Wednesday, March 27, 2013

David Miliband quits as MP to run charity in the good ole US of A, huge loss to British politics, and huge loss to the Labour Party, he was the leader that Labour never had and should have!

Dear All

One of the interesting stories to emerge in politics is that Labour MP David Miliband is resigning as an MP.

He currently represents South Shields; he will be a big loss to the Labour and politics in Britain.

But when opportunity calls, it is best to answer, he is off to America to work in a charity organisation.

Since he lost to his brother Ed Miliband the leadership of the Labour Party, he has removed himself from the front bench, although offered more or less a blank cheque in the Shadow Cabinet.

So, he is off to take a senior role at the International Rescue Committee (IRC).

In a statement to his constituency party, David Miliband said:

“After the leadership election, I felt I could be most helpful to the party on the front line, in South Shields and around the country, rather than on the front bench in Parliament. I will forever be Labour. But after writing two election manifestoes in 1997 and 2001, and serving as a minister for eight years, I now have to make a choice about how to give full vent to my ideas and ideals. I hope you will understand that the opportunity to lead the IRC represents a unique chance to put my experience into practice on behalf of some of the least fortunate people on Earth.”

His brother is said to be “delighted” at IRC role, but it is a blow to him, one less quality MP in the ranks, David Miliband was a big beast in the Westminster Village, known for his brains rather than volume.

The move triggers a by-election in his South Shields seat in May which I expect will return a Labour MP.
Ed Miliband said that he was “delighted” at his brother’s appointment.

As to his new role, the IRC has personnel on the ground in Iraq and is one of the largest providers of humanitarian assistance in the Congo, although I can’t say I have heard of them, his presence will raise their profile, for the charity it is a coup..

He will take on the post of chief executive officer, replacing Dr George Rupp.

Toby Perkins, MP for Chesterfield, said it was “a big loss to British and Labour politics”.

I think this is grossly an understatement, David Miliband at present is the Labour leader that Labour never had, but who knows, maybe one day he will wander back in the fight, he was backed by the majority of MPs and party members in his bid for leadership, but lost when the unions swung their support behind Ed.
David Miliband, is married to American violinist Louise Shackelton and has two children, was a key adviser to Tony Blair before entering parliament in June 2001.

I wish him good luck!

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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