Nicola Sturgeon.

Actress Elaine C Smith who played Mary Doll in Rab C Nesbit has been a leading campaigner and cultural voice in the Scottish independence movement. She has also taken part in SNP activities such as ‘Ask Alex’.

No one is in any doubt where she stands on independence.

In the final weeks of Salmond’s dying career, we are seeing the hate, the bile and the Nationalist madness starting to reach fever pitch. If you take time, the Labour MP Jim Murphy’s 100 day tour is a good place to stop by to watch it. He found the ‘mob’ descend on him in Shawlands, and also in Motherwell. On Twitter, I made the comment that watching the Nationalist mob was like watching the ‘middle ages’ live!

Elaine C Smith has admitted the SNP campaign has failed to capture the imagination of women.

Smith sits on the board of Yes Scotland which is described as an SNP front even by a former employee.

How exactly are women to get excited by total rubbish?

The Scottish independence campaign by the SNP is pure vacuous, there is no plan, no vision, no hope and plenty of lies, petty gimmicks and deception.

You can expect two things by the SNP and their cohorts as they twist and turn to escape their destiny to lose, unbridled hate and deception.

Smith seems to believe that women are still ‘making their mind up’, but we should remember that only 27 per cent of women were in favour of independence, compared to 39 per cent of men.

Newsflash, they already have made their mind up and the answer is No!

As well as sitting on the board of Yes Scotland, she also sits on Women for Independence along with the odious Natalie McGarry.

Elaine C Smith says that women aren’t getting heard enough in this debate, so let’s hear from Natalie McGarry.

Time for her quote:

“I've made it! At last I've been designated non-Jedi by the great sage that is @georgemlaird Want a laugh? Here ya go: …

To explain what this means, Natalie McGarry linked my blog to the hate account @georgemlaird and tried to pass off this account as belonging to me. Unfortunately for her, computers have a facility called ‘save as’.

And I did.

That account was setup and run by someone McGarry knows well and has socialised with.

Among other things her “associate” branded me a paedophile.

McGarry’s name has been passed onto Police Scotland along with Shona McAlpine and Jonathan Mackie in a criminal investigation which is still waiting to go to trial.

Natalie McGarry, Shona McAlpine and Jonathan Mackie are all connected to Nicola Sturgeon.

Nicola Sturgeon is currently blocking me on twitter; it seems that the ‘social justice campaigner’ doesn’t want to speak about why the SNP Data Controller broke the law in regards to my data subject access request.

It appears Ms. Sturgeon is one woman who doesn’t want to speak which seems to be at odds with Elaine C Smith’s assessment of women can’t get heard enough.

Today, I saw the video of unpopular Nicola Sturgeon doing the icebucket challenge; she can make plenty of time to get try and get a vote cache. When it comes to saving Scots women who need cancer drugs, she just can’t spare the time to make sure the same cancer drugs available in England are available to Scots women.

Smith added:

“For me, in many ways a No vote is about saying to the couple of thousand people who hold all the power down in London, those elites from Westminster and the City, ‘There you are, you just keep the power, because we don’t really want it. We’re not good enough, bright enough and strong enough to deal with it’.

I wonder if Elaine C Smith after reading this blog post would say; that unpopular Nicola Sturgeon and odious Natalie McGarry were not good enough, bright enough and ethical enough?

My view is that unpopular Nicola Sturgeon and odious Natalie McGarry have talked enough! 

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. Strangely enough I met Sturgeon and Natalie today.
    Both putting on the beef. Both with bad haircuts. Almost sure one was wearing a wig.
    Living high on the hog.

  2. Women aren't stupid. They know in an Independant Scotland the rich will get richer and the poor will get poorer. So they will stick to what they know. They arent stupid Elaine they just know your bullshitting them.

  3. Dear Anon

    “Strangely enough I met Sturgeon and Natalie today”.

    What a treat for you.

    “Both putting on the beef”.

    Food can do that to a person if they don’t watch out, especially round the gut!

    “Both with bad haircuts”.

    I watched Planet of the Apes starring Helena Bonham-Carter who plays Zira. Ms. Sturgeon and Zira both have the same haircut!

    “Almost sure one was wearing a wig”.

    Seems other people are interested as well.

    “Living high on the hog”.

    Well their balloon will be getting burst rather shortly.

    Yours sincerely

    George Laird
    The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

  4. Are there any credible members who could become capable party leader, or are they simply stopped from getting that high?

    Having read about the likes (and tweets) of Sturgeon and McGarry, and also Wishart, Hosie and A. Robertson, the spirit does sink and I'm not even an SNP supporter.

    Wishart in particular achieves the dubious double honour of being prize fool and loose cannon, in my opinion.
