Thursday, February 13, 2014

Scottish independence: George Osborne shatters the SNP by destroying the myth that Scotland could keep the pound, SNP fail to have a back up plan on currency, they are amazed by their own sheer incompetence and think they are still strategic masterminds

Dear All

Chancellor George Osborne is a Tory that people love to hate, he isn’t popular and he doesn’t care either.

The boy simply loves sticking the boot into people.

George Osborne latest kick in the political nuts has been directed to Scotland’s ‘jolly fat man’ Alex Salmond.

He declared today he would not sign up to a currency union with an independent Scotland.

And went further by declaring that such a deal would "not work" and was "not going to happen" in the future.

Is that definite enough for Alex Salmond and Scotland’s unpopular Deputy First Minister Nicola Sturgeon?

It’s No, it always was No, get it now, sunk in yet?


To ram the message home, George Osborne travelled to Edinburgh to send the message to Alex Salmond's Scottish Government.

Salmond and Sturgeon had pinned their hopes on a sterling zone to try and garner votes while at the same time sitting on their collective asses doing nothing.

Now, they will be forced to do the work they should have done for independence, it’s too late now, and all the effort will be for nothing or they can continue with the same con trick on Scottish voters.

The game is up!

Osborne said:

"The SNP says that if Scotland becomes independent, there will be a currency union and Scotland will share the pound. People need to know that is not going to happen. Because sharing the pound is not in the interests of either the people of Scotland or the rest of the UK."

A question I keep coming back to is: “Where’s the A Team”, Salmond and Sturgeon loaded up their cronies in Government and Yes Scotland seen as an SNP front shell company, they are now paying the price.

The cronies haven’t delivered, but worse than that they have been shown to be inept.
In the spirit of ‘it’s not me but experts’; he bluntly said that official advice from civil servants on the key issue of currency was that "they would not recommend a currency union to the Government of the continuing UK".

Osborne added:

"Listening to that advice, looking at the analysis myself, it is clear to me I could not, as Chancellor, recommend that we could share the pound with an independent Scotland.
"The evidence shows that it wouldn't work, it would cost jobs and cost money. It wouldn't provide economic security for Scotland or for the rest of the United Kingdom."

The cherry he also added was:

"I don't think any other Chancellor of the Exchequer would come to a different view."

Danny Alexander, the Liberal Democrat Chief Secretary to the Treasury also joined in and agreed with Osborne's remarks on a currency union.

He said:

"The SNP continue to pretend that an independent Scotland could continue to share the pound. It couldn't, without agreement. And because a currency wouldn't work for anyone, it simply isn't going to happen. The SNP now need to work out what their alternative currency proposal is and set it out openly."

Looks like Alex Salmond and unpopular Nicola Sturgeon have yet again been outplayed, outwitted and outclassed.

Alexander then decided to attack the angry wee Nat Nicola Sturgeon that the "Westminster establishment" was attempting to bully Scotland ahead of the referendum.

Alexander said:

"This isn't bluff, or bullying, it's a statement of fact”.

So much for SNP masterminds!

Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg told LBC radio:

"The point that George Osborne and Danny Alexander, on behalf of my party, and Ed Balls, on behalf of the Labour Party, are making is that if you analyse what you need to make sure that a currency union is successful, it is very difficult to make that successful if you are pulling apart in so many other ways. This is not to try to browbeat anybody. This is to say `Let's take a clear look at the facts. It's not an easy circle to square to say we are going to pull apart in one direction, but keep the currency in the other'."

The Scottish independence campaign is now dead and buried, only the SNP leadership will keeop it going to try and secure their own leadership positions, but it is clear that Salmond and Sturgeon’s brand of rich man’s Nationalism stinks to high heaven.

Salmond’s Fiscal Commission Working Group, set up by Mr Salmond, said that keeping sterling as the currency in an independent Scotland would be ''sensible'.'

That option is now off the table.

It was probably reinforced as a goner when Salmond stupidly started to issues threats over defaulting on Scotland's share of the UK debt.

That should never have been said in a million years, if this was a campaign tactic, it was the actions of a fool.

People see Salmond as a heavyweight politician, in terms of the dross at Holyrood he stands out, but the real weight comes from around his waist and his big gob.

After this bombshell, he will be slightly less gobby, his plans are destroyed, his campaign is dead, his foot soldiers are deserting and everything he tries is a complete waste of time.

So, I will ask the question again:

“Where’s the A Team Alex”?

In an act of denial, Sturgeon dismissed the Chancellor's remarks as "campaign rhetoric" ahead of September's independence vote.

As I say, Salmond and Sturgeon are too stupid, too lazy and too inept to lead Scotland to independence, today shows George Laird right again.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. SNP are demanding the UK pound. Demanding, threatening, cajoling and a really childish statement that they won't honour the Scottish share of the debt.
    Seems that they're the ones doing the bullying.
    Nope, no dancing to this jig.

  2. Was funny even last night with the nats (Stewart Hosie, newsnet and whinge over Scotland) in denial saying that the reports were false and that Osborne would not officially rule out a currency union.

    Now that the currency union has now been officially torpedoed by all three partys shows there is no plan B. Far too much work involved for all the civil servants employed to write the rough guide to Eckistan.

    The white paper taunted as the most comprehensive blueprint for independence is now not worth the paper its printed on(not that it ever was).

  3. Was funny even last night with the nats (Stewart Hosie, newsnet and whinge over Scotland) in denial saying that the reports were false and that Osborne would not officially rule out a currency union.

    Now that the currency union has now been officially torpedoed by all three partys shows there is no plan B. Far too much work involved for all the civil servants employed to write the rough guide to Eckistan.

    The white paper taunted as the most comprehensive blueprint for independence is now not worth the paper its printed on(not that it ever was).

  4. Osborne sunk them with a massive explosion of facts of life, even Yes donkeys members on the board want a plan B now. Alex Salmond blew the best chance of indy ever

  5. this independence campaign is such a joy to watch, the SNP sliding downwards with each passing day, how these people thought they were fit to govern beggar's belief George. I love this blog, strong articles and no messing.

  6. No means no, so we aren't getting the pound, the SNP will do U turn, they have previously. Probably say in a month from now.

  7. I think Salmond will be keeping hyis British pensions George
