Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Scottish independence: Alex Salmond says Scotland on cusp of a second oil boom; First Minister of Scotland claims "is not readily supported by the evidence" says academic report from Glasgow University, Salmond hoisted by his own petard again!

Dear All

Its official as in an official fairytale, by Alex Salmond, Scotland is on the verge of a second oil boom.

Now, that bedtime story is out of the way, the reality, Alex Salmond’s claim that Scotland is on the cusp of a second oil boom has been thrown out the window by a new report.

Short verison, Salmond stood on his hind legs, pre or post Curry, and utter ‘second Oil boom’.

And by the wonder of magic, it didn’t happen.

Alex Salmond, First Minister of Scotland claims "is not readily supported by the evidence", warns the Centre for Public Policy for Regions (CPPR).

That’s code for talking out his ass!

When comes to politics, evidence and the truth remain the strongest currency, sadly Alex Salmond is trying to introduce a new currency called ‘the liar’ which isn’t similar to the Italian Lira.

The ‘Liar’ is a product which hasn't any monetary value in domestic or internal markets, you can’t give it away.

Analysis based on the latest oil forecasts from the CPPR think-tank warns Scotland will plunge deeper into the red than the rest of the UK this year.

That is possible code for third dip recession; however as part of the UK, the overall UK GDP will keep Scotland afloat.

Finance Secretary John Swinney insisted Scotland would remain better off than the rest of the UK, is that what he is saying in private?

Alistair Darling, head of the Better Together campaign, said the Glasgow University-based body's study was "devastating" for the SNP.

That’s code for fucked!

While the SNP undermine what little trust they have left with Scots, the Better Together campaign pushes forward, and informed choice is what is required, and so far the SNP have precious little to show for the best part of a year campaigning.

Failure to achieve all objectives to win over the public!

CPPR report states:
"Even if North Sea revenues turn out towards the top of the range projected in the Scottish Government's Oil and Gas Analytical Bulletin, it would not mean a return to anything like the level of revenues seen in the early 1980s. To suggest some sort of new oil tax revenue boom is about to emerge is not readily supported by the evidence."

Mr Darling said:

"This is devastating for the nationalists. Betting a country's economic future on such a volatile and declining resource isn't credible."

And add to it, that since nothing has been done in government, the Yes Scotland/SNP campaign is built on sand, and easily gives way.

Co-author, economist John McLaren said:

"Scotland's mainland fiscal balance ... is heavily in deficit, both in absolute terms and relative to the UK's”.

And during Alex Salmond’s entire time as First Minister, he never addressed the real problems, as the SNP see Holyrood as a part time 9 to 5 job, a few days a week.

McLaren added:  

"This position improves considerably once a geographic share of North Sea revenues is added in. As the Scottish Government's Fiscal Commission pointed out ... the objective should be to achieve as close to an overall onshore budget balance as possible."

Oil cannot sustain Scotland, the country hasn’t been set up for independence, the ‘talent’ isn’t there in the Scottish National Party, and no work has been done.

All the SNP has left is spin, but no matter how many lies they tell to hoodwink the people, the truth always remains the truth.

The Scottish Independence Campaign is dead, Alex Salmond and Nicola Sturgeon don’t have the support of the people, and the government is incompetent.

The cherry on the cake, academics analysis shows that Salmond is playing people as suckers by misleading them.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. The Ministry of Truth is on the rampage. He really should have treated the electorate with a bit more respect. His claims on a second oil boom are so transparently lies. Milk and lashings of honey for us all. I am really sick listening to all this nonsense. No wonder people think all politicians are liars.

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  3. George,

    You cannot be hung by a petard - you might get blown up by one but not hung.
