Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Scottish independence: Nicola Sturgeon and the SNP slammed for their failure to deal with unsafe A&E departments, major health scandal sees Nicola Sturgeon at the wheel, the ‘Curse of Sturgeon’ continues to haunt the Nationalists!

Dear All

Scotland’s unpopular Deputy First Minister Nicola Sturgeon spent years as an angry wee Nat, then she suddenly became all caring and sharing.

Being a crony of Salmond she was gifted the Health brief by Salmond.

Health was supposed to be the SNP’s flagship policy and was spun by the SNP as a startling success.

Time for a quote by Alex Salmond:

“my problem is that I have too many talented people and not enough Cabinet positions”.

Does anyone thing that statement stands up now?

We are slowly finding out that Nicola Sturgeon wasn’t the “superstar” that was portrayed by the SNP as getting things done in Health, a few areas and targets were concentrated on but the big picture escaped her.

We now have SNP ministers denying that Scotland’s A&E had been in crisis for nine months after health professionals warned them about utter chaos on the wards.

As is the old and too familiar story when it comes to Deputy First Minister Nicola Sturgeon, she was given a stark warning by the College of Emergency Medicine last April and was less than a superstar in getting things fixed.

The vast majority of accident and emergency departments were found to be unsafe for patients.

Where was Nicola?

The woman who was so keen to take a Minister’s salary, was she off doing one of her little vanity projects at the expense of patient safety?

The College of Emergency Medicine survey of clinical leads at all 24 A&E departments found 15 believed their department was unsafe on a weekly basis.

If that came across Nicola Sturgeon’s desk it should have sent the alarm bells ringing non-stop.

Another six said their unit was unsafe monthly because of a drastic shortage of ward beds.

The situation only came to light because of a high-profile campaign conducted by the Daily Record.

Then and only then did Nicola Sturgeon’s successor Alex Neil finally crack and man up to admit to the crisis.

Scottish Labour health spokesman Neil Findlay has demanded an inquiry by Holyrood’s health committee into the scandal.

He said:

“Why did it take almost a year for the SNP to acknowledge and act upon what the experts on the ground had told them?

He added:

“Why did Nicola Sturgeon not fix the problem when she was in charge?”

Findlay also said:

“Why did Alex Neil wait until newspapers were telling him that our hospitals were at breaking point before he was dragged into action?”

Was there a cover up because this related to when Nicola Sturgeon was in charge of health?

Lib Dem health spokesman Jim Hume said:

“Rather than take steps to save countless patients from long waits and the increased risk of bed sores, the Scottish Government buried the report and pretended all was well.”

Tory health spokesman Jackson Carlaw said:

“There is mounting evidence that what Nicola Sturgeon left behind in the health brief was nothing short of chaotic. This is another story of warnings ignored – and patients paid the price.”

The SNP parachuted Scotland’s unpopular Deputy First Minister Nicola Sturgeon out of Health before the scandals broke so as to present her as a ‘clean skin’.

But the truth is coming slowly but surely to the surface, Nicola Sturgeon, the ‘face of independence’ was asleep at the helm.

Dozens of NHS staff and patients started to ring the Record to lift the lid on the Sturgeon crisis.

Dr Jason Long, chairman of the Scottish board of the College of Emergency Medicine, confirmed the Scottish Government had been warned about chaos in A&E during Nicola Sturgeon’s stint as Health Minister, well before the winter.

He said:

“It was exactly the sort of thing we said was going to happen.”

It seems that Nicola Sturgeon isn’t the ‘go to’ person when the shit hits the fan regarding patient safety.

Nicola Sturgeon’s current patient is the Yes Scotland Campaign, the vitals are low, they aren’t getting enough oxygen and diagnosis is that there is terminal decline.

So far the way Nicola Sturgeon has handled that project we aren’t expecting the ‘birth of nation’ but rather the delivery of a stinking corpse!

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University     

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