Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Scottish independence: Scotland’s unpopular Deputy First Minster Nicola Sturgeon loses a senior female SNP Councillor as Lesley McDonald walks out to join the Labour Party after 30 years of membership, working class councillor felt she no longer belonged in the SNP, the party doesn’t represent working class Scots

Dear All

Under Scotland's 'jolly fat man' Alex Salmond and unpopular Nicola Sturgeon, the Scottish National Party has turned into a 'rat ship'.

I have been saying this for some considerable time, and urge ordinary SNP members to not just abandon the Scottish independence campaign but to get out of the party altogether.

Senior SNP Councillor Lesley McDonald has sensationally quit the SNP after being a member for more than 30 years.

I guess SNP Councillor Lesley McDonald who has just resigned and joined the Labour Party didn't consider Alex Salmond to be a 'cute little honey' like the halfwit who left the SNP to join Labour to campaign for independence under the farce of Labour4indy.

In this year, the biggest in SNP history, people are walking away from Salmond and Sturgeon.


There is something which has gone terribly wrong in the party.

And you can trace that back by simply typing into Google, 'SNP Vote Rigging'.

The SNP is run as a clique; it isn't a political party but rather a cover for the Alex Salmond party.

You only have to look at who gets promoted forward to come to your own conclusions of what and who they stand for.

They don't stand for ordinary working class Scots.

Lesley McDonald has clearly decided that enough's enough and so went off and joined the ruling Labour Group on South Lanarkshire Council.

When someone like McDonald leaves, it shows how rotten the SNP has become, the Alex Salmond party is like a cancer rotting the entire nationalist body politic in Scotland. It is said that Councillor McDonald took the decision to join the Labour Group following a long period of contemplation.

I didn't leave the SNP because I wasn't picked as an SNP candidate; I left because I was the subject of a nasty vicious smear campaign that the senior leadership covered up.

When I see Nicola Sturgeon being promoted as a social justice campaigner, I know that is an utter lie. I complained to the senior SNP leadership of how I was being treated and Alex Salmond, Nicola Sturgeon and her husband, the SNP Chief Executive Peter Murrell did nothing. It became clear to me that I hadn't joined a political party; I was supporting a self serving clique who used working class people to further their own ends. So I like many others just abandoned them.

I went and took my ideas with me, in previous SNP newsletters, I found things I proposed being done, such as the ambassador programme and street stalls among other things such as social media. In Jan 2012 when I left, the next election Glasgow was the Council election, that was a disaster of epic proportions. The campaign was led by Team Sturgeon, it was commented to me by others in the SNP that this was a crony's election, and how that showed in the results. People who didn't campaign but knew unpopular Nicola Sturgeon got candidacies having done effectively no work for the party.

In Govan, every candidate was connected to Nicola Sturgeon.

Now, in Govan, there is no SNP Councillor, the last one was the inept and useless Allison Hunter who couldn't be bothered to come out and be an activist, I can count on one hand the number of times she turned up. What I found rich was that she had the cheek to abuse me at the 2010 Westminster Count by swearing at me because I hadn't done ballot sampling, this done in front of others. The point, I would make is on that episode is no one had asked me. So, when I see trying Alex Salmond and others trying to re-write her history that she was some kind of force, it doesn't tie up with what I knew of her.

She wasn't a leader of men because leaders don't treat people below them badly, plainly Allison Hunter didn't understand teamwork and leadership. The Glasgow SNP Cllr Group was nothing but a rabble of malcontents under her inept leadership. The Deputy leader Billy McAllister was recently done at Glasgow Sheriff Court for threatening a disabled man, Allison Hunter had allowed the SNP Group to fester instead of welding together a political force to hold the Glasgow Labour Party to account.

But we should also remember Nicola Sturgeon isn't having the last laugh, she now sees her attempt at Scottish independence dying around each day as more people desert the sinking ship. After the defeat in September, Nationalists will look for someone to blame, I suggest they focus on the leadership of Salmond, Sturgeon and Murrell. Lots of people have climbed onboard the Nationalist bandwagon, some in the hope they will benefit from it, oh what a shock they are in for when they see it all implode in their faces and then realise there is nothing in it for them.

How quickly Nicola's new friends will disappear.  

Lesley McDonald is now a new Labour councillor because felt she no longer belonged in the SNP.

She said:

“It was the best option to join Labour. I want what is the best for the people of Larkhall and I will be able to do this more as a member of the Labour Group. I will continue the fight for the Labour Party.”

Councillor Jackie Burns, depute leader of the council, said:

“I welcome what must have been a difficult decision to abandon the negative and divisive policies of the SNP. Lesley has been at odds with the direction of the SNP Group on the council for some time, and is the fifth councillor in recent times to give up on the SNP and has followed John McNamee and Bert Thomson and joined the Labour Party. In Larkhall it has been clear Lesley focused on dealing with the issues raised by constituents and helping them. She has been out of step with her former colleagues’ obsession with the referendum at the expense of proper representation.”

Quite so ma'am!

That's 'Government on pause' for those Nationalist readers who drop by to read the blog.

It seems that Nicola has lost another woman, not very good at keeping men and not very good at keeping women.

I guess the 'face of independence' (Sturgeon) and the 'buffoon of independence' (Salmond) have a personnel problem.

SNP Councillor Lesley McDonald did the right thing deserting a sinking ship, it is a pity that Richard Walker of the Sunday Herald didn't get the opportunity to sit her down and grill her. People are leaving because of factual matters, although 'hope and aspiration' is useful, it helps if it is done by a party that believes in it. Dreadfully inept Allison Hunter once said everything the SNP do is a stepping stone towards independence, she got that wrong, every done should be a stepping stone to make someone's life better.

Soon everyone with any sense will clear out and let the SNP leadership stew in their juices because, "it is the right thing to do".

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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