Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Scottish independence: Play-Doh is the Yes campaign's secret weapon; there is a genuine lack of talent in the SNP front Yes Scotland, Salmond and Sturgeon’s cronies need a pep talk to motivate them in their disastrous campaign

Dear All

The Scottish National Party likes to give the impression that they are super smart and have all the answers to Scotland’s problems.

That isn’t the case, the SNP leadership has to heavily rely on the wits of others, as I have continually stressed; there is a genuine lack of lack in SNP.

YES Scotland is seen by many as an SNP front; it is staffed by the SNP, funded by the SNP for the benefit of the SNP.

Now, the Yes SNP front company is having its spending decisions questioned. And you will love this, it has emerged the organisation hired a consultant who gave a presentation to staff involving Play-Doh.


Yes, you really can’t make it!

Claire Howell, who is Alex Salmond's personal performance adviser, was master mind behind the Play-Doh, apparently sit in the ‘sandpit’ playing with play-doh is aimed at motivating pro-independence campaigners.

A better motivation would be to sack a few to encourage the others after a review of their work!

One senior source dismissed the session as "cod-Harvard rubbish".

What a pay day for Ms. Howell, it seems the old adgae of fools and their money soon parted has substance.

Yes Scotland is said to be having cash flow problems, however the pasty in charge, former BBC head of news and current affairs Blair Jenkins has strenuously denied these rumours.

Who is stupid enough to want to fund Salmond and Sturgeon’s cronies?

Yes Scotland is a crony ridden pit full with the SNP clique, however they had padded it out with a few Greens, the SNP are the meat, the Greens are the Veggies!

When people jump ship it is usually a bad sign, recent two senior members of its team: director of communications Susan Stewart and operations chief, Jacqui Caldwell have walked.

Time for a quote by Scotland’s unpopular Deputy First Minister Nicola Sturgeon:

“This is our big chance”!

Sadly for her, the reality of the situation is that she has no chance, as the ‘face of independence” she plays a large part and is responsible for the failure of this organisation.

Ms. Sturgeon isn’t as clever in most of the big issues, George Laird got it 100% right, and Sturgeon got it 100% wrong.

At Yes Scotland, Howell interviewed potential staff members and was said to be the driving force of coming up with the independence "ambassador" programme.

In 21/07/2010, I wrote a document for the SNP regarding the exact same concept:

“The aim of the programme is to create ‘local ambassadors’ and raise the profile of the SNP with the Maryhill/Springburn branch area”.

Whereas many of the ideas I have come up with have been used by the SNP and Yes Scotland, although I gave these ideas for free, sources close to Yes Scotland queried the decision to hire Howell, who, one insider said, "does not come cheap".

Howell doesn’t come cheap nor apparently does she appear to be ahead of George Laird.

At the now infamous play-doh meeting, Howell reportedly gave all the participants items including Play-Doh and string.

They were instructed to make something with the Play-Doh that symbolised what they were trying to achieve.

Presumably no one said “fuck off I have work to do without having to deal with this shite”!

One SNP MSP said he was "not a fan" of Howell's techniques, while another said he thought some of her ideas could be seen as "gobbledegook".

And we should remember that there is a genuine lack of talent in the ranks of the SNP MSPs who are little more than drones.

A source however got one thing right, too many directors and consultants is not a good use of the use of the budget.

Previously I was calling for a review, however, it seemed that Alex Salmond and Nicola Sturgeon loaded the organization with their cronies who are sucking it dry financially.

90 minutes Nationalists who will disappear once the Scottish independence defeat comes a calling!

Early on Alex Salmond put pressure on the organization securing one million signatures; it was an incredibly stupid stunt from Scotland’s ‘jolly fat man’ who had never done an assessment to work out the logistics of collecting such a vast number.

Alex Salmond isn’t as clever, it’s all hype coupled with smoke and mirrors; the man’s an utter buffoon.

Howell stopped working for Yes Scotland about three months ago, presumably getting out while the going is good; no point in hanging about for the coming landslide of defeat.

She is the chief executive of the Really Effective Development Co, which offers courses in "personal and organisational development".

Personally, I think such stuff is for idiots who have more money than sense, and you can’t buy sense.

A spokesperson for Better Together said:

"If you want to know just how messed up things have become in Alex Salmond's independence campaign, just picture Blair Jenkins and his directors sitting about a room while a highly-paid guru gets them to imagine their future using only a child's toy."

If I was given the task, I would have made a tea bag with the play-doh and string, or if I was feeling like being cheeky I would have made a tampon complete with string with the word 'Freedom' written in the play-doh.

If asked what this is by Howell, I would say it is an adaptation of the movie, “there will be blood” and make the comment, “I am working with a bunch of fannies”!

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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